The Hat Game

Purpose of this game is to possible get a character you would not normally play in a RPG.  Chani and I worked to create the setting, history, and factions.  Several people gave character profiles and we then pulled names from a hat and matched it with character.  Now, with this done, we start the game.  Give your character a name (I know, I don't need to tell you, but I'm a scientist, I believe in complete directions) and physical description.  I hope everyone have fun and enjoys themselves.  ^_^

This lovely game is being played in the Fanfics and RPG Forum of:

[The Beginning]    [Setting]    [Factions]     [Weapons]     [Characters]    [Relationships]    [Moderators]
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The beginning is a delicate time:

Man has left his home (Earth) and his solar system (Milky Way) and gone out into the void of space looking for a new home after completely destroying Earth. His technology has grown, allowing him to create cyborgs, mecha and planets. In his search he grew tired and created a planet for himself, much like his old home. There he put satellites into orbit, created homes for himself in space around his new planet. His life can go on forever (for those who can afford it) thanks to science. God is all but forgotten.


Hundreds of years after man left his old home and created a new home. The civil strife has come to a head. There is open fighting on the colonies and on the planet itself the rebels are putting on the damage. The ancestors had hoped that with time the rebels would die out of give up, but it looks like humanity doesn't know the meaning of the word quit.


Word of God:

Those who have repented, and have asked God for forgiveness for placing science above him. But, now they are on a crusade to 'save' the rest of their fallen brothers in humanity.

The Ancestors:

Those who are rich enough to live as long as they like in bodies that show no age. The can afford to buy other humans (slaves, if you like) and transform them into cyborgs to do the work (control their businesses, houses, government).


Those under the Ancestors, their lifes' are usually short, filled with pain and unhappiness so that the Ancestors can live a life of easy. This group included cyborgs and un-altered humans.

The Rebels:

A mixed group, some are sons and daughters of the Ancestors (many believe that this are just members of the upper crust that have come to 'slum'), cyborgs that have broken free, Underlings a few of the Word of God group. Their reasons for fighting are diverse, but they fight (usually) together. No one honestly trusts anyone that isn't from their own social group.

Standard Weapons:


 Generally used in space, and usually piloted by cyborgs. The cyborgs can directly link to the machine, allowing for faster response times. Few un-altered humans pilot, but those who have survived are the best there are.


Only used by cyborgs, ground troops. One cyborg can command approx. ten shadows. A port at the base of the cyborgs neck is connected wireless to a processing unit, allowing the cyborg to control all actions of the shadows.

Pistols and general firearms

standard weapons for any rebel. Some Ancestors carry small firearms, but they generally leave that to their cyborg.

Shuttle and flight crafts:

Rebels don't have many. They are hard to hide and hard to maintain. Ancestors never want for anything.


1st character:

faction: WOG
Status: regional leader, a higher member of the WOG society. Not a fighter, armchair general kind of person.

2nd character:

faction: Ancestor
status: lower member, newer to the group. Power hungry, secretly helps the rebels over throw the present power structure, in hopes to take over in the confusion.

3rd character:

faction: underlying, cyborg
status: loyal servant to the head ancestor. Bodyguard, mecha pilot, willing to die to save the head ancestor.

4th character:

faction: rebel
status: child of an ancestor, not trusted by most within the rebel group. Loyal. Uses his/her money to help the rebels, publicly disagrees with parents.

5th character:

Faction: Underlying,
Status: Parents thought the child had died in "accident" made by a business? Enemy or something. Turned out the kid had been kidnapped and they had managed to survive. They have few memories and almost none of where they came from (but maybe flashbacks every once and a while?). One of the few non-cyborgs who can pilot mecha. Maybe they could have an unknown sibling somewhere, in the WOG or the ancestors or something.

6th character:

Faction: former Ancestor
life: had a "revelation" while living as an Ancestor. Was strongly influenced by a WOG member and convinced that he was meant to be a WOG. Uses influence and wealth underhandedly to bring more power to the WOGs...but...are they just using him?

7th character:

Faction: WOG
Life: Kid of WOG parents. Tries to be the best; is a perfectionist. Tries not to question what they're taught and tries not to doubt. However, they often find themselves doing exactly that. They believe, but they still question some of the WOG practices as not being what professed believers should be doing. WOGs don't trust them and yet can't get rid of them. The kid's stuck figuring out the Lord and trying to find their own way in the world while part of an organization they find fault with.

