
Sha Gojyo (Sandy Priest)

Supposed to be a obedient and quiet monk.

Sha Gojyo is however a playboy, loud, roughish and playful big brother. Loves arguing with the monkey, best friends with Hakkai and shun you with Sanzo (direct chinese translation of "shun you" is bad friend but it means more like when 2 friends are a bad influence on each other). Weakness - women

For some reason looks human even without the power controlling device Goku and Hakkai need to suppress their demonic powers and maintain human form.

Uses a sycthe and other knives. Excels in physical fighting. 1.84 m, 22 years old with red eyes and hair.



Cho Hakkai (Pigsy)

Is supposed to be a greedy and silly pig.

Little bit blur and spaced out but gentle bigger brother. He is always smiling but is he really happy? Always outsmarts the other 3 without trying.

Very sharp eyesight and perception. And commands the white dragon Jeep who can turn into a jeep (duh).

Fights with "qi" (force within the person) and his smiles. 22 years old, 1.81 m with green eyes (but almost blind in his right eye). Wears a power controlling device on his left ear.



Genjyo Sanzo (High Priest/ Tripaka)

Supposed to be a kindly and totally naïve priest.

As if a demon himself, this monk breaks all the rules and is himself a total menace to society. Smokes, swears, drinks, gambles and shoots his West & Smith at people who irritate him.

However, behind this anger is a boy looking to avenge his teacher who was killed by a demon. Very self-centred but able to judge things very objectively.

Favorite phases are "go to h***", "I'm going to kill you!" Uses the heavenly scriptures and a West & Smith to fight demons. 1.77m, 23 years old with purple eyes.



Son Goku (Monkey god)

Supposed to be a sharp and intelligent monkey, leader of the monkeys, highly rebellious until he met the high priest.

Energetic and playful teenager. Having absorbed the essence of heaven and earth, he was born from a rock. Only thinks of food and games and does not consider other matters.

Committed a henious crime against heaven as a child and was imprisoned under the 5 finger mountain for 500 years as punishment. Cheerful and optimistic, he is the kid of the bunch. Getting into trouble with Gojyo, mothered by Hakkai, and whacked by Sanzo, he is a healthy 1.62m 18 year old with golden eyes and hair.

Fights with a golden rod that can extend or shrink according to his will.


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