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Inside You (working title) Preview One

This is only a preview of the story, which won't be done for quite a while and will eventually have a new title. It was going to be Part One, but the story is turning out a little different than planned, so more may be added before this. You may prefer just to wait for the real thing :) Send me your comments on where I'm headed, or let me know if you want to be notified when more of this story is posted. See also Preview Two.

Each section of this fic is from a different POV. (If you don't remember who Kirstie is on the show, one episode with her was "The Body.") The time frame is around Season 6, although it could become Season 7.


DawnWhat am I?

Am I the third Slayer? In the darkness ahead I could see the two "real" Slayers giving each other a high five. Or am I the third witch? Just behind me, Willow and Tara were strolling hand-in-hand as if we were walking through a sunny meadow instead of a spooky graveyard. Mostly I think I'm just a fifth wheel! Literally. Two of the cutest couples you ever saw... and me. Nobody for me.

Maybe I'm just a regular person... like Xander. Nope. I wish! Even Anya is more human than I am. Being the Key doesn't give me any special powers... just the knowledge that most of my life never happened. That's good and bad. Good because sixth grade was a nightmare... I always wished that had never happened! Bad because a lot of the rest of it was pretty good. Me and Mom and Dad and Buffy. You think it's a shock to find out you were adopted? How about finding out you're not even a person! And that last year you didn't even exist! That'll get you stewing in your bedroom, you can count on it.




KristieDawn thinks she's so fine. Look at her. She's so stupid! My lip curled as I watched her. "Look at Dawn! Nice hair, you look like some stupid hairy monster!" My friends laughed with me.

Dawn glared at me and mouthed the word "Bitch." Look at her forehead wrinkle up when I piss her off!

"Leave her alone! Grow up," that nerd Wendy muttered from across the locker room. "We all just got out of the pool, look at your own hair." She's almost as stupid as Dawn.

"I think Wendy's a lesbo! She's got the hots for Dawn!" We giggled. Time for one of my favorite taunts. "Dawn's a lesbo anyway, she lives with a bunch of lesbos! I bet they kiss her! With tongue!" Everybody squealed. "Ewwwwww!"

Look at Dawn putting on her tight pants. She thinks she's such a hottie.

"Dawn tried to grab my butt in the pool!" I lied. "I'm not shitting!"

"Whatever, Kirstie!" said Dawn, and hurried out of the locker room. As always, my friends and I pretended to be scared and hold our skirts down as she went by. We giggled some more. Look at her turn red. She's so pissed! Ha!

"Hurry up, you'll be late for class, lesbo!" I passed on the latest gossip about Dawn's screwed up life. "Johnny said her creepy sister's a lesbo too, he saw her making out with her girlfriend! At the cemetery!"




WillowOne too many shoes had vanished into the vortex.

"Dawn?" I called. "Dawn?" I was in a hurry and in no mood to chase around looking for Buffy's sister. Crap! What am I supposed to wear? Borrowing my shoes is all well and good, but leaving me just five shoes–few of which matched–was too much. It wasn't the first time Dawn had stolen something–although I chose to think of it as borrowing without returning.

With a sigh, I knocked on Dawn's door. No answer. I entered, and immediately found several of my shoes under the Key's bed. Not the ones I needed for my date with Tara, though. I approached Dawn's closet. Dawn does not like people going through her things, but she's especially territorial about her closet. Legend tells of a magic kingdom in there, buried under mountains of laundry. I knew I shouldn't open it without permission, but Dawn had taken my shoes! I opened the door, half-expecting to find some dark secret inside.

A human arm tumbled out. I screamed.



DawnI chained my bike up by the back door. Willow and Tara were going on a date, and Faith and Buffy were at the Magic Box moving shelves for Anya. Or something. Anyway it looked like I'd have some time alone for once. I love them all, they're the best, but this house seems so crowded sometimes!

