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HiDEY HO!!!!  i've been saying that too many times.. hehe.. newaise yea can u believe i actually made a new site? ish hella krappy tho can u tell? i haven't made one since march so give me a lil break okie? i tend to forget things. newaise.. this is it.. a new chapter..a new beginning of my life.. no more mz elaine the high schooler.. i'm now "mz elaine.. the college gurl"  haha. newaise i hope u enjoi it.. n sign the gboOk.. love yOO..byeeee!!!

yOO wanna go WHERE???!!!

here... u can learn about me
+  here... u can see pictures
here...u can read me venting
here.. u can SiGN MY GUESTBOOK!

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                                                                                               ++ eNjOi it.. i love yoo!