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Montana & Idaho Roadcuts and Related Tu.Activities

Montana Roadcuts and Activities

Welcome to Educators

Montana Roadcut  #862

Former Water Flood Ripple
Marks are evident here.

Map of Ancient Cordilleran 
Ice Sheet (Glacier) #75

Rock on the 
Roadcut #69

Geologist Researchers
and Meredith

Stephanie in front of
a Mars Topo Map

Welcome to Idaho!

Idaho Roadcut #45

Idaho Roadcut #46

Bus Problems at
North Menan Butte #55

Top of the Butte #48

What a Butte!  #49

Looking down from 
the Butte Top #50

Lava flowed here
during Past Times #51

Looking across to
another Butte #53

A Butte along
the road #53

What is this? #65

Desert Flower #64

Zoom to 
Desert Flower  #66

Wow! how lovely!#67

Flowers at a 
Montana Roadside #35

Hill formed by piles of 
Coarse Sedimentary Rocks
carried by Ancient Floods.#498

Montana Roadcut 
7/11/04 #527

Zoom to Montana
Roadcut #531
Bus Problems at
North Menan Butte #55

Wind Erosion Model

 What a Shirt: EVA
Top ^
Go to Floods & Flows: Part 1 ?
Go to Floods & Flows: Part 2 ?
Go to Floods & Flows: Part 3 ?

Go to Craters of the Moon: Part 1?
Go to Craters of the Moon: Part 2?
Go to Craters of the Moon: Part 3?
Go to Craters of the Moon: Part 4?

Go to the Lava Cave Area:  Part 1?
Go to the Lava Cave Area:  Part 2?
Go to the Lava Cave Area:  Part 3?

Go to: Life on Mars Slides?
 Go to: Earth Concretions Vs. Mars slides?
 Go to: Allan's Best Outcrop2?
 Go to: Thursday MT_ID field Outcrops?

 Go to: Mesa & other Tuesday Activities?
   Go to: ID Butte and Misc. Activities?

  Go to: HRes Craters of the Moon Part 1?
  Go to: HRes Craters of the Moon Part 2?
  Go to: HRes Indian Lava tube Cave?