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My Way
By: Misty

You think you're special
You do
I can see it in your eyes
I can see it when you laugh at me''


"Geez Usagi, can you be anymore dumber?" Rei laughed.


"That was a rhetorical question Usa" Ami remarked.


"Why ... why are you guys being so mean?" Usagi stammered.


"Bunny ... really ... that was a dumb idea, I think the enemy would be expecting that" Mina said, casually reading her Jpop magazine (AN: do they have those? *shrugs*)


"Look down on me
You walk around on me
Just one more fight
About your leadership''

"I happen to think that was a great idea, they would never expect that from someone like Usagi" Makoto said.


"What's that supposed to mean?" Usagi said.


"Oh c'mon Usa, you're a horrible leader" Rei snapped.


Usagi gasped at  her friends remark. She looked around the room, her eyes setting on each of her friends, to see if they feel the same way. She wasn't surprised to find that they did.


She sighed and got to her feet, she grabbed her bag and walked to where Rei and Ami sat.


"And I will straight up
Leave your shit
Cause I've had enough of this
And now I'm pissed''


"Fine, if that's how you want it, then you be the leader!" She shouted as she threw her broach at Rei.


"What ..." Rei sat there, completely amazed.


"I'm tired of all you bitching at me about how I fight, why I'm late. Do you ever bother to ask!? No! You just assume I was playing some stupid little video game. Well, let me tell you something lil miss Fire Priestess, nothing is ever what it seems. Try being in my shoes for once" She yelled.


"Usagi, please calm down .." Ami asked shyly.


"From now on, I'm doing things my way" As soon as she said that, she spun on her heels and was out the door.


This time I'm 'a let it all come out
This time I'm 'a stand up and shout
I'm 'a do things my way
It's my way
My way, or the highway''


Usagi walked down the streets of the Juuban District, or rather jogged. She was pissed, and she a right to be. She was hoping to run into Mamoru. Hoping he could calm her frenzy attitude. She rounded the corner and halted, alsmost falling forward from her sudden stop. What she saw amazed and hurt her deeply. Mamoru stood across the street, in front of some old antique store. That wasn't what bothered her, it was the slender brunette that held. He kissed her lightly on the lips and smiled the way he would smile at Usagi. A smile that was meant only for her, or so she thought.


She walked up behind him and waited for the girl to leave. He turned around, only to face a very angry blonde. Before he could say anything, she slapped him, hard.

"I can't believe you Mamo-chan ...." She said sadly


"Usako .. please let me explain ...." Mamoru said quietly.


''Some day you'll see things my way

Cause you never know
Where, you never know
Where you're gonna go''


"Don't you love me anymore Mamo-chan?" She asked pleadingly


He sighed. He looked her in the eyes and started to speak, but stopped. No words were coming. He just looked at her. And that, was all he had to do, for her to see his answer. She sighed and looked up at him and opened her mouth, but then closed it again. She needed to gather courage and strength.


"Then I guess it's over" She, more of a question than statement.


Mamoru's eyes almost bulged out of his head. Over? Sure he thought it, but that was it, he only thought, she said it. He couldn't believe it. He then reverted to his old cold self again. He said something he would soon regret, whether now, or in the future.


"I guess it is Usagi-san" He said coldly.


He then walked away, leaving a very stunned Usagi. She just stood there. Then she took off running...after Mamoru, she wasn't going to let it end like this, if he wanted a breakup she'd give him a breakup. She was tired of always being the one left in the cold. This time it was his turn.


''Just one more fight
And I'll be history
Yes I will straight up
Leave your shit
And you'll be the one who's left
Missing me''


When Usagi caught up to him, she grabbed him by the shoulders and turned him around, catching him completely off guard. She punched him hard in the stomach. Sending him to the ground, stunning him, physically and mentally.


"Usagi .... why..?" He mangaged to stammer.


"I'm tired Mamo-chan ... I'm so tired all this crap. I'm tired of you always dumping, always wanting to make up. Tired of the Senshi giving me crap. Of course, you were always there for me, but only as Tuxedo Kamen. I'm surprised you even save me sometimes. I mean, if the future was SO important, you wouldn't be cheating on me. You always leave me" She cried.




"But not this time Mamoru ...this time it's my turn, this time, I'm doing things my way" Usagi stated proudly.


"Usagi, just listen"


"No- you listen. I'm doing it my way, and I don't have to take it anymore. There, now it's over" She said.


She turned and walked towards home, leaving a very hurt Mamoru on the ground. She walked through the park, feeling something between sadness and victory. She decided she was going to go on a little vacation. she went home and packed her two bags. She grabbed the money she had hidden. She only spent half of what she had from her allowence. She wrote a short note and placed it on the freezer door. Knowing her mother would get to it first. The she quietly climbed out the window, trying desperatly not to wake Luna.


This time I'm 'a let it all come out
This time I'm 'a stand up and shout
I'm 'a do things my way
It's my way
My way, or the highway''


Ikuko walked into the kitchen, humming a nameless tune. She walked over to the fridge and opened it. She got out some vegitables and milk and shut the door. Walking over to the island she looked up and at the clock and noticed a note on the freezer. She walked over to it and took it off and began to read it.


Dear Mom,


 I'm sorry for leaving like this, and not saying goodbye. But I need to sometime. Earlier today I got into a fight with the girls, and then had a fall out with my now ex-boyfriend. I just need some time. I'm so sorry to do this now. But I have to. Please understand. You have always been there for me, always. And I will always appcreciate it, more than you know. I know you know about me being a Senshi, I've seen you watch me before, when I come home late at night, and heal my wounds.
Thank you for not saying anything. It means alot to me to know that I can trust you with such a big secret. I love you mom. And when I come back, I will explain everything to you, I promise. Please don't tell the girls or Mamoru, but I am going to Aunt Jen's house in America. I have already called her to inform her. She is very willing to take me in. I will write once I get settled. For now, I need to do things my way, at least for a little while. Please understand mom, I don't mean to hurt you, or disappoint you. But if you knew half the things I go through, you wouldn't blame me at all. I love you always mom. Always and always.


Your little bunny,


Ikuko sniffed and put down the letter. She put her head in her hands as she let the tears fall silently. She understood what her daughter was going through. She once felt the same way when she was younger. But she understood all the same. She wiped her eyes and put the letter in her pocket. Soon the rest of the family came down for breakfast. Kenji asked where Usagi was. She told them both that Jen wanted her for the summer, and she obliged. They seemed pleased at this. Kenji said it would do her good to be with some family other than them, and Shingo was pleased he got the summer to himself, no nagging sister. Ikuko laughed, but she knew they would miss her, they all would. But she knew her daughter needed this,
and she understood.


>At the airport<


Usagi slowly got on the plane bound for California. She was nervous. She had never flown before, but inside she knew it would be okay. She sighed and hoped her mother would forgive her.  Somehow she knew it would be okay. She sat down and buckled her belt. She replayed everything that had happened that day. And in some way she seemed pleased with herself. She had stood up to the Senshi, and to Mamoru, something she never thought she'd do, let alone hit him. She chuckled at the thought of him sitting there on the ground, stunned at what she did to him. She looked out her window as the plane took off, watching Tokyo get smaller and smaller.


"Someday .... someday you'll see" She said quietly.


''Some day you'll see things my way
Cause you never know
Where, you never know
Where you're gonna go''


"Sunny California, here I come" She chirped as she took her drink from the stewardess.

Chapter 2

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