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We'll Just Have To Force Him!
Part 1
By: Sakura

"No!! Gourry, use your fork for gods' sake!!" Lina yelled for the fifteth time.

"You never cared before, Lina!!" he retorted, still stuffing his mouth with food.

"How many times do I have to explain to you, Gourry?! You have to meet my sister!!"


"Lina-san..." Amelia sighed exasperatedly. "I think we should give up. I mean, even if we DID manage to teach him proper etiquette, he'd still probably say something stupid."

"Lina, are you wearing a bra?" Gourry suddenly asked. (sakura; i don't know where that came from)

"FIREBALLLLL!!!" she yelled, and Gourry flew through the roof.

Lina frantically started banging her head on the table. "What am I going to do, Amelia?!?!?!" she wailed. "I need to have a date!! There must be SOMEONE out here that isn't as dense as Gourry!!"

Zel, who was sitting at a nearby table drinking coffee (or whatever it is he drinks) suddenly cringed.

"We~ell," Amelia said thoughtfully, and suddenly both girls glanced Zel's way, who was currently crawling on the floor in direction of the door.

"Oh Zel," Lina said sweetly, "where are you crawling?"

He sweatdropped and stood up abruptly. "Lina, I'm not going," he said flatly. "And you're not going to make me either, dragon slave or not."

"But Zelgadiss-san, Lina-san really needs your help!!! If you don't help her, then Luna-san will ...kill her!!"

"I've been waiting for that day for a while," he muttered under his breath.

"What was that, Zel?" Lina asked.


"Forget it Amelia. We'll never get his consent," Lina sighed.

Zelgadiss inwardly breathed again in relief.

"We'll have to force him. Get some rope and tie him up Amelia!!"

"What?!?!?" Zelgadiss yelled.

Amelia pounced on him.

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