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(Jessie's note: One of my very favourite songs! Fun to march to, and oh so true..)

When I look around me

I can't believe what I see

It seems as if this country has

Lost its will to live

The economy is lousy

We barely have an army

But we can still stand proudly

Cause Canada's really big!

We're the second largest country

On this planet earth

And if Russia keeps on shrinking

Then soon we'll be first!

(As long as we keep Quebec)

The USA has tanks

And Switzerland has banks

They can keep them thanks

They just don't amount

Cause when you get down to it

You find out what the truth is

It isn't what you do with it

It's the size that counts

Cause people will tell you

That France is pretty large

But you can't put fourteen Frances

Into this land of ours

It'd take a lot of work

It'd take a whole lot of work

We're larger than Malaysia

Almost as big as Asia

We're bigger than Australia

And it's a continent!

So big we seldom bother

To go see one another

But we often go to other countries for vacation.

Our moutains are very pointy

Our prairies are not.

The rest is kinda bumpy..

But man do we have a lot!

We got a lot of land..

We got a whole lot of land!

So stand up and be proud

And sing out very loud

We stand out from the crowd

Cause Canada's really big!!