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Randonimity Workout Program

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Right now this is just a place for me to host this program I've been working on. It's not yet complete, but you can check it out. Things I have left to do are with the weighted GPP section. I have yet to incorporate car pushing or sled work into it. But it will get there. Everything else should be working pretty well. Its Dos based, which means it will work on PC's, and I have little to no Mac experience, so I don’t know how it will function on them, but you can give it a shot. I want to give credit where credit is due, I Pilfered much of the ideas behind this program from Ross Enamait and his book Ultimate Training for the Ultimate Warrior.

Some things to Consider:

  • This program assumes you have a couple of things. The first thing you're going to need is some weights of various types. A plate loaded barbell with 300 lbs of plates will run you 1-2 hundred dollars and will be infinitely superior to any machine you can buy for $2000.
  • You also need an adjustable Sandbag. Some sand and an Army Surplus bag will work, but you want to keep it adjustable. So bag and duct tape some sand in Ziploc bags so you have 1-2 lbs per bag and you have your adjustments.
  • Another thing this program assumes you have is Bas Rutten’s MMA workout tapes/CDs. I HIGHLY recommend these. You can live without them though; just re-generate a Skill training routine if it tells you to use Bas's tapes.
  • One more thing you may want is a heart rate monitor. This is optional. I use mine to stay in a specific Zone for time. i.e., if I have am doing fence throwing for 20 minutes I use it to stay between 75 and 90 percent of my max heart rate. I do a set whenever my heart rate hits 75% and rest (cut my set short) if it ever goes above 90.
  • And of course for a great reference that includes great descriptions of much of these exercises and drills, I recommend Ross’ book Ultimate Training for the Ultimate Warrior, which, by the way, has nothing to do with the pro wrestler.

Running –

This part is finished. I may add more routines to it periodically, but for the most part, it's finished and functioning exactly like I want it to. I do one of these routines twice a week. You’ll notice there are no sissy jogs in here.

Non-weighted GPP –

This is finished as well. I do GPP three times a week (on non running day) or twice a week I do Non-weighted GPP followed by Weighted GPP (also on non running days).

Weighted GPP –

I mentioned earlier this isn't completed. The 5 step Barbell complex: it's a clean, front squat, push press, back squat and behind the neck push press. This movement should be fluid, one movement flowing into the next, all performed (of course) with the same weight. This can be done with a barbell or sandbag and is normally done with about 50% of your push press max.

Skill training –

As I only have a heavy bag and speed bag at home, that's all this incorporates. In the future, I'll put in a Double end bag drill for each session. The speed bag is broken up into circle punching (your normal speed bag punches) and combinations. The combinations are random 10 punch combinations of the basic 4 punches (jab, L. Hook, R. Hook, R. straight) performed on the speed bag as well as possible. The 10 x 10 bag drill is 5 quick 1-2 combinations, reset your feet, and repeat 9 more time. The 5 x 20 drill is a 1-2-1-2-3 combination, reset your feet and repeat 19 more times. After these two drills you can rest a bit and do it again. It should only take you 2-3 seconds to reset your feet, these are not footwork or movement drills.

I'll be neatening up this page as well and putting this information in a read me file. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me... I'll try my best to respond quickly but I make no guarantees. Also, if it's something I have explained here or in the read me, you can expect a big "fuck you!" as a response.

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