8th character:

Faction: underlying
description: lives the typical underlying life. Has a particularly nasty ancestor master who beats him/her often and mercilessly. Is part cyborg: arms, legs, heart are cyborg parts. Often has difficulty believing that a heart made of metal can make a difference anywhere, is often acidic in behavior and even more so in tongue b/c of life. Has no family, just one other friend in childhood, who died fully human from the hardship of work. Distrusts all full humans, a lot of part humans like him/herself, and few full cyborgs, if any. Generally pessimistic in all aspects. Has a talent for fixing cybernetic parts, which he isn't proud of.

9th character:

Faction: Ancestor
description: not your average ancestor. Likes to give away money, to the utter disdain and disapproval of friends, especially family, particularly spouse (I was thinking this chara be male, dunno... could be female). Generally kind-hearted, but still strictly aristocratic, firmly against WOG. Thinks noblesse oblige is honor-bound duty. Because of outlook, has little power compared to other ancestors, but still a formidable foe, as s/he has made many contacts and friends in the underground of the planet via secret money grants and transactions. Very good with almost all children. Is indifferent on cybernetics.

10th character:

Faction: rebel
Status: Earth Force Leader. Old, mean, unforgiving, and refuses to be friendly. Your basic Drill Instructor, only this person is in control of all the rebel forces.

11th character:

Faction: Cyborg underlying.
Status: LW Project-01, Living Weapon caliber cyborg working under the Ancestors.
Profile: A prototype cyborg with no human essence. He is strong, powerful, and has a mean disposition. His purpose...Living Weapon. He serves his creators, but hates their guts for transforming him into this...this...THING! (He's like their version of an M.D.S. except that he's nothing like Geist. His voice is like Rhinox in "Beast Machines" when HE is in control, not like that dumb grunt. He sometimes thinks that way too.) Any particulars (like his capabilities) you want can be supplied later.

12th character:

Factions: rebel, cyborg
Status: moves between the Planet and the colonies easily, mecha pilot can command the largest number of shadows while fighting.  Strong, jaded, doesn’t know why she/he fights, just does.  Need a purpose, makes one for her/himself.

13th character:

Faction: underlying
Other/whatever: family killed when she was young and picked up by her master/ancestor person. her right arm amputated b/c of an accident and it was injured and infection and uh..since only an underlying, it was amputated and replaced by a cybernetic arm. only 'family' she has is the ancestor and the ppl w/ him (you know what i mean) and uh..if you need more info. tell me.

14th character:

Name: Sean Stormborn (can be changed, not a big deal)
Faction: Unaligned
    Sean Stormborn is a mercenary with a flair for intimidation. He was born on a far off colony outside the politics of mankind's core worlds. He has a talent for subterfuge and sufficient resources to become a player amongst the Ancestors, but he prefers to fly, fight, smuggle, or kill for anyone who can pay his price.
    Sean is tall and darkly handsome. His short hair is black and his skin is dusky and his eyes are red from either mutation or gene alteration. Sean's eyes are really his defining feature, among other things, they change hue according to his moods. Sean has a number of tattoos, mostly traveler's bands and geometric shapes. His clothing tends towards the darker shades of purple, red, and black, with some gold thrown in from time to time. Sean's voice is very harsh, he talks as though he gargles with gravel.
    Sean's demeanor may be gruff, but his heart is in a decent place, if not necesseraly the right place. He has a kind of honor, a soft spot for women and children, and will take on worthy causes at a discount. However, life has taught him that good people are foolish people, so he goes to great lengths to avoid being thought of as good. He will without fail pretend that there are ulterior motives behind his good deeds.

Relationship between Characters:

Chani and I have talked about this and have decided that it would be best for you to make up your minds about how you will interact as chara yourselves.  Aren’t we sweet?


