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A partial list of important terms. Unless otherwise noted, all terms herein apply to the Space Seekers Omnisphere setting.

For a further list of terms and items in Space Seekers, try Blackout's Glossary.


Active Lightning: A powerful energy force, often used as a weapon to devastating effect.

Al: owner of "Al's Used Ship Lot", a now-defunct craft sales store on Roid. Al disappeared mysteriously, and it is believed he was killed aboard the Tul Kern.

Andy: 1. The man abducted from Earth who became the navigation officer aboard the crippled Tul Kern with Randy's Crew. 2. Fumut The word for "human". 3. Fumut Fred's name, in the Fumut language.

Andy Andy: Fumut Harold's name, in the Fumut language.

Andy Andy Andy: Fumut Andy's name, in the Fumut language.

Armegas: A quasi-evil spirit cursed and trapped within the Tul Kern, Armegas could only assume solid form during the night. The rest of the time he existed solely as a spirit, locked within the hull of Baduuku's ship. Armegas joined forces with Shath during the fight to defeat the Dragonne invasion.

Armtool: A Space Seeker device encasing the right or left forearm of a Space Seeker, equipped with good scanners, a jetrope attachment, and a bogatast in the basic model. Armtools have inlcuded various and sundry other items at different times in the Space Seeker development, such as capsule guns which fired small capsules to varying effect.

Aster: Deadly material that destroys matter in a similar fashion to warp rocks: anything engulfed by aster becomes more aster. Aster is notable for its tendency to expand in a sphere at the speed of light.

Aster bomb: A missile containing an aster warhead.

AU: Astronomical Unit. An AU is the distance that light travels in 8 minutes, more easily conceived as the distance between the Earth and the Sun.


B- suit: Any of a series of mechanized armor suits worn by Space Seekers that are effectively small spacecraft, able to travel in speed dimensions, armed with heavy weapons, and quite well-armored.

Baduuku: a Lybro cabin-boy aboard the original Tul Kern several hundred years before the adventures of Shath and Harmony. Baduuku went insane when all of the Tul Kern's crew were hideously murdered, but gained dread mystic powers as a result. Recently, Baduuku materialized as Armegas aboard the crippled Tul Kern to Randy's crew. Currently, Baduuku's spirit has inhabited the body of a Dragonne warrior, increasing his awesome power even further.

Barkov Unit: a Barkov unit is a very serious, mean-spirited heavy version of a ZAT unit.

Battle of Five Omnispheres: An invasion attempt by the combined forces of several outside Omnispheres, led by their respective Omnilords, to conquer the riches of our Omnisphere and gain the knowledge of Sector One. Fadeaway, Paradox, and the Watcher fought in the battle and managed to defeat the invading fleets.

Baybay: A race of hugely strong ape-men, slaves to the Blin and food for the Brillitz. The Baybay, as observed by Randy's crew, are fairly brutish, enjoy inflicting pain, and are (mostly) resigned to Fate.

Billy: An old, broken down, erratic Zat unit that is slaved to Captain Randy.

Bizzerk: a giant spaceship created by Zatazan eons ago to house all the wisdom and might of the Omnisphere. Bizzerk is a little insane with the Bizzerk entity, and the ship remains capricious and inscrutable in its objectives. Recently, Bizzerk has served as OmniLord of our Omnisphere. Bizzerk's symbol is a happy face.

Bizzerk Entity: a warped, slightly crazy melding of the Bizzerk AI and Zatazan which controls the mighty ship, Bizzerk.

Bizzerk Wars: A multi-Omnisphere, multi-dimensional combat in which the Space Seekers themselves played a very small role. All forces for good and evil fought in the conflict as parallel dimension-versions of Bizzerk all converged in several universes to fight for control of reality. A totally mind-boggling conflict that left many feeling really dwarfed by the power and complexity involved. The Space Seekers were able to defeat a few of the "evil" Bizzerks, but whether that had any real effect on the outcome will never be known. In the end, Order won out over Chaos and the Omnisphere still exists.

Black Cube: A typically inert material that can be shaped to any form and is vistually unbreakable. Black Cube material is primarily used to contain dangerous materials, such as homicidal Zat units.

Blackout: (AKA Space Seeker XVIII) One of the most powerful Space Seekers in existence, Blackout's body was replaced with animate Black Cube material. Blackout was the sometimes Mamna of Hyperion. Blackout has fought and won far too many battles to list here.

Blin: (pronounced bleen) A spacefaring race of giant, cyclopean furry snails. The Blin have fairly advanced technology and have subjugated at least one other race, the Baybay, to be therir slaves. The Blin pursue knowledge ruthlessly, up to and including dissecting new species alive to observe how musculature works.

Boga: 1. A type of energy used as a weapon discharge. 2. A measure of destructive capability: "able to destroy a city block".

Boga-blaster: a blaster that fires a bogablast strong enough to level a city block.

Bogatast: a weapon refinement of a "boga-blaster" that allows use of different levels of boga energy, from very light laser equivalent to a blast that would level a city block. Can be set to rapid- or single-fire.

Boot: a member of a race of small, rodentoid beings that excel in technical research.

Brillitz: Insectic beings equipped with advanced technology, currently at war with the Tox. Also, a recent form of sustenance for the transformed Baduuku.

Bumper beams: A ship or suit modification making travel in Warp safe. Bumper beams are force projectors that deflect oncoming warp rocks before they can destroy the vehicle.

BW: abbreviation of Bizzerk Wookawike, a class of spaceship made to resemble Bizzerk. While quite powerful, a BW doesn't hold a candle to Bizzerk.


Cistoph: the sometimes science officer aboard Bizzerk, Cistoph is a short humanoid with an octopoid head: large bulbous eyes and a ring of tentacles surrounding its beak.

