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Fan Art

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While I don't really consider myself an artist, I have done some artwork. In this section I will display pictures and manga that I have drawn!

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Mobile Suit Pilot Bar 200X

My latest project! Follow the adventures of the MSPB members as they battle against mysterious organizations and powers beyond their comprehension. Well, not really BEYOND...but ya know what I mean. ^_~

D-01 Initial Gundam - A pretty recent design, this is my first semi-successful attempt at drawing a Gundam. The serial number, "D-01", stands for "Design Number One".

AX-023 Gabriel - Another recent design, the Gabriel is the protagonist mech from an original story I am currently writing. I'll probably post it on the website soon.

Javelin II - A much older design than the first two, this is the Mobile Armor Javelin II, the second prototype of the Javelin series.

Pkmatrix's Delta Gundam - In the Forum Fiction TGP: The Gundam Project by Bladed Edge, the members of Gundam Project mass-produce and customize their own Gundams in order to fight the Raven organization. Bladed took the liberty to design customized Gundams for several of the characters, including myself. I recently went back and rebuilt the image (which he has not reuploaded to his website). I've given it a new colorscheme: Red/Orange as opposed to the original Brown/Yellow.

G-Rei - An original Gundam design created for an aborted fanfiction I was writing for a fanfiction contest at Gundamwatch back in March 2003. I like this design! ^_^

G-Rei Full Armor Type - Nearly a year after creating the G-Rei, I've designed an upgraded version, the G-Rei Full Armor Type! This may be the most powerful mobile suit I've ever devised...

Digimon Tamers Manga (Currently Aborted)

In June of 2002, I made an attempt at writing a Digimon Tamers manga. While I never completed even the first chapter, I did draw three pages. Those pages are now here for your enjoyment.

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