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NPC Andariel
Andariel   Andariel

Name:  Andariel
Class:  Daemonus
Family:  Angustia
Location:  Rogue Monastery

Description: Andariel is the Maiden of Anguish, one of the lesser Evils who has come from the depths of hell to the mortal realm. She has escaped the war in hell between her brothers Azmodan and Belial, and now seeks to regain favour with the Three Prime Evils by subverting and corrupting the Sisters of the Sightless Eye into her army.
      Andariel is at the heart of the troubles you investigate in Act I, and you must subsequently slay her at the very depths of the monastery in order to solve these problems. Her final throne room is filled with ghastly apparitions, corpses of slain Rogues strewn about and impaled as trophies. It will be filled with countless monsters and demonic guardians of her own picking as well. Be prepared to come against some very stiff competition before you can hope to meet Andariel in single combat. Andariel herself is every bit a demoness, from the mildly frightening hair and impromptu halter, to the four claw-like appendages sprouting from her back, and those ever tasteful nipple chain/rings.

Behaviour: Andariel has two main attacks. The first is an incredibly nasty ranged poisonous attack. She takes her left arm, swings it out in a backhand sweep in front of her, and a stream of poisonous green gas arcs out in front of her. The poison arcs out at about a 45 degree angle, and travels for at least a screen. The other attack is a melee sting that involves Andariel getting down on a knee, bowing her head forward, and extending all 4 spikes from her back in you direction. This attack has a decent range as far as melee attacks go, so don't get too close.

Duriel Duriel (Demon)

As the Sin War plodded along through the centuries, many in Hell began to wonder just what it was they were fighting over. The Lesser Evils of Hell were growing tired of the endless ebb and flow in the tides of mortal favor, as well as those in the elaborate schemes of the three Prime Evils - Diablo, Baal and Mephisto. The Lesser Evils longed to return to the epic days of the Great Conflict, and lay siege again to the gates of the High Heavens.

Two of the Lesser Evils, Azmodan and Belial, saw the situation as their chance to overthrow the Prime Evils and take control of Hell for themselves. The two Demon lords made a pact with Andariel and Duriel - as well as their minor brethren - assuring them that humanity would not deter the ultimate victory of Hell. Azmodan and Belial devised a plan to end the stalemate and achieve victory in the Sin War, ultimately riding the bloody crest of the Great Conflict straight into Armageddon. Thus, a great revolution was set into motion as all of Hell went to war against the Three Brothers, seeking to send them into a Dark Exile.

Over the next two centuries, the three imprisoned brothers focused their Demonic powers upon corrupting the Soulstones that bound them to the mortal plane and began bending the will of any nearby humans. Mephisto was the first imprisoned and, consequently, was the first to break free from his bondage. His wrath against those who had put him such a compromised position was swift and merciless.

As punishment for his part in the Dark Exile that sent the Prime Evils to the mortal realm, Duriel has been left behind by Baal to guard the Tomb of Tal Rasha. Embittered by this new position of solitary servitude, the Lord of Pain has claimed the souls and blood of many bold adventurers.

Tips and Other Additional Information
Duriel's Special attacks are a Holy Freeze like Aura, Jab, Smite, and Charge

Duriel uses an Aura similar to the Paladin's Holy Freeze. While the Aura appears to be a Cold Damage Aura, Cold Damage Resistances and "Cannot Be Frozen" will offer no protection from Duriel's Aura.

Open up a Town Portal inside Duriel's lair or just outside so that you can get back inside if you die.

Sorceress: Use Static Field to bring Duriel's Hit Points down, then finish him off with another spell. Necromancers use Minions to focus Duriel's attention then cast Iron Maiden or use Bone Spear, Bone Spirit or Teeth. Amazons use Valkyries if possible to draw Duriel's fire. All classes can bring a Hireling to keep Duriel busy for a few seconds. You may wish to move to melee range which will prevent Duriel from using his Charge Attack.

 Mephisto Mephisto (Demon)

Mephisto was the first Prime Evil to be captured and his stone was buried in a vault beneath the Aranoch desert. A third of the Horadrim stayed to guard this tomb until the remaining two Brothers were captured. Though the cost was high, all of The Three were eventually captured.

Mephisto finally managed to overcome the powers of the Soulstone that imprisoned him enough to influence and corrupt the local priesthood, known as the Zakarum. The Demon then had the priests work spells to shatter the Soulstone into seven shards, breaking the mystic seal and freeing the Lord of Hatred. Mephisto drove the six smaller shards into the left palms of six Zakarum archbishops who were then charged with bringing him nourishment in the form of human sacrifices while running their temple. The largest stone pierced the hand of the Que-Hegan, the highest divine authority of the Zakarum faith. It was this body that the Demon used as his manifestation on the mortal plane, warping the mortal’s form into an approximation of his true visage. For years the corrupted religious leaders of the Zakarum have kept Mephisto supplied with information and misguided followers to carry out his plans of conquest.

