Ryan's Angelversary Gifts 2008

These beautiful gifts were made for Ryan by other angel Moms. Please visit their angels and meet them. Just move your mouse over the gift to see who made it and click on the gift to go to their angel's site. Thank you all, Linda

Thank you Christine

Thank you Ann, Jason's Mom

Thank you Dj, Shane's Mom

Thank you Angie, Dustin's Mom

Thank you Lynn, Ken's Mom

Thank you Carol, Michael's Mom

Thank you Marge, RoseAnn, Anthony & Christopher's Mom

Thank you Sue-Anne, Lee's Mom

Thank you Linda, Tina Marie's Mom

TY Linda, Grant's Mom

TY Polly, Jessica's Mom

TY Rose

TY Shirley, Laurie's Mom

TY Donna, Corey's Mom

TY Beth, Hayes Mom

TY Donna, Zachery's Mamaw

TY Kris, Bradley's Mom

Click here to return to Ryan's Angelversary Page

TY Saralyn, Robbie's Mom

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