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Chapter 2:Jenni and Ashley sat at the table of a nice Italian restaurant, waiting for Isaac to make his debut. They chattered softly about how life was progressing in Tulsa. Ashley found out that Jenni was teaching high school locally, and that her parents had divorced since Ashley had left. She also got the sad bit of news that Beverly, the nice waitress who had once worked at the Caboose, had died not too long ago. Apparently old age had gotten her. Martha had retired from her job at the beauty shop about 4 years ago because her hands had gotten too shaky to do her job well.

They had almost run out of topics of conversation when Isaac bustled in, grinning sheepishly. "Hey," he said, as he sat next to Jenni. He gave her a soft peck on the cheek and smiled at Ashley. "Is she yacking your ear off?"

"Yup," Ashley replied.

"It's good to see you around again," Isaac said, extending his hand across the table to shake hers.

"The pleasure is all mine," Ashley said, taking his hand for a moment. He then retracted his hand and looked at Jenni.

"Have you guys ordered yet?"

"Nope," Jenni replied. "We were polite and waited on you."

"You shouldn't have," he said, giving her another kiss on her cheek. Jenni blushed and looked at her hands folded primly on her lap.

"Well, I know what I want," Isaac replied. "I take it you do, too?" When the two women nodded, he placed an order with the waiter. Then he struck up a conversation. It was filled with questions about France, her short-lived marriage of which he'd only heard about in brief, and about her father's condition.

Dinner passed quickly. Ashley had barely even realized that 2 hours had passed whenever Isaac asked for their ticket. He quickly volunteered to pay for all of them. Just before they got up to leave, Isaac said to Ashley, "You know, you should really give Taylor a call. I'll bet he'd be glad to hear from you."

Ashley looked away from the table for a moment, and then at her napkin which was folded neatly on her empty dessert plate. "No, I don't think I should."

Isaac sighed and gave Jenni a 'I-gave-it-my-best-shot' look. Jenni sighed as well. "Well," he said, standing up, "It's been really nice to see you again, Ashley. I hope in the future you'll pay Tulsa visits more frequently."

Ashley stood up as well and murmured that she'd try. He rushed on, "Jenni told me that you are going to be in our wedding. Is that so?"

Ashley gave Jenni a defeated look. "Yeah," she said. "I am."

"Well!" Isaac exclaimed. "So we'll see you around soon!"

"Yes," Ashley said. "I've had a wonderful time. Thanks for taking pity on me and offering to take me along with you."

"Anytime," Jenni said. Then, they said their good-byes and went their separate ways. Ashley hurried to her car, praying that she could just hurry up and get away from Tulsa unscathed.
