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On a distant island just east of the Ice Wall laid a silver dragon, exhausted from the lack of sleep and blood she curled her head around slowly to look at her accomplishment. A single silver egg lay nestled in a bed of seal hide and blubber.

''Now'' she thought ''I may rest'' Closing her massive eys, she drifted into sleep, never to wake agian.

A bright light shone upon her now still body and grew as it came closer. Out of the light an old man in a tattered hat emerged.A look of pity was in his eyes when he saw her body lying in the soft snow. Slowly he turned and gazed at the single egg.

''Well, looks like I'm going to have to find you a home, don't it?'' he said to the egg, ''Well have no fear, Fizban the Great will find you good home. First, let's get you warmed up here. Now I had a spell, what was it? Fire Bounce? Fire Bright? Oh! I got it! Fire Ball!''

A huge blast tore through the cave. When the smoke cleared, the wizard and egg were gone. The body of the silver dragon was untouched by heat or flame.

It remained there as a silent gaurdian untill her child could return and claim it as his own.

That is how I, Rysticalith (Powder, in human tounge), came to this world. The great God Paladine blessed me with with the mission to return all the lost knowledge to the world that I possibly can. Have a wonderful time in my lair and I hope you can find what you search for.


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