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CNAnime Expo 2002

This is page 2 of the cosplay pictures, if you hadn't known already. Wuahaha! Feel my wrath of torturness! ... I don't have any to tell you the truth v.v; I'm just being stupid.. enjoy this page while you can o.o; ...

It's a group of people! Actually, its Shampoo from Ranma 1/2, Quistis (sp?) from FF8 and another woman.. who I can't quite figure out just yet. Yes... this picture was taken off to the side by the esculator v.v;

Wuahaha! And so the dumatic duo is here! Fight fight fight! It's Gojyo from Saiyuki and me as Goku from Saiyuki!!!!! ^___^ Woohoo! Gojyo looks like she's blah... and me, I seem comfortable with her. lol XD

Oooh I like this one... such a nice pose... Its the character from Chrono Cross who's name I dunno, and Miyu from Vampire Princess Miyu! ^__^ I hung around these two for most of Saturday. hehe...

Oookies... its two people from Angel Sanctuary.. I think its the Madhatter and one of the other angels. ^^; Tidus... if you're looking for Yuna, she's to the left.. lol

Yugi from Yu-Gi-Oh and Yuna from FF10... ^^; lookie... the only reason I kept this picture large so that you can see the big line up... wuahaha! v.v; I know... stupidness once again overtakes me. ><; I dunno why that person is sitting down there...

It's Duo Maxwell and Heero from Gundam Wing! ^^; Duo scared me half to death when she saw me... and yes, they were handcuffed to one another o.o; get the idea? ^^; On the scythe, it says "Mix N' Match GW"... DuoXHeero couples...

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