Pain and Death

Pain and Death

Gamon is in charge of creating the new description here. As well, should we scrap this page, or keep it in case of Role Playing?

Old Description:There is a large room in Frigus Mors. Upon its door are written three simple words, "Pain and Death". Frequently, the sounds of screaming eminate from this room and echo throughout the halls of the tower. Inside, there are various implements of pain and torture. Devices range from medieval-style racks to strange, somewhat advanced equipment designed for the purpose of pain. Within this room, exectutions are also performed. Frigus Mors does not have any sort of prison in or around it. All prisoners are tortured and killed within Pain and Death. It is a place that even the most resistant to pain cry out in agony. This torture chamber is second in the kingdom only to the one in Mentar Keep.

There currently are no role plays occuring in the Torture Chamber.
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