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01-02 Fieldshow Journal
01-02 Fieldshow Journal

7-16-01: WOW! I know, I know, I started the journal extremely late this year, but what can you do sometimes ya know? Well as most of you already know, Stacia and I are this years Co-Captains and Ali is our Lieutenant. We've finished teaching the pep rally routine to the flag girls and prop & shields is almost finished learning theirs. We have our first fundraising event this coming Saturday from 8-12 in the morning at the AM PM on Newport. So don't forget to be there! ;) On Saturday morning (the 14th) Me, Stacia, Brian (Drum Major), and Trent (Asst Drum Major) went to UCI for a two day USA Band Camp. We learned TONS of stuff that we are definitely going to come back and show/teach our band and color guard. Although it was VERY tiring, we still had a fun time (even when the boys came in my room and stole my teddy bear :( ). So, on behalf of Stacia, Brian, Trent, and myself I would like to say THANK YOU TO THE PVHS WILDCAT BRIGADE BOOSTERS for paying for our trip. So, that's all for my first entry, I'll be back later with more news! :)

7-22-01: Well our fundraising car wash went great! We earned over $300!! Great work guys! I can't wait 'til we go and do that curb painting fundraiser...that should bring in some beaucoup bucks man!! Well the pep rally routine is coming along great and we're still having summer practices...We got to go look at the new band room on Friday at the school. It's huge! And you know what's cooler?? We're probably gonna get the old bandroom all to ourselves!!! Hooray! I shall miss the band, but it will be nice to have a Color Guard room that's bigger than my closet for once...So get ready to decorate girls, we've got our work cut out for us this year! :)

7-30-01: Guess what! We actually got our music BEFORE band camp! *cheers* So we're gonna start making that up soon, but I have to do some of it without my esteemed Co-Captain cuz she's on vacation :( *sniff*..So I'm gonna make the rest of the team help too! :D *evil grin* Anywho...We've decided to take the P&S girls out of the first pep rally because we all (including them) thought that that would be too much for them this soon especially since they'll have to learn a whole fieldshow and the "fight song" routine soon as well. Speaking of the "fight song" routine, We're also going to make up a NEW "fight song" routine (we've had the same repetitive routine for 2 years) this week (we were supposed to do it on Monday, but we got carried away working on our jazz walks and spot turns..oops.. *grins*)...Well that's all for now, I'll be back soon with more info!

8-11-01: Dude, have we been busy! We finished making up and learning the fight song routine and it's looking AWESOME! Also, the curb painting fundraiser is almost under way...we're just fine tuning everything..We got a sample of our uniform in and it looks great! So we sent it back with a few minor adjustments and will have all of our uniforms in by August 22! Yay! :) dunduh...dunduh...dunduh dunduh dunduh....ON NO! BAND CAMP IS COMING! oh ok, band camp isn't that bad... *crosses fingers behind back* anyhoo, band cmap starts August 20th from 6-10 pm and then every night after that (excluding weekends) for two weeks from 5-9 pm. I think the first night is at school and the rest are at Wheatfield, but I'm not for certain so I will post a more definite answer later...Well I think that's it for now..toodles!

8-27-01: Well a week of Band Camp is over and things are coming along...well...well the fieldshow hasn't come along at all because we dont have any charts yet...grrr...some people. We're supposed to get those in today and then me and Stacia will be able to make up the fieldshow routines...On Friday we had the CG sleepover at my house and everyone showed up! It was great and everyone seemed to have lots of fun. Also, school starts next Monday...great huh?? But it's ok cuz for once our first Football game is away so we don't have to worry about it, thank goodness! I believe our first game is at Murrieta and Pep Band will be attending so we can check out what their band is doing this year...hmmm what else...Well everything else is pretty much still in the grey area so I'll be back soon with more info!

9-1-01: Hey all! Yeah, I know, you're all pretty tired (I'm not feeling well on top of that :( ) but I still have to say what went on last night! Well I think most of us had a blast and this year's lock-in definitely wasn't as lame as in past years. We ate, played games, watched movies, and got wet in one of the games. It was quite fun indeed! Well school starts in 3 days :( but I'm sure everyone is a little anxious to start school again anyways so thats ok...I think that's all for now, so I shall write more later!

9-22-01: *Ashlynn ducks down behind her computer* I swear, I didn't mean to take this long to update! ;) Well as you might have noticed, it's been a really busy start to this year. We've had three football games (we lost to Murrieta, won against Banning, and tied with La Quinta last night). We finally "performed" last night. It wasn't our best work, but, hey, we're workin' on it! ;)I think we have an away game this coming week so that will give us more time to get more routines and such done....Hopefully A LOT will get done, but I guess we'll have to wait and see...hmmm, what else..I think that's it for now, I should be back for another update after next week's game. see ya then!

10-6-01: Hey there! Well so much for that away game...The last two weeks have been homes games, but I KNOW that we do have an away game this coming Friday (10-12-01) so that will be nice. Last night's game was against Elsinore and we won! Woohoo! :) So now we're 2-2-1 I think. Well this week will be hectic since we have our first competition (more like and exhibition) this Saturday and we haven't even finished the show...Ahhh! So this will definitely be a challenge, but I think that we can stand up to it. Anyhoo, that's all for now folks! Check in next weekend to see how the Orange Glen competition went!

10-14-01: Hey there! Well our competition went ok last night. It wasn't our best performance, but we DID only have like a week to learn that last two songs of drill...Anyhoo, I think we all had a lot of fun and we came home with 3rd place so good job everyone! We'll be awesome next time though! :) And thanks to all the parents who came and helped out as well as our advisor, Susan! Thanks guys! Oh, also, our Wildcat Football team kicked our rival, West Valley's a** on Friday with a score of 56-0! Take that!

11-11-01: Hey guys! Well our competition in Mission Viejo was awesome yesterday. We performed a great show and our drummers took 4th place outta 17!! The band and us both took 5th outta 10. We were a little disappointed but we had tons of fun anyway. Thanks to everyone who came and supported us and also thanx A LOT to all those who helped us with stuff. Also, we won our last home game on Thursday against Perris so now we're in the playoffs!

11-23-01: I hope everyone had an awesome Turkey Day, I sure did! Anyhoo, we lost our first game in the playoffs against J.W. North High School :( So no more football games/performances for us! But you know what that means.....WINTERGUARD IS STARTING! This is where we really shine. So this is the last entry in this journal...Now onto the 01-02 Winter Guard Journal!
