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Charley Barley Lemon Squwally's hall of shame!


  • I bit the dog's leg and broke it. She had her joint removed, a bone graft and a metal plate inserted-WHOOPS!

  • I ignore every scratching post that I am lovingly given and adore pulling at carpets, furniture and any box, even if it contains kilos of cat litter which then ends up on the floor.


  • I like to look brave, but run and hide if I hear the vacuum cleaner, the doorbell ring or somebody walking too close to my garden.


  • I like to sleep in the babies easy chair.

  • I can hide a worming tablet for hours, whilst I am being watched. Turn your back for a second and it's on the floor!

  • Don't tell my mates but, I'm a sucker for a cuddle. I lay prostate in any doorway or upon any step, until I get the attention that I so rightly DESERVE!







Have you ever seen such a handsome beast? Click here to see me.

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Want to see my history? Put your paw right here.

Strange name? Yup!!

Can I stick to the diet?                                 


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