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Enter: The Greater Force:

The Greater Force is the highest known evolutionary form of the Transformer race. The Greater Force exists outside of normal time and space. The physical form of the Greater Force can best be described as endless white midst. Lack of comprehension prevents a better description. The Greater Force, when ‘it’ speaks alternates between using the first and third person narrative form. That implies that perhaps the Greater Force contains a collective conscience of sorts.

The Greater Force displayed a particular interest in understanding the concepts of ‘good’ and ‘evil’ or to be more basic, the intangible elements of sentient nature. Thus to gain an understanding, ‘it’ interfered.


Created By: Jungle


Enter: Greater Force Enhanced Transformers:

The Greater Force adducted a number of Transformers and bestowed upon them a series of upgrades. Such victims include: Alpha, Arc, Black Commy, Fenril, Omega, Pyre, Sky, Squirrely, Temperance and Vile.

Greater Force Enhanced beast warrior Transformers can be compared to the TM2 type only are more ‘organic looking’. Typical enhancements include accelerated self regeneration, energy manipulation and to not require the presence of oxygen to function. It was through the use of such creatures that the Greater Force could better carry out ‘its’ aims. The victims’ free will was suppressed but tended to eventually resurface – usually after their individual purpose had been carried out. However, the powers bestowed largely remained.

Note: A covert Maximal group known as, ‘Section 10,’ attempted to duplicate the Greater Force Enhancement process to further the war effort (read the below Carbation section). The group had a deal of success until their main facility was destroyed upon the Greater Force becoming aware of it.


Enter: The Carbations:

The Carbations are a natural warrior race. The desire to prove ones self in combat and to taste victory seems to be ingrained in their makeup. The Carbations eventually set their sites on the Transformers, around the time that the first Cybertronian Alpha space station was established. A tad ironic considering the Maximal Alliance had built the station as a forum to bring all the various species together for peaceful ends. The Carbations however were not a serious threat initially. That is until the Greater Force took notice of them and thus took interest.

After the establishment of the second Cybertronian Alpha space station – the Greater Force had acted to destroy the first – the Greater Force began imparting to the Carbations advanced war making equipment. The list included; drones, exo-frames and Suncrusher class vessels – which when functioning as a unit were capable of destroying planet sized bodies. Also the Greater Force provided to the Carbations a class of ‘organic ships’ which were believed to be another evolution of the Transformer race; be it some higher form or an off shoot.

Physically Carbations can be identified by their smooth gray skin. The shade of gray varies from Carbation to Carbation. Neither the males or females of the species have hair.


Created By: Jungle and Dark One


Enter: The Ultimate Desire of the Greater Force:

The Greater Force ultimately desired to continue to evolve. However ‘it’ had reached a road block in that ‘it’ lacked the necessary control over itself to accomplish that task. That’s where Jungle came in. ‘It’ recognized the unusual amount of ‘control’ Jungle had over his inner demons. The Greater Force therefore desired to have Jungle merge with ‘it’ to accomplish that end. However, past experience had shown that such things had to be ‘willing’. Thus, ‘it’ infused Jungle with a tremendous amount of Greater Force power – enough power that Jungle actually believed he could defeat the Greater Force to put an end to the war raging with the Carbations – a war which had cost him quite personally. There was also a convenient prophecy circling about of how a ‘chosen’ would emerge one day who would defeat the Greater Force. Thus Jungle played exactly into the figurative hands of the Greater Force.

Needless to say, the Greater Force succeeded in ‘its’ aim.


The War: Aftermath:

The war the Carbations fault against the Transformers came to an abrupt end after the Greater Force managed to reach a higher evolutionary state. The technology imparted to them vanished along with the Greater Force – save that which they constructed themselves which included a number of Suncrushers. The Carbations retreated to their pre-war boarders and officially declared an armistice. The war weary Maximal Alliance accepted, however that was not good enough for the Predacons who proceeded to obliterate the Carbation’s home world in an act of vengeance.

The Carbations who remain are scattered across the cosmos, surviving largely by means of piracy.