I found Willow sitting in the hall upstairs, holding her face in her hands. I knew she must be late for her date with Tara by now. Oh, no, did they have a fight? I hate it when Willow and Tara fight! They had not fought in so long, I thought everything was cool!

"Why, Dawn? Are you crazy?"

I felt myself go pale. Crap. I know I'm not always a good little girl, but there was only one thing Willow could have found to get her this worked up. Damn it! What was she doing in my closet, anyway?

I shrugged. I was pissed. "I don't know why. I just did it."

"Does Buffy know?"

"Nobody knows. Except you, snooping in my closet!"

"You have all my shoes, practically, Dawn!"

I sat down and leaned back against the wall across from Willow, looking down at the floor. I hate fighting with my friends. "I'm sorry. I'll get them all for you." I looked up, acting pretty guilty probably. "Please don't tell anyone, Willow!"

Willow sighed. "It just really scared me, Dawn. I can't believe you kept that! Does it even work?"

"All the pieces go together and I can turn it on, but it doesn't do anything. It just gets warm." I shrugged. "At least, I'm pretty sure I got all the pieces."

"Maybe I can fix it," Willow said, thoughtfully. I could tell she was interested. She loves that kind of challenge.

"That would be awesome! Do you think you can?"

"I don't know... I'd kind of like to try. I'm late for Tara now, but maybe we'll see what we can do later tonight. If I get my shoes back!"

I hugged Willow, "You're the best!"

"And let's keep this our secret for now, OK? It's a little weird somehow. Why do you want it, anyway?"

"I don't know. I just like it. It's so cool! It doesn't hurt anything."

"I guess not... It is pretty cool. But I still can't believe you kept it!"

Willow hurried downstairs and drove off. I went in my closet and took out two arms, two legs, the head and the body. Before standing the body up on the floor to connect the head, I put a pillow down like I always do. I can't stand setting her soft crotch on the floor, the skin twists around and it just hurts to see it! Next I attached the arms. Finally I laid the robot on the bed to put on the legs. I pressed all around the seams and the fake skin went back together almost like new. Buffybot is just amazing!

The robot's nude body looked almost perfect. A few strips of fake skin had come off the frame when the demons tore it apart, but I had glued them back. Mostly all the parts fit perfectly now. I would think it was my sister for real, except for a few tears and dents I couldn't fix right.

I pressed my fingers against the front of her pelvic bone and the base of her spine, at the same time. Click! Her eyes opened and her skin suddenly warmed up. I could see her dry eyes get wet, and her tongue too. She even had a wet tongue and eyes! It always seemed like Buffybot would breathe and speak at any moment. Maybe tonight she would!

I ran my hands over the fake skin of her belly, and moved her arms and legs, and pulled on her nose. Now that the robot was turned on and warm, it felt just like a person. It was so cool! Now–what to wear? I went to my usual source of clothes for Buffybot: Buffy's dirty laundry. I grabbed underwear, a blouse and a skirt, and dressed her up real nice. Then I put two of Willow's shoes on her. I returned all the others like I promised.

The last thing I did was brush her pretty hair. Buffy lets me brush her hair too, but I can make Buffybot's hair any way I want. I guess she's just a big doll for me! I hope Willow can make her go again. She was a total freak but it was nice to have her around when Buffy was... wasn't around. Buffybot made me so sad, cause she wasn't really Buffy, but I don't think I would of made it without her. And I feel kinda bad for her in a way.

I bet that bitch Kirstie would crap her pants if she saw my robot. Buffybot is way cooler than anything Kirstie ever had!


Continue to Preview Two.

I have lots of surprises planned, so check back! Other stories come first for me, though. This is a long-term project. If you'd like me to let you know when more is posted, email me. In the meantime, try "Witch's Faith"or "I Have Never Been to Boston".


I would be grateful if you would give me your comments and rate my stories in my Guestbook, or email me. Reader responses will determine whether I publish more stories, and will help improve them! Thanks for reading!

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