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Hello friends,

I am a cat of dubious parentage. People have commented that they can see some British Black in me but, who can tell?What am I? (apart from gorgeous-of course )

My human mum rescued me from a very noisy, scary house when I was about 6weeks old. She was on her way out of the door after buying my brother, when I let out a tiny mew and she found me shaking and hiding behind a chair.

When my brother and I got to our new house we were given the grand names of Jeremy Ginger and Charles Chocolate (due to our colorings of course).

I was terrified of everything and anything. I didn't purr for weeks and hid a lot.I thought I saw a puddy tat?

My brother and I were very poorly and had numerous visits to the PDSA veterinary clinic in Bournemouth.The main problem was chronic diarrhea and bladder infections. Jeremy Ginger, led a very happy pampered life but passed away 4years ago from a blood clot in his leg. He had been on meds 4x daily for a long time and I guess his body gave up the fight.

Looking for my Jeremy Ginger!

I am now aged 6years and I am a grand old boy weighing in at 15lbs and 15ozs!!!I don't actually get to overeat at all but, I do lead a rather sedentary existence.

Sometimes I hunt and I am a bit of an expert especially with rats (people have rudely suggested that I squashed them to death-What a blooming cheek! A cat would think that they were suggesting that I'm a bit of a podgy?       


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Feline Factoids...

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