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It used to tick me off when the Muslim detractors in the Middle East, or the Socialist detractors in Europe, Hollywood, and other cesspools of America called my president a cowboy, but the more I think about, the more glad I am that he is.

When I was a kid, cowboys were my heroes. Well, I mean the ones in the white hats; the black hats were the bad guys. There was Tom Mix, Buck Jones, Johnny Mack Brown, Hopalong Cassidy, Red Ryder, Gary Cooper, Roy Rogers, Marshal Matt Dillon, and others. Personally, I think Roy Rogers could beat em all up, and then sing a song afterward to his girl friend. He was my favorite.

What were common attributes of these legendary cowboys? Here are a few:

They were never looking for trouble, but when it came, they faced it with courage.

They were always on the side of right. They defended good people against bad people.

They had high morals. They had good manners.

They were honest. They spoke their minds and spoke the truth, regardless of what people thought or “political correctness”, which no one had ever heard of back then.

They were a beacon of integrity in the wild, wild West.

They were respected. When they walked into a saloon, where they usually drank only sarsaparilla, the place became quiet, and the bad guys kept their distance.

If in a gunfight, they could outdraw anyone. If in a fistfight, they could beat up anyone.

They always won.

They always got their man.

In victory, they rode off into the sunset. Those were the days when there was such a thing as right and wrong, something now blurred in our modern world, and denied by many. Those were the days when women were respected and treated as ladies, because they acted like ladies.

Now as I am older, I still like cowboys. They represent something good something pure that America has been missing.

Ronald Reagan was a cowboy. I like Ronald Reagan, who was brave, positive, and who gave us hope. He wore a white hat. To the consternation of his liberal critics, he had the courage to call a spade a spade and call the former Soviet Union what it was – the evil empire. Liberals hated Ronald Reagan.

They also hate President Bush because he distinguishes between good and evil. He calls a spade a spade, and after 9-11 called evil "evil" without mincing any words, to the shock of the liberal establishment.

That’s what cowboys do you know.

He also told the French to "put their cards on the table" (Old West talk), which he did, exposing their cowardness and greed.

The Arabs are wrong. In the Old West, might did not make right. Right made right. Cowboys in white hats were always on the side of the right, and that was their might.

I am glad my President is a cowboy. He will get his man. Cowboys always do, you know.

words by Andy Roony from 60 Minutes

Jesus is a Cowboy,too

Revelation 19:11
And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.

Revelation 19:14
And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.

I can't think of a better way to begin a tribute to the hard working men and women of our United States Military than to begin with honoring The Commander-in-Cheif, President George W. Bush.

To the men and women of the US Armed Forces we salute you and thank you with sincere gratitudes and uphold you with the highest respects for your service to our country. You are never alone. You are never forgotten. There are still many citizens of this great nation who believe in saying, "Thank you", and we mean it. For it is those of us who know the price of freedom and know that it is not free. Your willingness to sacrifice for our liberties always brings you foremost in our hearts and prayers.

God bless you all who serve. Thank you for letting me live in freedom and not demanding of me to give as much as you do for the privilege of being American. I believe we all have a place and for those of you who serve, I am best at supporting your efforts.

Thank you for every moment you have sacrificed to ensure that we, as a people and a nation live in freedom. Thank you for protecting and ensuring the dignity of Old Glory. Thank you for your service to our country. You are the reason, as those who came before you, that my children grow up in a world of peace. For that, there is nothing that I can say to show my gratitude enough.

Please know it is with my most humble gratitude, deepest sincerity, that I wish you all well. God bless you and keep you safe. May He grant you grace and mercy. May He give you strength of heart, peace of mind and courage in adversity. May He give those you leave behind the peace that passes understanding and they remain faithful, loyal and true.

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Photo's collected from US Gov't Websites

Music copyright the individual artists. There is no attempt here to infringe on any copyright laws. Our only purpose is to honor the brave men and women of the US Armed Forces and to invoke the deep emotional respects we have for them.

Graphic Art ©TequilaRose

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