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Kynan's Links

Thau's JavaScript Tutorial
Webmonkey Thau keeps things fresh and interesting in this awesome JavaScript tutorial.  He seems to be obsessed with monkeys (although, that never interferes with the learning process.  Okay, it does, but not severly.)
I learned how to giftwrap presents very nicely at this site.

Binary Finger Counting
Impress that special someone (or bore them mercilessly), learn to count to 1023 in binary using your fingers.  It really is neat-o. Brand Name Generating Device
Using the words "Kynan" and "toaster" i was able to come up with a bunch of catchy brand names under which to sell my top-secret product.

Shelly's Links

Kikaida in Hawaii -Fall 1974
chock full o'Kikaida facts, photos and info - it'll get you humming the theme song "suwichi - on! one, two, three!"

The Simpsons
everything you want to know about Bart and family, the official FOX website.

SETI@home: Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence at Home
is anyone out there? well, we'll only find out if we continue the search and this is a neat-O project set up to divvy out the data analysis right on your home pc! Be a part of the project and use your pc for Science!

Where the Buffalo Roam | The Internet's First Comic Strip
comic strip about life at CU-Boulder created by Hans Bjordahl, rumored Maui-expatriate and Baldwin High alumna...cutting edge humor that kept me warm during my stay there. Check for "Frontal Nudity Mondays!" - The Official Web Site for the Comic Strip FoxTrot by Bill Amend
I was introduced to this wonderful comic in Colorado and they've finally been added on to the Honolulu Advertiser - woohoo - daily doses of Jason & Quincy available here!