Welcome to a Web Page by a Dog for Dogs
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Welcome to a Web Page by a Dog for Dogs

Greetings! Q in Las VegasMy name is Q. I am a schnauzer and here is my favorite park where I enjoy playing ball and just hanging out. By the way, it's great to see that you finally could get your paws on the master's puter while you are alone. I think it's just doggish to be a geek dawg and my being online is just complete doggie heaven. I know most of you guys (dogs) like the constant confrontation out there in the dog-eat-dogQ's Park world but I am here to tell you that being in the doghouse is also not that bad. That is, if you are an indoor dog.

This is my first attempt at a web page so my first thoughts are to show you pictures of myself in various parts of my doghouse and also share some tidbits of what I have overheard. Don't get me wrong about being a geek, I love "truckin", although I am physically challenged in the category of ears and tongue flapping in the wind. However, I can "out drive, out hustle, out tuff, out muscle, out tow, out run, out work and out fun..." and show you what I got.. with the best of them.

Q's Den
The den's one of my favorite places to watch the home team (more doggish this season) on my big screen TV.
Q's Ocean View Sunset
My other favorite place... watching the coastline view (35 miles on a clear day).

It's astounding what we dogs overhear!

This is why men want us for their best friends?
Viewpoints by Men

This is why women compare men to us dogs?
Viewpoints by Women

This is why women think us dogs are better then men?
More Viewpoints by Women

This is Why Other Dogs are Computer Challenged?
Viewpoints by Dogs

This is to let you know that I and "All My Friends like to Go Riding."

Q Doing the Town

All this work in creating a web page has made me exhausted - I'm going to bed.

Q's Bedroom

As usual I am always Ready - These photos were taken in and after October, 2001.

Q says 'Although SUVs are as sexy as a stage coach - I am still ready to ride'

Thanks for the visit.

Q in dining room

This is my portrait which I had done for my 12th Birthday this December 24th.

This is a new addition to our car family.

A bad hair day in my ride to the park - Everyone has these.


Remember, that phrases like 'dog tired' or 'sick as a dog' is dog bashing and deserves a good bark followed by a deep growl.

This web page was developed by Q on 11/02/97.


Email: bj__@hotmail.com

Q - 12/24/90 to 12/05/02



Lend To You A Dog

"I will lend to you for awhile,

a furry dog," God said,

"For you to love here while he lives,

And to mourn for when he’s dead."

"Maybe twelve or fourteen years,

Or maybe two or three,"

"But will you, till I call him back,

Take care of him for me?"

"He’ll bring his charms to gladden you,

So should his stay on earth be brief,"

"You’ll always have his memories

as solace for your grief."

"I cannot promise that he’ll stay,

Since all from earth return."

"But there are lessons taught below

I want this dog to learn."

"I’ve looked the whole world over,

In search of teachers, true,"

"From the folks that crowd this life’s land,"

"I have chosen you."

"Now simply give him all your love,"

"Don’t think the labor vain,"

"Nor hate Me when I come to take

My lovely dog again."

"I watched as I saw him give

love, laughter, smiles and fun,"

"For all the joys this dog will bring,"

"The risk of grief you’ll run."

"Will you shelter him with tenderness?"

"Will you love him while you may?"

"And for the happiness you’ll know,

Forever grateful, stay?"

"But should I call him back

much sooner than you’ve planned,"

"Please brave the bitter grief that comes

and try to understand."

"If by your love, you’ve managed

My wishes to achieve,"

"In memory of him that you’ve loved,

Be thankful, do not grieve."

"Cherish every moment

with your furry charge, my friend,"

"For he filled your home with love and joy

time and time again."

"I will lend to you, a dog," God said

"To teach you all you have to do."

"And when I call him back to heaven,

You’ll know he loved you, too."


Adaptation from a poem by Mike Triton







This is how I remember you my best friend. Rest my little boy, we love you.. it didn't have to be this way - but it is

Q hiking in mountain country

Q being a snowbunny

Q wearing a racoon disguise

Q suffering from cabin fever

Q wearing summer coat

Q exhausted after a workday





Good Bye Mr. Q - The Spirit of the Wind be With You   

                                          - Good Bye My Special Friend -                                                  

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