The Library

The Library

You come to a vast section of Frigus Mors, dedicated to literature and history. Soft, white light shimmers through the rows upon rows of books. It is an amazing collection, everything from documents recording Drellia's history, to pieces of fiction.

Thus far, you find the library is the most serine and inviting place inside of Frigus Mors. It is quiet, but it is a peaceful quiet. The silence encourages you to move more silently, more carefully, and you begin to inspect the various books.

History of Evermore
History of Drellia
The Peoples of Drellia
War of the Wal-Mart by F. David Schultz
To submit a piece of fiction to the Evermore library, e-mail claw153 at shaw dot ca.

There are currently no roleplays occurring in or around the Library
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