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Slides on Mars: The Inside Story Part 1

Ways Hematite
forms #81

Hematite is in

Blueberries in
Environmental Context #83

Loose Blueberries  #84

Concretions on 
Earth #85

"Moqui Marbles" 
from Groundwater #86

Accretionary Lapilli 

"Girl's Rock" #90


Impact Spherules?
Tektites #89

Volcanic Glass:
"Pele's Tears"

Concretions #86
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Go to Floods & Flows: Part 1 ?
Go to Floods & Flows: Part 2 ?
Go to Floods & Flows: Part 3 ?

Go to Craters of the Moon: Part 1?
Go to Craters of the Moon: Part 2?
Go to Craters of the Moon: Part 3?
Go to Craters of the Moon: Part 4?

Go to the Lava Cave Area:  Part 1?
Go to the Lava Cave Area:  Part 2?
Go to the Lava Cave Area:  Part 3?

Go to: Life on Mars Slides?
 Go to: Earth Concretions Vs. Mars slides?
 Go to: Allan's Best Outcrop2?
 Go to: Thursday MT_ID field Outcrops?

 Go to: Mesa & other Tuesday Activities?
   Go to: ID Butte and Misc. Activities?

  Go to: HRes Craters of the Moon Part 1?
  Go to: HRes Craters of the Moon Part 2?
  Go to: HRes Indian Lava tube Cave?