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Urban’s Soapbox


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If you’re here, it’s probably because I told you to come here or some other sherdogger recommended the site (my thanks to these 2nd degree acquaintances)  In any event, you’re here, and you’re probably here to learn to lift some weights or expand on your vast knowledge of lifting heavy objects and putting them down again.  Below are some things I have been ruminating on, and writing down in a place I could send other people who want (or need) the information. So quit clogging up my forums with threads that have been done a thousand times.

Strength Training 101 -

This is a larger than little article I wrote so that you could learn to lift right!  It includes how to make a routine, what types of exercises to choose and more importantly WHY I think you should construct a routine like this.  In need of some updating, but it’ll still get the job done.

What I’ve Learned *NEW*

The fall semester of 2005 was very enlightening for me in my pursuit of heavy iron.  This isn’t so much an article as bunch of snippets on how good lifting habits.  Every beginner should read it, and in my from what I’ve seen, most people with less than 3 years lifting experience could probably benefit too.  I wish somebody had told me these things when I started.

Strength Training 102 -

This is a larger than little article I wrote so that you could learn to lift right!  It includes how to make a routine, what types of exercises to choose and more importantly WHY I think you should construct a routine like this.

Do it Yourself Grip Equipment -

Lower Arm strength is critical for anyone serious about grip training. Learn to make the equipment you need.

Intermediate - Advanced rep schemes

This hosts a spreadsheet on rep schemes not for the novice lifter.  Once you get about 6-12 reps under your belt You should be good to go in here.

Exercise Mediums -

A page I made to cover how you get your exercises done.  Right now I only cover barbells, dumbbells, sandbags and kegs.  The routine in the end is geared towards general or functional strength, but the concepts can be made more sport specific.

Tabata Interval Timer MP3 -

This is an MP3 file that I created to make simplify timing out tabtata intervals.  It begins with a 10 second rest, sounds a chime, and has the first of eight 20 second work periods.  The whole file is 4 minutes long.  Good luck.

Experimental -

This is my little experiment in randomness. In it is a interval running routine generator, weighted and non weighted GPP generator and a bag/pad work generator.