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Team Fortress 2 Allegiance

Last Updated: March 14, 2000
Since October 6, 1999
Optimized with Internet Explorer 5
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Team Fortress 2 Brotherhood of Arms is an Internet based game that focuses on teamwork. Your mission may be to rescue hostages or defend an instillation. A squad that sticks together and works together will come out victorious. TF2 will utilize real-time voice communication. No more of this incessant typing while your enemy takes you down. Communication will be the key to being able to do things as a squad and a whole. You are able to choose between twelve roles. These range from Marine, Commando, Spy, Sniper, Medic, and Engineer. If you would rather take a break from fighting there is a Commander role. This allows you to command your squads to victory. This is the next generation of Action gaming on the Internet. Are you ready? This site will advance your current skills and teach you new techniques.

What's New

Poll Results 03/14/00
2 Entries added to the Concept Section 2/8/00
TF2 Concept area now Open!
SWG Clan Webpage

Webmaster's Note from TFC page
TF2 Previews

Created By: Nicholas Haines
Copyright © 1999, Team Fortress 2 Allegiance. All rights reserved.