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Barry Pepper as Pvt. Jackson in Saving Private Ryan
Private Jackson from "Saving Private Ryan" - Guard Dean Stanton from "The Green Mile"...WE MET HIM - WE TOUCHED HIM! =) 2/26/2000

Okie, lemme go and explain the whole wonderful event - just keep in mind that it occurred in probably less than a minute...

Kynan and I were late checking out of the hotel. My sister Rowena had already left but we were kinda dilly-dallying, watching these Olympic gymnastics trials on NBC...critiquing the Eastern European gymnasts' costumes on use of velvet and sequins - but I digress!

The housekeeper barged into the room around 11:30 and then we realized that we were supposed to check out at noon. I quickly started to gather my stuff and started towards the elevators. The housekeepers cart was kinda blocking the hallway in front of our room, #516, so I maneuvered my way past it and walked towards the elevators and waited for Kynan. As I rounded the corner I saw this kinda cute guy standing in front of the elevators. First thing that popped into my head was "dang, he kinda looks like that Pepper guy from 'Private Ryan'" and I turned around to mouth it to Kynan, who was just behind me - he hadn't a clue as to what I was trying to tell him and gave me a quizzical look.

The elevator opened up just then and the guy walked inside - we followed in right behind and as I walked into the elevator I knew it was him. I said "weren't you in 'Saving Private Ryan?' and I heard Kynan quickly follow with "you're Barry Pepper!" Mr. Pepper nodded and said "yes, I am."


I asked him "so you're here on vacation?" and then just as the words slipped out of my mouth I thought "duuuh- why else would he be here?" He told us that he was here on a break from the west coast of Canada. Then he asked us who we were and I told him my name as I extended my hand out to him - HE SHOOK IT!!!! He then shook Kynan's hand and said it was nice to meet us. Right afterwards the elevator doors opened up to the fourth floor (mebbe he was getting ice? who cares?) and he exited. By then we were both well into flipping out and now we can't recall if he said anything other than "well, bye."


It was so weird - like one of those surreal, but nice events when millions of thoughts race through your synapses at the same moment but get all jammed up. Thoughts of my cousin Leigh screaming "Barry?!? you got to meet Barry?!?" popped up several times and so did the image of my camera buried deep inside my bag. Alas, it was one of those split-second, what-the-hell-did-we-do-to-deserve-this experiences that you probably can never be prepared for. In hindsight, there are a multitude of questions that we could've asked him, let alone a bunch of movie lines that Kynan could've screamed out with enthusiasm; tons of touristy things we could've suggested for his family to do without being harrassed by fanatics, pictures we could've taken for those skeptics. Luckily our neurons were sluggish or we would've made ourselves appear to be bigger dorks, let alone bother Barry on his vacation.

The experience was cool and exciting in itself, a experience we both agreed would probably never be matched. Neither of us are in any way Pepper fanatics, just admirers of the great work he's done in a few films. The fact that he was approachable and pleasant during such an awkward and possibly intrusive moment proved that despite his Hollywood ties he is a nice guy.

P.S. Personal note to Barry: on your return trip to the Big Isle be sure to visit Hilo, swim with the sea turtles at Punalu'u Beach, take a nice long drive up to the summit of Mauna Kea or go hiking in Kilauea Iki crater...
-Shelly (02.28.2000)

What R3 said: "Which one is he?"

What Leigh said: "oh my god -- that's not funny. how can you see him when I'm not there?"

Related Links

Meet Barry Pepper - A Fan Site
A source for all things Barry Pepper.

The Internet Movie Database (IMDb).
Excellent film/television database. Do a search for "Barry Pepper"