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The Weasleys

 Ginny Weasley
 Ronald Weasley
 Fred Weasley
 George Weasley
 Percy Weasley
 Charlie Weasley
 Bill Weasley
 Mr. Arthur Weasley
 Mrs. Molly Weasley
 The Burrow

Weasley Twins

 93 Diagon Alley
 The Dueling Club
 The Beaters
 The Marauders
 Guide for Muggles

Phelps Twins

 James Phelps
 Oliver Phelps


 Awards 4 U
 My Awards


 My Bishonen
 My Bishoujo



All about George

The Weasley twins are two years older than Ron and two years younger than Percy. They have always been known at Hogwarts as massive pranksters who go as far as possible to get a good laugh. They like playing tricks on, well, everyone and are always up to mischief and mayhem. Some of the little things they've done are: bewitching snowballs and bouncing them off of Quirrell's turban (Quirrell's dead now), feeding Filibuster Fireworks to a Salamander, doing things to Percy's prefect badge to read pinhead and his Head Boy badge to read BigHead Boy (they basically like to do anything that will get on Percy's nerves). They even went as far as trying to lock Percy in a pyramid while visiting Egypt, and sending Dragon Dung to Percy at work. When the Fred and George were five, and Ron was three, Ron broke Fred's toy broomstick and Fred turned Ron's Teddy Bear into a spider while Ron was hugging it (see Ron for more).
George seems to be the more thoughful (kinda) one of the duo, but they're more of a group. George thinks a bit more and is less talkative and reckless than Fred. But in their last year, George seemed to switch personalities with Fred. They have an entire drawer to themselves in Filch's office and learned muggle lock picking which helped Harry escape from the Dursleys without using magic. The twins have discovered many secret passageways and know more than anyone else, even Filch the caretaker. They found the secret passageway behind the statue of Gregory the Smarmy during their first week. Hagrid says that he had to chase them away from the Forbidden Forest lots of times. They've had lots of help from the Marauder's Map which they stole from Filch's office.
Fred and George still usually get good marks in school, though they get many points docked from Gryffindor. They play the position Beater on the Gryffindor Quidditch Team and are a pair of human bludger themselves. Harry and Ron also joined the Quidditch Team in the twins' last year at Hogwarts, though Harry and the twins were banned by Professor Umbridge from the Quidditch team.
The twins had flew Mr. Weasley's enchanted car in their fourth year to rescue Harry and they had actually flown it several times before without being seen by a single muggle. They were jealous and proud of the way Ron and Harry arrived at Hogwarts in the flying car because they couldn't get through the barrier.
The twins, with the rest of the family, spent the following summer in Egypt visiting their oldest brother Bill after their dad won a money draw. That year was Quidditch captain Oliver Wood's last year at Hogwarts and he was even more determined than ever to win the Quidditch Cup. They did win, thanks to spectacular play by Harry and the rest of the team. This was during Harry and Ron's third year, where they were allowed to go to Hogsmeade, a wizard village. Harry couldn't go, so the twins gave the Marauder's Map to Harry as and early Christmas present. Each twin made three O.W.L.s. each, and Mrs. Weasley was furious (as Percy and Bill each made 12).
Mrs. Weasley was even more angry when the twins planned to open a joke shop instead of joining the Ministry of Magic like their dad. Their siblings (excluding Percy), were very impressed to discover that the twins were actually inventing things. They had heard explosions and weird noises coming from their room for ages but had no clue what they were doing. The twins were planning on selling Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes (their shop and items) during the school year, however, Mrs. Weasley obviously didn't approve of it and burned the order forms. They managed to test their Ton-Tongue Toffee Harry's cousin Dudley, which infuriated both parents.
That summmer, the Weasleys, Harry, and Hermione went to the Quidditch World Cup. The twins made a bet with Ludo Bagman for all their savings and won, but Ludo Bagman cheated them and paid in Leprechaun gold (which disappears after a few hours). They blackmailed him the whole year trying to get their money, but Bagman kept avoiding them. They also tried to enter the TriWizard Tournament, but were underage and failed to cross the magic age line.
Fred asked Quidditch Teamate Angelina Johnson to the Yule Ball that year, but we don't know who George went with or if he went at all. At the end, they gave up of Bagman and Harry gave them his winnings from the tournament and told them it was for their joke shop.
In their last year at Hogwarts, they planned on finding out what kind of item students like and use it as a test year. Now they are officially adults and can use magic outside school; they also passed their apparation tests. They wanted to join the Order of the Pheonix but were considered too young. That year they finally got tired of the old hag Umbridge, flew away on broomsticks and ditched school for their business. At the end it seems they have made considerable profit from their shop and that Mrs. Weasley finally let them.
Fred and George have red hair, freckles and are now shorter than Ron. (see Profile for more)

Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes © 2003+.
Created and maintained by Lisa.
WWW owns none of the contents featured on this site and is not affiliated with any of their creators.