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About the Courses
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Schedule of Courses


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  • Call (708) 974-2110

  • Use touch-tone at (708) 974-5400

  • Visit the College Center in person

  • Previous students may sign up on the website at


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Educator's Academy

Internet for Educators Course

The Internet for Educators Course has been redesigned and updated to meet the IL State Educators Basic Technology Standards for 2003.  Join us to learn new methods for bringing technology  into your classroom. Practice using the World Wide Web for internet research and Web Quests.  Create Web Logs, called Blogs, and share your information with other educators.  (See for more information.)

Educators who attend the “Internet for Educators” course will be able to do the following:

  • Sign on to the WWW with Internet Explorer and Netscape internet browsers

  • Search for information in a chosen discipline and topics of interest on the WWW

  • Discover an array of quality web site suggestions for various disciplines

  • Create a bookmark

  • Copy and paste URLs

  • Evaluate websites for appropriate classroom use

  • Summarize articles with new techniques such as Web Logs (Blogs)

  • Ask questions and find solutions to web research problems

  • Create a simple FrontPage website with a discussion forum using wizards

  • Use a Discussion Forum to share ideas on researched articles

  • Network with other educators


Moraine Valley Community College (MVCC)

Copyright April 25, 2003, Nancy Fiore.  All rights reserved.