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My Way
Chapter Three
By: Misty

Disclaimer: I don't own! For the last time, get out of my room!! *Ahem* Anyways, aunt Jen is my creation ... MUAHAHAHA..cough .. hack..
Author's Note: Nothing but silliness ahead people. Poor poor Quatre. Hehehe.

Usagi opened the door to find five young men chatting away. She stood there for about five minutes. She had a huge grin on her face. It reminded her of her friends. Then Duo looked over and was startled to find Usagi standing there. He gave her a huge grin and gave her a hug. He turned to the guys and whistled, getting their attention.

"Hey! I want you to meet my friends" Duo said as he turned to them.

"Why don't you all come and, and let me take your coats, then Duo can introduce us all" Usagi asked.

They all nodded and entered the house. Usagi took their coats and put them in the guest room. When she returned Duo started to introduce them.

"As you know, I'm Duo, the blonde one is Quatre, he's real nice. The one with the ponytail is Wufei, he's uptight, but cool. The one with the bang is Trowa, he's quiet. The one in the back, that's Heero, he can be an ass sometimes, but he's cool"

"Hi everyone it's nice to meet you all, please, dinner is almost ready" Usagi said as she led them into the dinning room.

"I will get you for that remark Maxwell" Wufei sneered.

"Chill Wu-man, it made the girl smile didn't it" Duo whispered.

"Don't call me Wu-man, and so what if it did" He said.

"Well, when she opened the door and was watching us fight, after awhile she got a sad look on her face" Duo said sadly.

"Oh .. well ... all in good fun I guess, but don't let it happen again Maxwell" Wufei said as he took his seat next to Heero.

Duo smiled and took his place next to Usagi. He knew the chinese boy wasn't all heartless. Dinner started without a hitch. The phone rang and Jen said she had to leave, and was sorry it was in the middle of dinner. Usagi got up and walked Jen to the door and hugged her goodbye. Then she returned to her seat at the table and resumed conversation.

"So, Usagi, what brings you here to America" Quatre asked while he cute his steak.

"Well, I just needed to get away for awhile. Things weren't exactly good, so I left. Not much to it." She said as she ate.

Quatre could tell it brought her sadness. So he let it go.

"What happened, boyfriend dumped you or something" Heero said sarcastically.

Usagi looked down and started to eat. Duo flicked a piece of corn that hit Heero smack in the middle if the eyes. Duo burst out in laughter only to be stopped short by a spoonful of green beans. Duo was totally surprised. Heero smirked and started to eat his steak when he was hit by a piece of meat. He looked up and glared at Duo, who in turn just smiled innocently. Duo ducked as Heero threw a piece of meet at him. Usagi looked up in time to see this and ducked also. She came back up giggling. Duo shot another piece of meat at Heero, but he put his arm up and it bounced off of Heero and hit Wufei in the head. Wufei's head shot up.

"Alright! Who did that!" Wufei yelled.

"Duo" Heero said.

"That was injustice!" Wufei yelled as he threw a piece of meat at him.

This went on for a few minutes. Quatre went around and tried to calm everyone down. When no one was paying attention, Usagi would hit them and catch them all off guard. Wufei started to sneak up behind Heero with a plate of mashed potatoes he had collected. Duo hit Heero square in the face with more corn. Heero turned around and grabbed the plate Wufei had,  and turned back to Duo, throwing it in his face. "HEY!" Wufei shouted. He looked around the table and notices Trowa, who was still seated and eating. He seemed to be oblivious to his surroundings. Wufei looked evilly at Trowa, went over and grabbed his plate and threw it at Heero, who moved. The plate ended up hitting Quatre square in the face. Trowa just sighed. Quatre however, stood perfectly still. His breath was ragged, and his hands were clenched in a fist.


He then grabbed everything he could and started throwing it in all directions. Mostly to where the boys were. Usagi was now under the table away from all this chaos. Trowa just sat in his spot at the table, eating another plate he had made. The other boys were running around trying to escape Quatre's wrath.

"Would some one PLEASE stop him, he's gonna ruin the kitchen!" Usagi shouted from her haven under the table.

Trowa got up, took his glass and threw it at the now insane Quatre. After coughing and sputtering from the sudden water, he began to calm down. Which led to him sobbing for what he had done.

"It's okay Quatre, no real harm done, nothing I can't clean up" She said with a smile.

"Really? Okay, I'll help you clean, since most was my mess" Quatre said, looking down.

The other boys then decided to pitch in and help. It was around nine pm when they got done. They all headed towards the living room to take a rest. Usagi sat in the chair near the kitchen, Trowa and Quatre sat on the small couch, while the other three sat on the larger one. All three were about arms length away from one another. Duo was seated closest to Usagi.

"And then the look Heero got on his face, when I hit with that corn" Duo laughed as he remembered "Priceless!"

"Hn" Was all Heero said.

"You better watch your back Duo, something tells me they're not going to be as forgiving as me" She said as she smiled.

She looked over to Duo as she said this and noticed that Heero had been watching her. Just that simple. She wondered if was watching her all through dinner. And why? She mentally shook her head and got rid of the thoughts.

"Oh, and Heero said he's sorry about the comment earlier" Duo said, nudging Heero in the side.

"Oh is he? Funny Duo, I don't remember hearing him say that" Usagi said, not believing it.

"He did! You were in the kitchen still, didn't you Heero" He said, nudging him again.

Heero nodded and then looked away, seemingly somewhat a little flushed at the sudden attention he was getting from the girl.

"Well, he was right, it was because of a guy, and some friends. They hurt me in a way I didn't think was possible .. so I left" She said sadly.

Heero's head snapped back towards her when he heard her tone drop at the mention of her friends and that baka-boyfriend. 'Since when do I care what happened to some girl'  Heero thought.

"So what happened?" Wufei asked

"Well, I seen him kiss another girl, I went after him, confronted him, he left, I went after him, hit him, then told him off" Usagi shrugged

"You hit him!? I bet you popped him a good one didn't ya" Duo said with a grin

"Duo" Trowa hissed

"Yea, I did, sent him to the ground. He deserved it. I never thought he would do something like that. I guess, love doesn't conquer all does it" She said with a sad smile.

Heero fought the urge to comfort her. These sudden feelings startled him. He wasn't supposed to feel these things. Damn Duo for dragging him here. He also wanted to find this guy and beat the living daylights out of him, or beat some sense into him. Heero snorted at his inner thoughts, but not loud enough to draw attention.

"Don't worry, Usagi-san, love will find you, just be patient" Quatre said with a smile

"Thanks Quatre, and please, call me Usagi, Usa, or Usagi-chan. No formalities in this house" She said as she shook her finger playfully.

"Alright Usagi-chan, well, I guess we should be going, it's almost ten pm" Quatre said as he got up.

The boys got up and stretched while Usagi got them their coats. She walked to the door and greeted them as they walked out.

"Bye Usagi-chan" Quatre said as he gave her a small hug.

"Later Usa" Duo said as he too hugged her.

"Good night Usagi, it was an .....interesting night" Wufei said as he shook her hand

"Usagi" Trowa said as he bowed.

"Good night Usagi" Heero said as he leaned over and kissed her cheek.

She blushed and said good bye to them again. She shut the front door and leaned against it. She brought her hand up and gently touched where he kissed her and sighed happily.

Chapter 4

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