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01-02 Winter Guard Journal
01-02 Winter Guard Journal

11-23-01: Howdy again everybody! Yup, it's time for Winter Guard again! Here's what's been going on so far...We're going to be doing three categories, which will most likely be Flags, Drill, and Color Guard/Novelty. Color Guard will be the one that everyone will do and we'll have to try out for the Flag and Drill squads. Stacia will be making up the Flag routine and we're still undecided on the song for that one. I'll (Ashlynn) be making up the drill routine for the song "Sandstorm." And I believe everyone will have input in the Color Guard routine, of which this year's theme is "Real Rock N Roll". We have yet to decide on a date for tryouts but it will definitely be before Christmas break which starts on the 21st or 22nd. We also have a few solo and officer routines coming as well. Me, Jamie, and Brandy will be doing an trio hip hop dance to "Cure for the Itch" by Linkin Park and Stacia, Ali, and I will most likely be doing some sort of officer routine, probably drill, but we don't know any of the specifics as of yet...I thinks that's all for now, I'll be back later with more Winter Guard info!

12-10-01: Well, WG tryouts are on Wednesday....ahhhh!!! I hope everyone is getting their routines fixed and done! :) Anyways, the Perris and 29 Palms Parades were definitely tiring but they were still a lot of fun. I hope ya'll are ready for caroling this friday!! :)

12-12-01: Well Winter Guard Tryouts are over!! Here are the standings:
  • Alison
  • Ashlynn
  • Brandy
  • Jamie
  • Jessica
  • Mindy
  • Stacia
  • Alt: Malissa
  • Alison
  • Ashlynn
  • Brandy
  • Breanne
  • Jamie
  • Malissa
  • Stacia
  • Alt: Mindy
Congrats to all those who made the squads and Good Job to everyone else as well! You ALL made it a VERY tough decision!!! :) Now go out there and kick some butt in WG!

2-2-02: Well howdy all! Yes, I know it has been awhile since I've updated, but what can I say? Finals and Winter Guard can take a lot out of a person! ;) Anyhoo, our exhibition was great! I'd like to thank EVERYONE, on behalf of the Color Guard, who helped out as well as Cathy's Dance and Silverado High School for coming out to perform. Also, a HUGE thanks goes out to everyone who came to watch. We all had an awesome time, and it was definitely a big help in getting us ready to perform in competition. Hopefully I'll be able to get some pix from the evening up on the page, but for now, I must be on my way. I have a drill routine to finish! :)

2-17-02: Wow! Was that a loooooong day or what?! Burbank was an awesome competition with over 2000 performers! Although we had a 4:30am call time we still had a great day! Here are the results:
  • Sr. Mini Rifles - 1st place - 70.5
  • Sr. Color Guard - 2nd place - 80
  • Sr. Small Military - 3rd place - 81.0
  • Sr. Small Tall Flags - 3rd place - 76.5
Now tomorrow we have a 6am call time for the Indio Parade and Date Festival. Hopefully we'll be bringing home a few more trophies! :)

2-24-02: Well the Indio Date Festival last Monday was fun and we brought home a third place trophy for our ID Unit! Flags didn't get anything because we were disqualified for missing a person :( but that's ok because yesterday's competition was GREAT! We actually had some competition in Flags and Color Guard this year and that made it all the more fun at Canyon Springs High School...Here are the results:
  • 1st place Rifles - 80.0
  • 1st place Color Guard - 88.3
  • 1st place Flags - 87.0
  • 1st place Drill - 85.0
So, all in all, we did much beter at this competition! We're still deciding on where to go next so, until then, have a nice life! :)

3-20-02: Hey there! Last Saturday was our competition at Glendora High School and had a good time! Here are the results:
  • 1st place Color Guard: 79.5
  • 1st place Flags: 78.5
  • 1st place Officer Rifles (Robert and Chris): 78.0
  • 2nd place Drill: 77.5
  • 2nd place Flag Solo (Ali): 75.0
  • 3rd place Officer Dance (Ash, Jamie, and Brandy): 76.5
Now we were supposed to go to the competition just for the Color Guard Division at Magic Mountain this weekend, but it was moved back to April 21st...So now we just have our exhibition at The CYSC Competition this Saturday at Perris High School in the early afternoon. We also have another competition coming up April 6th at Azusa High School where all of our teams will be performing once again. So, for now, it's time for practice, practice, practice! :)

4-14-02: Yeah, I know, I know, the Asuza Competition was last weekend and I'm just now getting around to writing about it...What can I say? It's been a busy week. Anyhoo, I'm sure y'all have already checked out the trophy room to see what places we got, but here are the details. We did AWESOME for Color Guard! We had only 1 drop and we looked great! Somehow, we ended up getting last place though, which was a HUGE upset for the squad and the parents. The Flags have never looked so good at a competition and Drill did great too. Congrats to Ali for taking first in the 12th grade Flag Solo division against two other girls and they were some really stiff competition too! She was GREAT! Rifles and Dance also did well and had a great time. Now next week is our last competition for the year *tear* but it's also the last competition for all of our seniors (including me *sniff*) so we really have to make it count. Magic Mountain will surely bring TONS of great competition so we're gonna have to work extremely hard at this one. Just for your information, if you didnt know already, Magic Mountain is this coming Sunday (April 21st) and only Color Guard will be performing. Good Luck Guys!

4-24-02: Guess what! We took 2nd place at the Regional Championships at Magic Mountain and our Principal was so tickled that he's sending us to Nationals!!! Nationals are May 18th at Raging Waters and we're sure to have TONS of competition! We're entering in the Color Guard, Flag, and Rifle Divisions. We're going to work extra hard for this at hopefully we'll come home National Champs!! :) ( corny is that?? *grins*)

5-19-02: Well guess what! We ARE National Champs now! We took first in flags and first in Rifles (way to go boys *wink*). Color Guard placed fifth out of eighth, but that's still good and they were awesome! We had a blast at Raging Waters and were definitely glad that we didn't have to do too much to our hair after being in the water all day *giggles*. We were so excitied when they called our name for first place for Flags; we'd never screamed so loud before! I just have to give a great HUGE thanks to Mr. Phillips for finding a way for us to go to Nationals and thanks to ASB for helping to send us there. Also thanks to those who came out and supported us (Ava, Megan, Garrett, Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn, Amy's Family, Debbie, Susan, Eric, and Trent). This was the best competition and a great last one for this year, myself, and the rest of this year's seniors!
