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My Way
Chapter Four
By: Misty

Disclaimer: Blah, blah, blah, you all know the drill.
Author's Note: Thanks for all those that have been reviewing. You have no idea how it helps ^^

Usagi walked into the kitchen and opened the freezer. She smiled. Just as she thought, three cartons of chocolate chocolate chip ice-cream. She grabbed out a carton and walked over to the counter, opened the cupboard and got out good sized bowl. On her way to the table she stopped and grabbed two spoons, one for scooping, one for eating. She sat down at the table and opened the carton. She could smell the chocolate. She scooped out three spoonfuls and put the top back on. She was about halfway through when she heard the door open.

Jen walked through the door, tied back her hair, and threw her suitcase on the couch. She seen Usagi from the living room and smiled. She walked in, rubbed Usagi's head, and got a bowl for herself. She sat down and scooped herself out some ice-cream.

"How was dinner sweetie?" Jen asked.

"It was interesting" She said with her head down.

"Oh, well, that's good ... I think" Jen said as she laughed.

"Jen, I never thought to ask, but um ... what .. do you do?" Usagi hesitated.

"I'm a lawyer, an important one" She said as she smiled.

"Do, do the guys work for you?" Usagi asked.

"Uh huh. They get stuff for me. One day, they came to me needing a job, so I gave em one" She said as she scooped another spoonful in her mouth.

"What kinda of stuff?" Usagi asked.

"Oh you know, information, evidence, stuff like that" She said as she watched her niece.

"What kind of information?" Usagi said

"Now that I can't tell you, sorry sweetie" Jen said as she finished her bowl.

"Oh, okay, do you think one of the guys will" She asked.

"Do you want a job or something, or are you just plain nosy" She said as tapped Usagi lightly on the nose.

Usagi giggled and asked her about her work. Usagi seemed interested in working for her aunt. The legal stuff always did appeal to her, though she didn't let it show, specially with her now ex-friends. After Jen told her what she would be doing, which wouldn't be alot, so that also allowed time to do her own thing. But at least she wouldn't be bored, and this would also bring her close to Heero. She smiled at that thought. Her mind slowly drifted back to the kiss at the door.

She wondered about him. He wasn't that talkative, or outgoing. He seemed kind of cold, like Mamoru. But he willingly got into a childish food fight, and then kissed me .... Mamoru would never do something like. Heero kissed me in front of his friends no less! Mamoru wouldn't even kiss me in front of Chibi-Usa. Uh! Stop sizing them Usagi! She mentally kicked herself in the head. She didn't even notice that Jen had now stopped talking and watched Usagi. Usagi looked up and smiled at Jen. She got up and put hers and Jen's bowl and spoons in the sink and put the ice-cream away. She hugged her and said goodnight before going upstairs to her room.


>Meanwhile at the Hikawa Shrine<

"What!!??" Rei screamed.

"Hehe, you umm .. heard me Rei" Mina squeaked out.

"She's gone! Where the hell could she go!" Rei yelled as she was pacing the room.

"Hello! We did make fun of her to her face you know. And none of showed any remorse over it either" Makoto said

"Well, well, she didn't have to go and leave, and where the hell is that Mamoru-baka!" Rei yelled as she slammed the door to her room.

"What are we going to do" Ami asked quietly.

"Well, we could try and find Usagi and apologize to her, or something like that" Mina suggested.

"Yea, that's great and all, but there are two things wrong with that" Makoto added.

"Uh, I thought it was a good idea, what's wrong" Mina asked.

"Well, 1 Rei doesn't seem to be in the forgive and forget mood, so no telling whether or not she'd even want to apologize"

"Yea, I never thought of that. What's number 2" Mina asked.

"Number 2, what if Usagi doesn't want to even see us. She abandoned her duty as leader of the Senshi. She left because of us. What if she doesn't even want us around" Makoto said sadly.

"You're not the only one she's mad at"

The three girls looked to the shrine doors. The figure slowly stepped inside and they noticed it was Mamoru. He sat down some several feet away from the girl.

"What do you mean ......Alright Mamo-baka, what did you do" Mina said in a very stern voice.

"I broke up with her, she came after me, she hit me, and then she left, saying something about doing things her way" Mamoru said, looking a tad uneasy.

"You ... you what!? YOU ARE SUCH A BAKA!!" Mina screamed as she tried to lunge at Mamoru.

Mamoru jumped up and stepped back away from the snarling blonde "Look, she was the one that brought it up!" He said in his defense.

"Yea, well, she wouldn't have unless it was something you did .... what did you do Mamoru, tell me before I let Mina go" Makoto warned.

Mamoru thought for a second, then looked at Mina, who looked like a blonde rabid dog, salivating at the mouth, just ready to tear into him. He gulped. "Ami .... got any tranquilizers?"

"1 ......2 ......" Makoto teased.

"Okay, okay.....She .....seenmekissanothergirlattheatiqueshop ...... there I told you" Mamoru said as he inched his way towards the door.

"You WHAT!! You baka!!" Ami shouted.

"Oh, you're gonna pay for that you ass" Makoto said as she let Mina go.

"Wait!! You said you wouldn't!! You promised!!!" Mamoru screamed as Mina pounced him.

"Promise ... I didn't promise .... did you hear me promise Ami" She said as she looked over at her blue haired friend.

"Nope, I didn't hear a thing" She said as she got into her medical kit.

"What are you doing Ames?" Makoto asked as she peered over Ami's shoulder.

"Getting out some gauze, neosporin, band-aids, that kinda stuff" Ami said as she shut her kit.

"Oh, why?" Makoto asked.

Ami and Makoto looked over at Mina and Mamoru. Mamoru was beat up and bloody, Mina was on the ground taking pieces of Mamoru's shirt out her mouth. "Mina looks hurt, I'm gonna go help her" Ami said as she went to Mina's side.

"Okie dokie, I'll kick Mamo-baka down the stairs ... no ... I'll just let him hobble" Makoto said as she laughed.

Chapter 5

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