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Do You Really Want To Know???? My Two Cents' Worth

Cat Pages

The Sources I Use... On-Line Sources

Cat Stuff


Website Design

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My Two Cents' Worth...

Although I do have a little experience in computer programming, I think most people will have no great problem getting started with HTML since it is such a logical language. It's basically just a formatting tool, and you just have to remember the codes for each effect.

The most important thing in any programming is to have a written or drawn diagram of what you want to create. Sounds simple, but I always find it so exciting that I tend to forget & just dive in, and so I guess you just have to learn to be organised (my mother will love that one!). It also helps, design-wise, to follow some sort of template for your pages, to give them uniformity and make them look as if they belong together.

The point is, write down what you want so that you can refer back to it later and stop yourself from getting lost in all the links and graphics.

Basically, I began looking around on the internet for likely-looking places and found it fairly easy to get the information I needed. I taught myself everything that you see in these pages, just from the on-line sources below. Print the guides out or save them on disk, but keep them handy!

On-line Sources

There's lots more places out there, and I know I haven't yet listed all the places that have helped me, so if you have a great site that you'd like to see get some more exposure, let me know. I can take a look and then hopefully add it here.

Please let me know of any great sites you come across in your travels so they can become one of my favourites too!

NCSA's HTML GuideA beginner's guide to HTML ~
This guide is where I started out, and is great at explaining the basics. This primer is at the site of the (US) National Center for SuperComputing Applications, so they know what they're talking about.
I really got all I needed to start from this guide, as it's really in-depth and also tells you what not to do! I used the other links on this page to learn more after I had gotten the basics of this site up and running.

Non-Dithering Colors By Hue ~
This is a great spot to call up on the spur of the moment. Not every color is listed here, but there is a great selection of different tones and hues that should satisfy most needs.
The best thing is that it includes details for both RGB & Hex codings for each color!

HTML Writer's GuildThe HTML Writer's Guild ~
This is the best place to go for support once you've learnt the basics and want to look further. - Or for seasoned professionals, too. The services, links and support from this group, which is totally run by volunteers, is too detailed to go into here.
I'm a member, become a member too!

Home of the Web's Best FreebiesThe Free Site ~
You just have to check this out! There's simply nothing more to say... ~
Ever wonder where people get their great page headings from? This is one of those places. - Yep, that's where I got mine from!
Just choose a graphic style, font and text & you're in business... you can even manipulate background colors.