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[-EKC-] MOHAA Clan

Elite Killer Corps     Elite Killer Corps     Elite Killer Corps     Elite Killer Corps

MOHAA Official Site
Want To Join?

What's Up!

    Feel like you need to be in a clan?, well go to the Want To Join Section to se how to join this one.  We guarantee hard-working members to keep the site and servers up, and also excellent players to win all of the tournaments that we get into.  Will will be entering no tournaments until the beginning of June, because of school, and lack of players.

We are registered in Clanbase.

If you have sent a message that you want to join, you will need to resend it because of an hyperlink problem.  Sorry for the inconvenience. (As of  or before May 21st)

           Use the links on the side to explore our clan.                          

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