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My Way
Chapter Two
By: Misty

Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon or Gundam Wing. If I did, Usagi would have ended up with Seiya  and Heero did shoot Relena ^_^  But that didn't happen, so I guess I don't own them lol.
Author's Notes: The original songfic will be considered chapter one. So this is chapter two, taking place where the original left off. Hope that wasn't confusing. The Gundam guys aren't pilots, but they do have a somewhat sneaky job. ^_^ Hehe I love dangerous guys.

Usagi stepped out of the terminal and went to get her bags from the baggage claim. She looked around for her aunt Jen. She stopped looking when she seen a sign that had her name on it waving in the air. She giggled and ran towards it. To her surprise it wasn't Jen that was holding the sign. It was a young man, around her age. He had long chestnut brown hair that was twisted in a french braid.  He had a huge grin on his face as he began waving the sign frantically. Obviously he had seen her. She smiled and giggled. The sight was too much. Everyone was starting stare at him. When she got closer he put the sign the down.

"Hi, I'm Duo" He said as he held out his hand.

"Hi, I'm Usagi, pleased to meet you" She said as she shook hands.

"I'm sorry Jen couldn't be here, she had an important client and had asked one of us to come pick you up" he said cheerfully.

"Oh? You know Jen?" Usagi asked.

"Yup, we're her neighbors. Me and my friends that is. We all share the house next door. So you'll be seein alot of us" He grinned.

"Okay, well, shall we go? I'm starving!" She said as she laughed.

"All right! A girl who can read mah mind" He said as he slung his arm around her shoulder.

They both walked off towards the parking lot. They got into his car and drove off.

"Nice ride, is it yours?" She asked, pushing the hair from her face.

"Technically it's mine, but I let the guys use it, as long as they don't get it dirty" He said.

"Um, Duo, your gonna miss the turn" She said as she pointed the approaching street.

"No I'm not" he said with a evil grin.

Usagi suddenly felt the urge to put on her seat belt, so she did. And just in time to. Duo sharply took the turn, almost knocking out some mailboxes and a stop sign. Duo let a whoop as he finished the turn.

"Are you crazy! you could of gotten us killed" Usagi shouted.

"So I've been told, and no, I couldn't have gotten us killed, I've taken that turn a thousand times, at a higher speed than this! And never have I hit that stop sign" He said with a confident smile.

After a few minutes they pulled into the drive way. Duo hadn't even shut off the car, and Usagi was already up the steps. He chuckled to himself and shut off the car, got out and walked up the steps. He entered right after Usagi.

"Jen? Aunt Jen, it's Usagi?" She called out.

"Usa? Oh my! You've grown so much!" Jen said as she hugged Usagi.

"I see Duo got you here safely" She said as she looked at Duo

"Barely" Usagi muttered.

"What Usa?" Jen asked

"Huh? Oh, I said absolutely!" She said as she smiled.

Duo smiled innocently before saying his goodbyes to Jen and Usagi. Before he left, Jen invited the boys over to meet Usagi, much to her discontent. But Usagi agreed none the less. It was obvious she wanted Usagi to make friends, and since the boys were her age, she figured why not.

Jen showed Usagi to her room. She took a look around. Her room was white with gold roses on the walls. Not too many, but enough to add presence. Her bed was a canopy bed, the kind with the curtains that can be pinned back at the polls. The curtains was a beautiful white silk material with silver trim. The bed had a silk conforter that was white and trimmed in silver, with a silver crescent moon in the middle. It had many large and small pillows, most made out of the same material, some were cotton. Usagi walked over to the closet and opened it. She gasped in surprise. It was huge. It was a walk in closet. There were racks and shelves all over the place. She was definitely going to be sure to stay neat. She put her two suitcases and her bag inside on the floor and closed the doors. The doors were also white with silver trim. On the middle of each door was a silver rose inside of a silver crescent moon.

She walked over to the dresser. It was was white with silver trim. The knobs on the drawers were silver stars. She walked over to the vanity that was next to the balcony. It was also white with silver trim, the mirror on the table stood about 3ft and was white with silver trim. At the head of the mirror was a silver crescent moon. She opened the doors to the balcony and walked out. Letting the cool summer air wash over her. She breathed in the fresh scent and walked back inside, closing the doors behind her. She walked over to the desk that was in-between the door and her bed. It was also white with silver trim. On top of the dest was white stationary with silver moons in the bottom corners, and the envelops were silver with white moons. She smiled and opened the door to her room. She took one more look before shutting it and heading downstairs.

She could smell the food from the hallway. She trotted down and into the kitchen. Jen was working busily on some meat dish and had not seen Usagi come in. Usagi quietly sat down at the table and watched Jen work. It reminded her of how her mother cooked. They were very much alike. Jen was the same height and build. Except Jen's hair was a beautiful coal color. She had bright hazel eyes that seemed full of life. She was about 5 years younger than her mother.

Jen turned around to set the table and was startled by Usagi. She almost dropped the dishes but Usagi reacted quickly and caught them before they hit the ground. They both looked at each other and burst into laughter.

"Geez Usagi, let me know when your in the room" She as she calmed down

"Sorry Jen, I will next time" She said, wiping the tears of laughter from her face.

"Usagi, why don't you go upstairs and get ready, the guys will be here soon" Jen said as she set the last plate down.

"Uh, what should I wear?" She asked, heading to the stairs.

"Something nice, but not too fancy, this is dinner at home, not some fancy place" She said with a smile.

Usagi nodded and jogged upstairs. She went into her room, opened the closet and pulled out her suitcase. She put it on her bed and opened it. Rummaging through her clothes she pulled out a nice pair of blue jean shorts and a black halter top. She put them on and looked at herself in the mirror. Nice fit. The shorts came just before her knees, and the halter top stopped just before her belly button. Definitely cute. She took out her crescent moon necklace out of a box in the suitcase and put it on. She then took out her bracelet, which was also a watch and put it on her left wrist. She then shut the suitcase and put it back. She then shut the door and headed downstairs.

>Outside the front door<

"Again, why am I doing this" Heero said, fixing his shirt.

"Because we said we would" Duo said.

"No, you said we would Maxwell" Wufei said with an irritated tone.

"Look, lets just get along okay, it was very nice of Jen to ask us to dinner with her and her niece" Quatre said

"Okay! Lets go" Heeo said in a sarcastic tone.

"Oh God" Trowa muttered.

Chapter 3

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