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Team Fortress 2 Allegiance

TF2 Concepts and Ideas

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      This section will feature concepts and ideas from the players. None of these will be sent to Valve because it may only further delay the game. If you would like to see your concept or idea for TF2 on this page than E-Mail me with (1)-your name, (2)-your preferred E-Mail address, and (3)-your concept or idea for TF2. Try to keep it brief and to the point. All submissions will be reviewed and accepted by me. Your submission must be original and interesting. If you have any questions or comments E-Mail me. REMEMBER that in order for your concept or idea to be posted you MUST E-Mail me with the proper criteria and it MUST be approved by me.

Thank You,

Nicholas Haines (Webmaster)

By: Michael Gora 02/08/00

      One thing I would just love to see and that is high gravity. Who isnt anoyed by those people use large or fast firing guns run into the room and start jumping up and down firing in circles. If you ask me the fact you carying like 100 pounds of equipment not to menchion armor would prevent you from doing that, and the fact how many times have you seen soliders jump into a room like a mad man hop up and down and fire at the same time I think not. Also what would be nice viehicles you can drive. Im not talking like those little crapy carts on a track but when you click use on the tank controls for instance on the inside of the tank it gives you full control and you can drive it anywhere it can fit. Along with driving it could have a secound person working the guns. (First mode of fire being a light rapid fire jun and secound being the main canon. An amo limit might be nice too.) Finaly how about a combo where you can drive and fire at the same time. These sorta things would open up new stratagies such as sending two fast viehicles in to atrackt enemy fire while an apc full of troops drives by. Finally it would be nice if the damage and rate of fire was a bit more realistic like at tank could wistand most gun fire but bazokas and explosives can kill it after a few hits and a bazoka couldnt fire fifty times in a minute. Also human beings shouldnt be able to survive more than two hits if one from a bazoka.

By: Marquez 02/08/00

      The commander character in TF2 sounds great...only one problem...No ones been able to pull it off. I suggest the commander be able to asign teams,press t+1 (team:1) and be able to send an objective to them only. It would be nice to have its own voice integrated.The dude in half life with the VERY low pitched voice and the crackle at the end would best fit the commander.
      This concept has probably being implemented or something ; alike....
      What about air stikes?
      (Another prob used concept,but what the hell)
      Strikes can be assgined by commanders , on 75% of the map...
      The other 25 %? There base? Yes.
      This would make the spy very useful,he would need to gain access to the control room.Hack there computer and wait for the commander to assing the air stike.
Crap,none of this makes sense ! :-(
Hope you understand!
Thanks and good luck

By: John Spray 02/07/00

      Okay, so voice communication is very, very cool. But what about bandwidth? Most of us still run off limited modem connections, so we might just forget about voice-com in order to optimise our pings. So here's the idea - voice recognition. Licence viavoice from IBM (you can get cut-down versions to integrate into your software. This is seen in Catz 4). Set it to recognise TFC words more easily than other words, and the accuracy should be good. When you say something, it would come up just as if you typed it. Better still, the system for reading out text that exists in HL + TFC (you know, when it says "your team has the enemy flag" - that is a series of 'words' that are recorded separately) could be extended to give the same effect as if you were sending digital speech, but using a fraction of the bandwidth. Okay, so everyone would sound the same, unless valve deigned to make lots of different voice modes, but it would beat having to read the text, right?

By: John Ostensen 02/07/00

      I had an idea while playing TFC one day. Since most maps that have been made have the water element in them, and the water-route to a base (I dont know about TF2), so why not have a soldier class that can breathe under water? And I totally agree, TF2 should not only be about CTF.. it should have elements like blowing up bridges and assasination, and Im confident in that the TF2 team has thought about this.

By: Mike Doyle 02/07/00

      I have read that TF2 will be a mix between TFC and CS. It will not be one shot one kill, but if you fire your rocket launcher and someone and it hits, they will be dead. The rocket launcher will be single shot. On to what I want. I want more emplacements. Like machineguns. I know there will be a machinegunner, but I think most people know how to operate a stationary gun. I would love to see a spy, disguised, go up to an emplaced gun, and openfire on his disgusied team. What chaos.

By: Kevin Murdock 02/02/00

      I hope that TF2 is more like CS than TFC. After years of playing games that are TOTALLY unrealistic, finally a chance to make a game that is very realistic. I hope know the damage won't be one hit one kill, but it should be much more realistic than TFC. Also, I think that respawning takes away from the game. People do stupid charges and run into battle doing stupid things and then just respawn. There is no real incentive for staying alive. A team based limited respawn would be acceptible, because after 5 people die, then they all are sent in an apc or paradropped in, and this could be done say, 5 times or so. It makes people want to work more as a team and stay alive than run around. TFC used to be about teamwork, but over time it has turned into a fragfest because of the respawn. Also, Capture the flag has gotten really old and stupid. They need more missions like blowing up bridges and assassination. That's just my thoughts.

By: Tyler Steffenson 02/01/00

      I pray that TF2 will not be like CS. Counter Strike is so slow and boring. That is the reason I stopped playing Rainbow Six, and god knows we don't need a repeat of that game. The point of a video game, especially a First Person Shooter, to jump into a room and waste everyone, not hide behind something for a few minutes, move up, wait, move up, wait, etc. etc. etc. If the game is to realistic, it will be no fun. getting shot in the leg should slow you down, but not take off 99% of your life/armor. I like that you are driven onto the battle field, but I hope you don't have to wait like in CS. I like the simulations of the reloading, and moral, and all, but honestly, if you have to take the time to buy your guns, and then are to afraid to use them, cause you don't want to lose them, then that is the worst thing I can imagine happening to TF2, which looks so promising!