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(Jessie's note: Poor Mike. I hate it when meteors fall on people when they're trying to make a point.)

Mike McCormick was a steel drivin' man

Who never really gave a damn

Only thing he worked on was his tan

Mike McCormick was a steel drivin' man

He'd get up in the morning

To hammer in them spikes

Unless he'd been up

Drinking the previous night

Or if his bones

Weren't feeling right

Or if it looked like

It was going to rain

He had a tendency of

Being late for work

And everyone around

Thought he was a jerk

He'd take long breaks and

Say his back was hurt

And then he'd have

A drink to ease the pain

Mike McCormick was a steel drivin' man

Who never really gave a damn

Only thing he worked on was his tan

Mike McCormick was a steel drivin' man

His arms were like twigs and

His legs were like straws

His hands like a baby's bum

They were so soft

He'd wheeze and moan

And whine and cough

Then go home

And take a little nap

He never got fired

Cuz he was the boss' son

He just hung around

And bothered everyone

Never drove a spike

Not a single one

Though every now and then

He'd give a tap

Mike McCormick was a steel drivin' man

Who never really gave a damn

Only thing he worked on was his tan

Mike McCormick was a steel drivin' man

So he took his hammer and

Hammered one time

(*ting!* Ow!)

He took his hammer and

Hammered two times

(*ting! ting!* Ooh!)

He took his hammer and

Hammered three times

(*ting! ting! ting!* Ohhh!)

Then he got crushed

By a meteor and died.

Mike McCormick was a steel drivin' man

Who never really gave a damn

Only thing he worked on was his tan

Mike McCormick was a steel drivin' man