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Free GuestBooks by Phaistos Networks!

I love all these people and would do anything for them. They brighten my life and bring a smile on my face everyday. I am thankful that God has brought each one of them into my life and I hope that I will be with them always.


"Row-ber", as some people call him, is one of my best friends. Things may have started off rough in the beginning and may seem bleak now, but we'll get through it. Thoughout the months, we've seen each other sporatically. Being at different colleges is really hard, but I know it'll be worthwhile when we look back on it. Some of the best laughs I've spent with him. I'll remember every moment we've spent together.

Jennifer A.

Jenn is one of my goodest friends. She's always been there to help and has cried with me through everything! We make it through the day by talking and complaining about how bad we are at tennis. We'll make it through everything, nothing will ever tear us apart. Our visit to Lynbrook was interesting. Hahaha... she chokes on life savers, and breathes through the hole, waiting for it to melt. And she loves to find little stickers in her box of Cracker Jacks. She's very reserved and somewhat shy when it comes to guys, but is the cutest! Her style is unmistakabe; she can wear anything from baggy pants to flares. She loves to talk and share her feelings. I love being around her.


Aileen has been my friend for what seems like forever. I met her in the late Mr. Wishnack's class in 7th grade and we have been pals ever since. Taken many vacations (Hawaii, Alaska, skiing!) which I thank her for. Our wall on the ship will always be etched into my memory. Had many great times biking (YOU have to bike to MY house), shopping, and watching movies. She is very outgoing and has a personality that almost anyone can get used to. That's probably why she's friends with practically everyone. Along with her varsity tennis skills, she loves to go rock climbing and play ping pong! I think her best trait is that she speaks her mind at that moment. Never keeps anything locked up inside her. And the fact that she shares the same birthday with 4 other people makes her very special!


Nancy and I have been friends forever. We met in Mr. Wishnack's class in 7th grade also. Driving me home, seeing some movies, and just pretty much hanging out has been a regular thing for us. Marching band was fun while it lasted. The trumpet section kicked ass. Vancover was a lot of fun. I'll never forget being on the bus with her and walking around Victoria. She's a great person with the biggest heart, and will always be there for me. She loves to eat doughnuts and drink her anti-freeze. I know she'll be a great graphic designer some day. Love u always and forever San-San.


Rebecca... ahh, My pea brain. Vancover? Hehe... we'll go sit on our crack and then go fly at the front of the ship. Hahaha... lotsa fun. Well she's a great friend to me. I'd do anything for her. Protect her from being eaten by the Homestead guys, and go to other school's sadies! We'll play tennis, and eat lotsa stuff. She's outgoing and a fun person to be around. We have great memories from camp that first year and everything from then on after. Like sitting in front of the guy's cabins pretending we are lost. Hehehe... gotta climb the wall. And go canoeing!

Jennifer L.

Jen has just been there through it all. Our walks back and forth from 7-11 have helped me a lot. To both vent out my anger and sort it out. I thank her so much for that. And though we aren't always together, we'll always be friends. It's amazing how one small short promise to get to know each other better has lead us to become such great friends. She's a great listener and a great comforter. And it's always great just to talk. Just in case you ever need anyone to talk to, I'll be here. And what I can always encourage upon you is to Follow Your Heart! She's really great at giving advice and being a great friend.


He's the sweetest... that is when he's not being mean. I love to laugh with him... whether he's saying "pee-llow" or just saying something funny. We met playing tennis, which is kinda ironic, cuz we hardly play anymore, but I'm thankful that we have something in common to start of with. It takes us a little while to figure out what or where we are going, but we eventually think of something and always have fun. My time with him was short-lived but special and I will never forget it.


Deb is just always there. I'm sorrie for all the things I've done that's angered you, but I've always just meant to tease. We've made it through tennis and out ups and downs, and through all the many crushes. Ick... you know who they are. She's smart, humble, and honest to her word. Her humor is great and she is very stylish. I love the way she always notices my new clothes and shoes. (She is the only one.) It's always great to check on how she's doing. She just all around loves great music. And pretty much all great musicals. You can hear her singing music from Rent, Miss Saigon, Le Mis, .... etc. all the time. Oh yah... and she loves guys with the initials AK.


Laurie has also helped me through everything. I've very glad she's in my life. She's my official shrink. I can't thank her enough. We talk together a lot and her advise has never steered me wrong. I love her for the way she is. And although she's away at a far far away college, she'll always be close to me in my heart. Email has now made our communication so much easier. We went to Raging Waters and sat on the tubes going around on the Endless River. But next time she'll have to go under the waterfalls! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! >P


Geez. I meet Naoya on winter retreat. He was the one who loved my pillow. I tell him pretty much everything. He gives me great words of comfort. Not seeing him very much is a problem, and arranging to see him doesn't work either. He is one of the busiest musically talented person I know. Clarinet, violin, and piano are all on his list. He rides his bike everywhere, since he can't drive... and he's the youngest junior that I know. He's a great friend and comes to visit whenever he can... or whenever I'm at Gunn. We'll get together sometime.


She's my Bo. We're engaged to be married... until she killed my father!!!!!! Ahhh! I'll never forgive you!!! Haha... anyway... we've have fun times. She's a blast to be around, mostly because she is the easiest to make fun of. Her humor is nothing more than awesome and she's a great friend. Look forward to the rest of the time I have to spend with her. Stupid Mini Me...


Vic is... something else. She's not afraid of anything. She loves to have a good time and is as sweet as can be. Her love for knives and fire is nothing less than her love for her friends, and in a way, she collects them as her favorite possesions. But she's always been great to me. And I love her house! From it you can practically see all South Bay! We crash at her house, or bake cream of mushroom soup five different ways (ELAINE!!!). Hehe... it's awesome to be with my bud Vic. We talk about all our guy probs together. Ironic because she was the first one I actually did (kinda) know about my first crush.


Mary Lu (Retton) is a great friend. She used to live a block away, but then she had to move to a 15 minute drive away. But it's okay. I'm glad she's been a friend since freshman year. We meet each other while walking home one day(when she lived close). She happened to be there and so was I. So started a great friendship. We volunteer at the Tech Museum of Innovation in San Jose together and we do a lot of stuff just for fun. She's like a skinny, tall kinda sister for me. Hehe... just that she's a mac-aholic. Hehe :o) Common conversation among friends: "Hey where's Mary?" "Probably with some guy." "Yah, I would think so."


My ja-ja. Meet her through a mutual friend and we've been friends ever since. Nothing has really been bad between us ever. She's really great. Her personality has always been really happy and can brighten up anyone's day. She's an impressive swimmer and a runner, which make her athletic. Her real home is actualy St. Louis, but we love her out here!


Although I haven't known Grant too long, we're prety cool. I like to leach off of him because he IS a cs genious. Hehe.... well without him, I know my laugh at UCSD would have decreased many-fold. I look forward to the rest of the years there together.


Well technically, I've known Jason my entire life. Our parents knew each other before we were even born. I guess that makes us fortunate for meeting each other! I just got to know him better during the cruise last summer. It was so much fun... gosh I loved the cruise. Um.. he's really really sweet. One of the most... that's maybe one of the best qualities of him. I don't get to see him a lot because he lives so far away, but I have the memories to look back on.