You'll never forget your first time - dropped stories

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Items on this page has been dropped. It was "In Development" for a long time, but I've written some chapters to them. Of course, these stories aren't spell or grammar checked.

Boy Band Stories:

2gether Stories:

"2gether - The Basics"

Summary: When Erin breaks up with Jerry, Jerry decides to explore his other side by playing with Chad's mind.
Pairing: Chad/Jerry
Rating: R
Length: 1 Part

Status: Incompleted; Unedited; Dropped.

              Part 1 - never posted (first story I wrote)

"2gether - At Last"

Summary: None at the moment
Rating: R for language and sensuality.
Length: 1 Part

Status: Incompleted; Unedited; Dropped.

              Part 1 - never posted (one of the first stories I wrote)

"2gether - Clueless"*

Summary: None at the moment.
Rating: R for language and sensuality.
Length: 2 Parts

Status: Incompleted; Unedited; Dropped.

              Part 1 - never posted (First draft, text version; I originally wrote part 1, titled "Mixed Feelings" and wrote another part, see part 2 bellow, but I erased my original document, so here's just a splice on what I remember.)
              Part 1 - never posted (Final draft, text version)
              Part 1 - never posted (Final Draft, html version)
              Part 1 - never posted (Second draft, text version, Shorter; This was when Erin broke up with Jerry, and Jerry talks to Q.T., Q.T. kisses Jerry, and Chad walks in on them)
              Part 2 - never posted (First draft, under alternate title name, "Mixed Feelings", Not Completed)

Minor Notes:

As you can see, I wrote different versions because I did not like the first draft/way/direction it was going.

I originally wrote "Clueless" As "Mixed Feelings."

Movie Stories:

Cruel Intentions -

"Cruel Intentions"

Summary: A war between Sebastian and Blaine, after Greg finds out that Blaine cheated on him.
Parings: Greg/Blaine, Sebastian/Blaine
Rating: R for language and sensuality.
Length: 3 Parts (est.)
Notes: Things just didn't seem right. Here was a start of a story that just couldn't be put together.
Status: Incompleted; Unedited; Dropped.

              Part 1

Harry Potter -

"These Games These Boys Play"

Summary: Harry is introduced as a complete slut. Draco does nothing but stare, and Harry decides to do something about it. Harry makes Draco his bitch, and Ron gets upset. Meanwhile, Fred isn't to happy his better half is gay. Oliver lusts over another Weasley, while having sex with George... Percy.
Parings: Oliver/Harry/George, Oliver/George, Ron/Harry, Draco/Harry, Percy/Oliver.
Rating: R for language and sensuality.
Length: 2 Parts... maybe more.
Notes: Started on September 2002. I wrote this as their first year in mind, but you can image to whatever year you want. I'm trying to make this really big, with a lot of pairings, and subplots. But most of the time, it might not go to well. Lets see.
Status: Incompleted; Unedited; Dropped.

              Part 1 Ccompleted)
     Part 2 - Originally more PWPwas written (but deleted)
              Part 2a
              Part 2b

"Harder Than It Looks" (A.K.A. "Not To Old Enough")

Summary: Set in Harry's first year, and Oliver's fifth year. Oliver admires the great Harry Potter... and wants to try a relationship. Harry is very in the closet, but knows he is gay... he really likes Oliver... he doesn't know how to do anything yet.
Parings: Oliver/Harry
Rating: R for language and sensuality. situations...
Length: 3 or 4 Parts.
Genre: Romance/Drama
Notes: Idea created: 12/1/02. This idea popped up in my head several times, but of course, I forgot it everytime, I was doing something else. I merged this plotline into "Locker Room Clean Up" instead of having a individual series.
Status: DROPPED.

              Part 1
              Part 2
              Part 3
              Part 4

TV Show Stories:

Big Wolf On Campus -


Summary: Merton conjurn up this alcohol drink which turns out to be a truth spell. Merton drinks a lot, while Tommy has a sip. On Merton's 10th drink, he admits to Tommy about liking... loving... masturbating to him... and quickly falls asleep. The day after, Tommy is uneasy around Merton's presence.
Paring: Tommy/Merton
Rating: R for language and sensuality.
Length: 4 Parts (est.)
Notes: Went to my BWoC phase... can't blame me can you? hehe.
Status: Incompleted; Unedited; Wrote Prologue only; Dropped.


Dawson's Creek Stories -

"No One Is Stopping Me..."

Summary: The real reason why Pacey stood up for Jack durning his confortation about being gay. Jack actually wrote the poem based on Pacey, when Pacey is hanging out at his house too much.
Pairing: Jack/Pacey
Rating: R for language and sensuality.
Length: 5 Parts (est.)
Notes: First D.C. Story I wrote, which was pretty bad (like most of my stories)
Status: Incompleted; Unedited; Dropped.

               Part 1

"Jack's Life"

Summary: Sequel to "No One Is Stopping Me..." Pacey realizes his feelings for Jack. Takes place in Season 2. The real reason why Andie went crazy.
Paring: Jack/Pacey
Rating: R for language and sensuality.
Length: 4 Parts (est.)
Notes: Originally developed for a sequel to "No One Is Stopping Me" (That's how I plan ahead, spawning sequels, before I actually finish a whole series.)
Status: Incompleted; Unedited; Dropped.

              Part 1

Popular Series -

"Best Of Friends"

Summary: When Josh and Harrison finds their true feelings towards each other, they must hide it when they are around their friends, to avoid gossip.
Paring: Josh/Harrison
Rating: R
Length: 5 parts (est.)
Notes: One of the very first stories I wrote. Attempted to write a lot of dialogue which was very unnecessary.
Status: Part 1 - Complete; Part 2 and beyond - Incompleted; Unedited; Dropped.

              Part 1
              Part 2

Young Americans Series -

"Young Americans"

Summary: Will is actually interested in Scout, and gives little hints whenever he's alone with him. Scout still talks about Bella, but Will in a heat of passion, masturbates Scout in the middle of the night... in which Scout moans, "Oh... Will." in his sleep.
Paring: Will/Scout
Rating: R for language and sensuality.
Length: 3 Parts (est.)
Notes: I had high hopes for this one, but just like Dawson's Creek, I couldn't do the 30 year-old dialogue in a 16 year old body.
Status: Incompleted; Unedited; Dropped.

              Part 1

"Truth Be Told"

Summary: Will admits to Scout he has a crush on him.
Paring: Will/Scout
Rating: R for language and sensuality.
Length: 3 Parts (est.)
Notes: What could be a prequel, of "Young Americans" but isn't. I wrote this, with just straight to the plot.
Status: Incompleted; Unedited; Dropped.

              Part 1

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