Chani and I (LostGundam) will be sort of absent moderators.  If it seems like some chara needs to be killed off, we’ll email the author of said chara and allow you to decide your own death.  Or, if you feel we have chosen the chara’s death unfairly, you can debate it with us.  And don’t worry if you are coming into the game late-ish or have been killed off and still want to play, just email us and we can pull another chara profile for you, we have plenty.  If you decide that you don’t want to play anymore, please tell us.  And, if it isn’t a problem, tell us why.  Thanks for playing. 

Character Switching:

If you got a chara that you hate, or really wanted another one; either email me or Chani and see if it is still in the back of unused charas or email the person who got your chara and see if they are willing to switch charas with you. 

Who got what:

Chani: character #10

LostGundam: character #12

tataragami: character #4

ShanknoWu: character #11

gwingzero: character #7

Adora: character #3

Killroy: character #6

Zero Tolerance: character #2

Ava: character #5

DeliriumSkye: character #8

RakshaYuy:  character #13

DancingDead: character #9

Gunshin: character #1


Free Characters:

1 and 14


March 6, 2001

There have been questions about what the goal is of this game.  Chani and I have spoken about it, and we feel (mostly, well, more me, but anyway) that the goals need to be made up by the players.  You are in separate factions, the factions could (if you guys so decide) work as a group, that way there are connections between the chara.  I don't think we (Chani and I) should make up the goal for the game, I think it is more fun this way and Chani wants to see what you guys think up.  Make up side characters as needed to move the game along, such as Arha's mark and youth and Commander's WOGs.   Don't worry about making a move, if you to move it in a direction, do so.  Please, don't kill of the main chara (which would be the board members), but if you decide you don't like Mark, kill him.  I don't mind.  This is a cyber version of survivor almost.  You make alliances within your own group to stay alive.  Have fun!


To clear up about the ancestors:  *Who wants to live forever?* "song by Queen"  They do.  And thanks to science they do.  They don't die, ever, of natural causes.  That's why the rebels fight, because the ancestor control EVERYTHING!!  And all those who aren't ancestors, are slaves or are rebels.  There is no freedom.  Ever read Mercedes lackey's Elvenbane?  No, will the story is really similar, only there are no elves here.  If an ancestor dies, then the underlying get moved to another ancestor (sorta like willing someone your furniture when you die, My daughter gets fifteen underlying and the tea serves).  Or, as Ava decided, leaves their bonds of slavery and joins the rebellion.  Neat-o right?  I thought so too!  YEAH Ava!!  Way to stand up and fight for your rights!  


Now, about the connections between characters, I sorta addressed that here, but I'll go into it a bit more here.  If you want to interact with someone else's chara, go ahead and try.  And no one get mad.  I'm allowing people to slice and dice me, most likely beat me to an inch of my life (Please Zero be nice-ish) and most likely at some point put words into my mouth.  It's okay, it will make it more interesting cause you will get into situations that you wouldn't get into other wise (cause you wouldn't have thought of it, wouldn't want to write it or just have had other plans) but life is like that.  People step in and things get messy.  However, if you get upset, tell Chani and I am well see what can be done about it, okay?  I mean, we really want to be absent moderators more than anything else so we can work on our own chara; so hopefully people will play nice.  


Sorry is this has been confusing, I know it is a new format for most of you.  To be honest, Chani and I have only played it with friends over email.  So, we had a chance to TALK about things before starting and as much as I like the written word,  sometimes the point doesn't get across.  I hope this helps with the confusion.  If it made things worse for you, email me or Chani or you can get a hold of me through AOL IM: TheLostGundam.  K? 


March 14, 2001

Chani here.  Hello all.  Lost and I have been talking about putting up a time line for you guys as the game moves forward so things don't get overly confusing (as we all know the method of playing the game is confusing enough).  Well, I'm making it.  However, I'm moving really slow! Sorry, but even during spring break I'm swamped.  I'll try and get it finished on the weekend.  Have fun!


April 2, 2001

Lost here.  Chani has left the game, for reasons that I don't want to talk about.  However, this leaves the position of Voice of God to me.  Eep!!!  I don't really want this job, as I don't really want anyone to point the finger at me and say I'm being unfair.  But, as the VOG isn't very active, I'll take the job and try to be quiet.  The time line, hmmm. . . does anyone REALLY want that?  It would be a lot of work and I'm not sure if anyone really needs it.  Email me if you want the time line.

You got a question? LostGundam.

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