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HiDEY HO!!!!..  so your here to learn about me ayE? well.. here it goes..

waSsup the name be ELAiNE. also known by the closest homeez as LANiE [pronounced LAY-NEE..get it right] my mom gave birth to me on October 1, 1985.. which makes me 17.. almost 18.. woO hoO! imma be LEGAL! haha..born and raised in the valley and still here.. i'm a graduate of Chatsworth High.. wOOt woOt.. c/o 2oO3!! yea baYbeee!!.. i'm 5'3 with reddish, brownish hair.. chinkie brown eyes, rocken that dimple smile {yUp yUP!} not fat.. not skinny.. just in between.. luckie says i'm FLUFFY so imma go with that. lol. cruising in my blue green civic. lol yuCk. soon to be a 91 black hatch.. stick shift. wOoT wOOt working with my wonderful kimmy.. at my aunts gynecologist office.. talken bout sex n babYeeZ all day.. ish the best. lol. *wink wiNk* gotta make that monEy ya heaRd?! haha.. living the single life... not wasting my time nemore. i've learned that sometimes u just dont get wat your waiting for.. =l newaise.. i'm inDonesian n chineSe.. uhhhm.. i think thatz bout it..


went to a private skoOl all my kindergarten, elem, middle skool life.. it was kool.... i guess.. made some good frends der.. i have one sister..she's 21.. she buys me drinks. wOoT wOoT! she's the best!. haha. i'm a happy person.. always laffing n giggling.. david says i'm like the hyenas in the Lion KIng.. [wat a bitch huh? lol.] ish all good tho who da hell wants to be around a boring person?! .. yea didn't think so. lol. i like to have fun with the homeez.. just chill n drink.. i like to go to the park when i need sometime alone. i'm living life the way i like too..  parents? not that strict.. but they just watevers. i love them .. sometimes. haha.. i love to meet new people and make frends.. i dont like big crowds.. not reallie the party type but if derz one.. you'll see me gettin my boOgie on with guyz or gurlz.. hahaha.. gotta love to boOgie!. =)  like i sed i love meeting new people.. esp guYz. yOo kNO!.. lol
HOLLAH!  haha.. i like to cruise around with my gurlies and hollah out the window like retards. lol. i hate stoopid dawgZ that like to bitch n complain. not a drama lover.. i'm a drama hater. lol. ish all around me but watever..  i can deal  =) gotta survive yOo kno?! .. i'm not a hater.. i dont dawg people.. onlie if i dont like or if i hate you.. lol. dont hate many people.. if i hate you u prollie did sumthing hella hella bad that you deserve it.  hehe..uhHhHhm.. letz see... datz bout it.. dont wanna give TOO much..even tho i think i did. lol. oh well i'm still kinda mysterious rioTe? lol. okie byEee!!