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We'll Just Have To Force Him!
Part 2
By: Sakura

"Lina, get this rope off me."

"Will you give me your consent if I let you go?"


"Well then," Lina shrugged, "you'll just have to live with it."

Zelgadiss glared at her, unsuccessfully attempting to break out of the magical rope around his arms.

"Come on Zel," Lina sighed, "what's so bad about ::acting::?"

"Why are you even IN this mess?" he retorted.

"Luna says that I have come of an age where there should be a 'person' in my life."

"Why didn't you just tell her there wasn't?"

"Because I'm not stupid... Come on Zel... just be my escort ONE day!!! I'll even pay you if that's what it takes!!"

They both suddenly sensed a third person enter the room. "I'll be your escort, Lina!!" a voice said enthusiastically.

Lina's head whirled round. "Not THAT kind of escort, Xellos."

"I know!!" he protested.

"Anyways Xellos, I'm sure my sister would hate you, so there's not much point."

"Who wouldn't?" Zel muttered.

"But Lina, I want to meet the Knight of Ceiphied!!"

Lina's eyes widended. "How did you know my sister was the Knight?!"

"Sorewa Himetsu des!!" was his unpredictable reply.

"You know Xellos, you really WOULD piss the hell out of my sister..."

"I've also heard she knows all ranges of magic; from White to Black, and even has the abilities of a Mazoku like myself!!"

"Just where did you scrape up all of this information?"

"Sorewa... himetsu des?"

"Oh shuttup."

Xellos smiled. "One final thing I've learnt about Luna-san, is that she knows many incantations and magic that only she herself knows!! She has powers that even ::I:: don't have the capicity to contemplate!! Who knows, she may even know the cure to certain chimeric forms...."

Lina hesitated before glancing at Zel. "...Maybe... I've never asked her... So I wouldn't know actually.."

Zelgadiss swallowed. "Is there a conspiracy against me or something?! I hope you both aren't lying JUST to get me to go..."

Lina shrugged. "She ::May:: know, Zel. You'll just have to ask."

Xellos nodded in agreement. "Put it this way, if even ::I:: know how to cure you from your chimeric form, how can SHE not?..... Why are you both staring at me like that?"

"You knew how to turn me human and you never told me?!" Zel glared.

"That's pretty cold, Xel," Lina agreed.

"Ohhh even Lina's on your side!!" Xellos pouted, "and whoops, it's time for me to go!! Let me know how everything goes!!"

With that, he disappeared.

Lina sighed and began to loosen the rope around Zelgadiss. "Well, he ::could:: be right you know Zel...I mean if you don't come with me, you may very well blow away another chance at a cure and then you'll regret it the rest of your life just like you have been doing for the past what 5 years or something. But if you DO go then maybe you do stand a chance in getting your bloody cure and then-"

"Alright, shut up already."

"What? I'm just trying to help you!!" Lina haughtily wound up the rope and threw it in her cape.

He mumbled something in reply.

"What? I can't hear you."

"I'LL go with you," he muttered again only this time more comprehensible.

"I knew you would!!" :)

PS; oh yes, escort is like another word for whore... :) at least it is in NZ!! :)

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