You'll never forget the first time - updates

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June 4, 2008

Holy crap! I haven't updated this site nor written a fic in years. Writings have resumed when it sparked my interest but with nothing but work they soon died out again.

Anyhow, if anyone reads anything all emails can be sent via email at: (please remove the underscores, it's a trick so automated SPAM filters pick up emails.)

August 15, 2005

No major updates but changed title from "Childhood Memories" (Harry Potter Slash) to more appropriate title, "Red Diary."

July 29, 2005

wow! what a major late update. I am currently trying to revamp and redesign the layout (which probably won't happen)... don't hold your breath... but i will be trying to post the links to their stories as it will be a guide for me to look how i grown gramically... (is that even a word?)... haha... anyway... enjoy.

Archive Updates

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