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Industrial Drive unit#4

78578 Port Isabel - Texas -

Tel .: (956)943 5150

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Welcome to Plans and Catalogs

Here you will find the sources of Hovercraft plans.
There are several designer selling plans for Hovercraft. 
Before you start selecting a certain set of Hovercraft plans ask yourself where you want to use the Hovercraft, how much people you want to take on the ride as well as the total payload it should carry. From fishing gear to ice box - each pound counts since it will not help you to build a craft which was not designed for your application.
Talk to other builder from all Hovercraft designs you are interested in to get an idea how "easy" it is to build your first craft.
We hope the provided Links will help you select your dream craft.


Catalogs and Plans

Hovercraft Catalogs
Very useful Hovercraft Site
 Hovercraft Catalogs
Tips and Tricks
Design calculator
Free plans on great site
Barry Palmers SEVS
Hovercraft for sale
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