Map Room

Map Room

You enter a small room in Frigus Mors. There is a single, bright lamp that hangs in the centre of the room. It shines directly on a large table. Along the right side of the room are shelves that contain different maps, new and old. You walk over to a shelf, pick up a map, and unroll it out on the table.

Maps of Evermore
War of Blood: By Empy Claw
Age of Rebirth 1: By Mr. Alien
Age of Rebirth 2: By Negator
Age of Rebirth 3: By Empy Claw
Era of Annihilation 1: By Negator
Era Of Annihilation 2: By Chimera
Original Map of Evermore: By Negator

Maps of Drellia and its Kingdoms
Drellia--Out of Date
Drellia--Out of Date--Kingdoms
Deroxel--Out of Date

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