A long time ago, our friends (with the exception of the monkey) were deities in heaven unfortunately, for some reason which remains to be seen, they were banished to earth as human beings and monkey was trapped under the five finger mountain for 500 years. I can tell you the Chinese legend but how much the story keeps to this is rather unlikely.

Click here for really spoiling spoilers on the characters if you dare



Genjyo Sanzo - One of budhha's top disciples, he was born as a human to help spread the teachings of budhha to China. His birth was a dramatic one. His father was the top scholar who had married an official's daughter. On a trip to a province to take up office there, he was drowned by the greedy boatsman who lusted after his wife and post. As she was pregnant, Sanzo's mother did not kill herself but bidded her time until she could deliver her child.

Knowing the boatsman wanted to kill Sanzo, his mother had put her child in a basket and set it adrift in the river soon after his birth (with a note explaining the child's true heritage). An elderly monk found the basket and raised Sanzo as his own. When he was 18, Sanzo was told his true parentage. He contacted his grandfather, i.e. mum's father, who was a high-ranking official. Arresting the evil boatsman, he rescued his mother. They then went to the river to mourn his father's death, but to their surprise, found him alive. Apparently, Sanzo's father had unwittingly saved the dragon king's life as a child. As such, the dragon king had returned the favour by restoring life to his benefactor.

Sanzo continued his priesthood and gradually rose in ranks to become Tripaka, the highest order for a monk. Impressed with his wisdom and courage for seeking the holy scriptures, the emperor made Sanzo his sworn brother (jade brother).


Son Goku - A monkey born from a stone that had absorbed the essence of heaven and earth, he is playful and reckless by nature. The heavenly deities feared his powers and tried to keep him in heaven to watch over him. Unfortunately, Son Goku was either treated with disdain or contempt and coupled with his mischievous ways, he got into deep trouble. Furious with the way he had been treated, Son Goku wanted to take over heaven and nearly did so but the timely intervention of the grand buddha and was trapped under the five finger mountain for 500 years until his time of penance. As part of his redemption, he was asked to escort Tripaka to the West to collect the holy scriptures.

Cho Hakkai - Originally a high ranking Marshall in heaven, Hakkai got into trouble when he had harassed the moon-goddess in a drunken stupor. Punished with reincarnation, he obtained his pig-like appearance when he was accidentally pushed into a pig sty and was born a human-pig.

Sha Gojyo - Originally one of the Jade emperor's cupbearers, he had accidentally broken the Jade emperor's favorite cup and was demoted to a river guard. He had degenerated into a river demon, wearing a necklace of human skulls before meeting Tripaka.

Jeep - Originally a dragon prince (son of the Western dragon king) he had discovered his bride's infidelity on their wedding nite! Throwing a fit by smashing everything in the bridal chamber, he damaged the Jade Emperor's gift to him. About to be executed, he was rescued when the goddess of mercy pleaded for leniency. Accordingly, he was commanded to take the form of a white horse to bear Tripaka to the West as punishment.


Misc - The Adventures to the West was written as a parody in its time to mock the government then. When one reads the TATTW, one cannot help but admire the brave and valiant monkey and feel the unjust repression of the times around him. Similarly, the author had looked upon the repression and non-meritocrious society of China then with disdain. Me? I just think my ancestors were rather repressed people ... ^_~; The first time I read TATTW I hated the gods ... much rather the monkey had taken over ...



Coming soon as soon as Saiyuki gaden 2 comes out check my gallery page for the cover of volume 1. Until then, click here for really serious spoilers if you dare.