Tips and Other Additional Information
Mephisto's special attacks are: Poison Nova; Lightning; Charged Bolt; "Skull" missile

Clear out any nearby Council Members or monsters in the area. If you're unable to kill some of the Council Members you can use this trick: open up a Town Portal in the middle room with Mephisto or the left room. Then lead any Council Members you're unable to kill to the stairs that lead to Durance of Hate Level 2. Now run back to the Waypoint in Durance of Hate Level 2 and use it to go back to Town. From Town enter your Town Portal and you'll be back in Mephisto's Lair. The Council Members will be back at the stairs out of the way, if you lead them away correctly and placed the Town Portal far enough away from the stairs. You'll now be able to attack Mephisto without his being helped by those council Members.

Diablo Diablo (Demon)

Diablo spent two centuries slowly working to corrupt the Soulstone that imprisoned him. In time, he was able to extend his influence into the surrounding area and corrupt both King Leoric and his archbishop, Lazarus. The King proved too strong to fully control, so the Demon took possession of his son, Prince Albrecht. Diablo then began to shape an outpost of Hell within the catacombs that ran beneath the town of Tristram. By spreading terror into the surrounding countryside, the Demon was able to attract many heroes who came to cleanse the land of evil. By the time the strongest of these heroes reached this goal, though, he had become fully influenced by the will of Diablo. In his twisted state, this adventurer believed that the only way to fully control the Demon was to plunge the shard of the Soulstone into his own head. This, of course, was exactly what Diablo had planned as the Demon now had an even stronger body to use to find his brothers and complete his ultimate plan...

Tips and Other Additional Information
Diablo's special attacks are: a Taunt (does nothing); Red Lightning Hose; Fire Nova; Cold Touch; Fire Wall; Firestorm; Prison; Charge Attack.

Full Lightning and Fire Resistance will help a lot against Diablo.

Diablo may cast his special Bone Prison on you, your hirelings, and around your Town Portals to prevent you from escaping.

Full Lightning Resistance may allow you to survive the red Lightning attack.

Baal Baal (Demon)

Tips and Other Additional Information
Rush Baal and quickly do some damage to him. Don't waste time attacking the "fake" Baal. The best way to beat Baal is to just rush him. Static Field is very nice for bringing his health down. Hirelings can also be very helpful, especially the Act II and Act V hirelings.

Baal has many special attacks:

Baal can Teleport around but he cannot Heal himself in the process.

This curse is the same as the Necromancer's Curse.

Blood Mana
Succubi and Baal cast a special curse shown in the screenshot below (Along with Thunderstorm and Energy Shield). This curse causes you to do damage to yourself when you cast spells. For skills that require more mana, you will take more damage. This even includes such spells like Teleport but doesn't include Thunderstorm or Energy Shield because you have already cast them. Whenever this curse is cast on you, stop casting spells until it's worn off, click on a Shrine to counteract it, or go back to town and have it removed. Blood Mana only affects you if you have more Mana than Life. If you have at least as much max Mana as max Life, you can be cursed.

Incineration Nova
Created from fires summoned forth from the underworld, this explosion of hellfire singes even the most stalwart warrior of light. All enemies of the Lord of Destruction are bathed in this destructive force, leaving only ashen remains in its wake.

The cold embrace of the grave seeks out those foolish enough to invade Baal’s inner sanctum. This icy wedge drives itself into its targets, pushing them back while slowing their movements as they rapidly freeze to death.

Mana Rift
The power behind magic is an elusive force to master and can be fleeting, as well. Rending the very fabric of these forces, this spell eradicates half of the mana the victim has stored, leaving him sorely underpowered for the battle to come.

Destructive Strike
Lashing out with unholy strength and fury, Baal shows that his attacks are not limited to the arcane arts. Able to hold his own against any foe in melee combat, his touch can tear down even the strongest defenses.

Festering Appendage
There is no escape from the Lord of Destruction, for even those that choose to run are confronted with his far-reaching grasp. Standing in the way of any escape are these resilient limbs, impeding the backward progress of his adversaries.

Vile Effigy
Should Baal be confronted with overwhelming numbers, he can tip the odds back to his favor by creating an exact duplicate of himself. Having every power that his creator possesses, this replica doubles the damage and destruction that Baal can create. The clone is created with the same percentage of life as Baal. When damaging the clone, a player will see the clone's Health Bar drop faster than the real Baal.