Concordinant: The integral binding energy of a particular OmniSphere.

Crith: 1. an inhabited planet of Sector One. 2. one of the large ape-like intelligent race native to the planet Crith.

Crow: The Main Computer of the Delta Game (Fred).

Crystal: 1. Warp Crystal, what warp rocks are made of. 2. Form of currency in the Hardcore's Hold setting. 3. Crystalline stones mined from the sands of Fumut, imbued with energy and power from the sand. 4. A type of mental/spiritual power that fed from the power of the indiviudal and from the planet Fumut itself.


December: a mid-size ship used by the Space Seekers in the Reset Omnisphere. The December is disc-shaped, with two bridge pods facing forward on either side of the disc, and equipped with a limited AI.

Delta: An alternate dimension, used as a speed dimension.

Delta Game: A metagame term for Crow's setting in which the Space Seekers encountered Orion, Pyson, and others.

Dimensions: There are countless different dimensions, each with different physical properties. Most are useless, but Space Seekers and others have managed to harness some dimensions for one of two purposes: energy, or speed. Dimensions can be harnessed to power virtually anything, though the process is fairly inefficient. Travel through different dimensions can shorten travel times between remote locations. There is a spectrum of "Speed dimensions", ranging upward from normal or n-space, all the way to Doot.

Dabsalon: One of the more dealy materials known, dabsalon is a gas which disintegrates all organic matter, converting it into more dabsalon. Most recently, Randy's Crew were involved in a fight with Seeker Units, two of which released dabsalon on the planet Macelli, which is now dead of all life.

Doot: Arguably the fastest speed there is. A Doot-equipped craft may travel anywhere in the universe in the time it takes to say "Doot".

Doot-doot: A meta-game euphemism for opening communications, in imitation of the "attention" beep of a communicator.

Dragonne: 1. A race of gigantic bipedal monsters, vaguely reptilian in appearance and possessed of a completely alien intelligence. Dragonne motives are unclear, but every encounter has resulted in their attempting to destroy, subjugate, or just plain eat every other race. The Dragonne have a complex symbol which may summon or manufacture other Dragonne. With their limitless ability to regenerate damage and their immense strength, Dragonne are a terror not to be taken lightly. 2. The Dragonne. The nominal leader of all the Dragonne, a solar-system sized (at least an AU in height) monster.

Dyna-Ball: a nearly-mythical sport that was played by Space Seeker trainees in Trangadst before it was destroyed.


Ectica Plana: The largest space craft in existence, equipped with at least a dozen of everything, if you can find it. Recently, Ectica Plana was cut up into sections and salvaged by SOB during the Randy's Crew game.


Fadeaway: (AKA Space Seeker XIX) The former captain of the Work2. The first of the Space Walkers, Fadeaway founded New Terra and built Trangadst. One of the founders of Roid3, Fadeaway disappeared from our reality when the Watcher pulled him out.

Fondra: a civilized planet with Andy as its Mamna.

Fred: Weapons officer of Randy's Crew aboard the crippled Tul Kern.

Fumut: A planet in the universe contained within Hardcore's hold, the starting setting for the Hardcore's Hold game. In Protectors Era, Fumut had somehow escaped Hardcore only to be destroyed by the Uurdta.


The Game: A term used to refer to the various incarnations of the Space Seeker game, including in part the Space Seekers Omnisphere, the Universe in Hardore's Hold, and the Protectors era/Omnisphere.

Garguwak: an inhabited planet in Sector One.

Good Symbol: An assortment of mostly parallel lines which, together, represent Good.

Guy at the Top of the Helmet: AI employed with a human simulation for a helmet translator device. Used in substandard Space Seeker helmets. Mysteriously, the Guy at the Top of the Helmet would often pantomime the translations, rather than speaking them.


Hardcore: A gigantic spacecraft equipped with stupendous weapons and interdimensional holds. Hardcore is the detachable bridge section of Ectica Plana. The entire adventures of Andy, Andy Andy, and Andy Andy Andy on and around Fumut took place entirely in a small part of a galaxy contained within one of Hardcore's holds.

Hardcore's Hold: 1. A metagame term for the Space Seekers setting contained entirely within the ship, Hardcore. 2. An interdimensional hold aboard Hardcore that held at least an entire galaxy, including Supik and Fumut.

Harmony: A member of a pacifistic race of giant solitary bipeds who devoted their long lives as caretakers of the universe, planting gardens and terraforming dead worlds throughout whichever galaxy they found themselves in. Harmony was the only one of his kind ever encountered. He was killed very shortly after going insane on or around Roid after first discovering the Tul Kern.

Harold: Communications officer of Randy's Crew aboard the crippled Tul Kern.

Hobbit: of or relating to advanced technology developed by the Watcher that does not use Concordinant energy.


Ibex: The Main Computer of the Protectors setting (Harold).

Initiate: (kartik) to transform a newer race to be able to communicate with the higher Kul-Sha races. Being initiated is looked upon by the Kul-Sha races as being akin to an illiterate halfwit learning to read.

Insectic: Insect-like, in a particularly menacing or horrifying manner.

Interdimensional: refers to a magitechnology that allows compression of a large amount of space into a small volume. With interdimensionality, a bread-box sized container can hold a weapon, a spaceship, a planet, or even an entire universe, depending on the efficiency of the interdimensional container. Interdimensionality is linked to the Concordinant energy of each OmniSphere.

It's almost midnight: a metagame comment meant to get the players back to The Game. Originated during a gaming session when a player noticed that it was getting late and they weren't getting any gaming done.

Click here for Part 2 of the Space Seeker glossary: Part Two.
