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illustrationillustrationWitch's Faith
Episode 19 – Watcher

Beginning of story ~ List of all 32 episodes


Faith answered the knock at her door to find that Mrs. Betts had returned. The two Slayers glared at the woman. "Have you brought my new Watcher?" asked Faith with a sneer.

"I have. Ms. Summers, I intend to use your training equipment at the Magic Box."

"You?" asked Faith.

"Me. I am your new Watcher. I will train you and I will evaluate your actions so the Council can decide your fate. Now let's get started. I want to see how much of your strength you've regained."

"But you just want me to fail!" Not to mention that Mrs. Betts did not look the part of one who would train a warrior, with her graying hair, stern glasses and sedentary build.

Mrs. Betts stepped close to Faith. "I am certain you will fail. You and Elise are allies now more then ever. But I don't want you to fail. I have a duty as a Watcher, and I will fulfill it. I will train you to the best of my abilities. And then, if I have trained an enemy as I believe, I will see to it that you are destroyed. Until that decision, you will do what I tell you and you will become a better Slayer." Faith seemed to recall her so-called Watcher Gwendolyn saying something similar–shortly before betraying Faith. Mrs. Betts looked at Buffy. "You already know one of my students, I believe. One Rupert Giles, who learned a great deal from me once upon a time. He was not the best Watcher I have trained, but in the end he did an adequate job here in Sunnydale."



"How is training going?" asked Buffy on the way back to Faith's place that evening. Faith was lying in the back seat, tired and sore.

"Mrs. Betts hates me," said Faith, bitterly. "I think she overworked me just to make me suffer. But she does know how to fight." Buffy was surprised to hear that. "I am already learning new skills, and I can tell I'm getting stronger every day. I thought I trained pretty well in prison, but I realize now that I've lost some of what I used to know. So... I'll put up with her. For now." It was important for Faith to believe she had a choice.

"I called Giles and asked about her," said Buffy. "He says she is–and I quote–'a heartless, mean-spirited tyrant, obsessed with close combat while neglecting projectile and throwing weapons.'"

"I'd say he does know her. What did he say about me being around?"

"Well, 'heartless' and 'mean-spirited' did come up again. But he had nothing bad to say about your weapons use... Anyway, he left here so I could make my own decisions, so he has to accept it when I tell him you're good."

Good. That simple word always felt great when Faith heard people use it about her.

A short while later, after showering, Faith sat on the bed in a towel while Buffy brushed out her wet hair. "I was thinking, Faith, it might be good to go back to my house now, if you think you're ready to see more of Willow and Tara. You could sleep on the couch, and we'd all be able to work together much better on Elise. And I feel bad being away from Dawn so much. It's been two weeks."

"You can go any time, Buffy, I'm fine here. And it's close to my job, which I'll be doing again most evenings... if I have any energy left after working out!"

"Well I don't know, I was really just thinking out loud..." said Buffy. "I might just stay here a while longer anyway. Willow and Tara take good care of Dawn. Or whatever, it doesn't really matter."

Faith smiled and leaned forward so Buffy could brush the back better. "You just love taking care of me, don't you, B.?"

Buffy didn't answer, but to herself she thought, So what if I do?

Faith dressed, and Buffy wished she would do it in the bathroom for some privacy. She got the impression that Faith liked to show off her body, and it made Buffy uncomfortable.

The phone rang. "Hello–Slayers' Love Nest." Buffy rolled her eyes. Faith had her good spirits back, at least. "How's life?..." Faith listened to the caller's response. "Wow, that sounds like fun... Yep. Here she is." Faith handed Buffy the phone. "For you, of course. Nobody ever calls me on my own phone...."

It was Dawn, asking when Buffy and Faith were coming home. "Dawn wants you to come back," Buffy explained after hanging up. "She cleared out two closets just for you. You see, Dawn is the official manager of my Adopt-a-Lesbian program, and she's anxious to see my collection grow. Once the couch is taken, we'll have to add on to the house." Faith smiled. She wished she had a sister of her own. "And Faith... Willow and Tara want you back, too."

Faith thought about this. "I like my place, though, you've fixed it up so nice." It was true: fabric hid the dingy walls, and a handful of minor repairs had gone a long way. "Plus I do need to be able to work."

Buffy said, "I'll take you to work and pick you up. You can keep this place–what is it, fifteen dollars a week?–and just see how it goes living back with us. I think it would be really great." Faith was still unsure. "Come on, Faith, Dawn will be so disappointed if you don't come!"

"All right!" Faith laughed, giving in. She did miss Buffy's house. It still felt like home somehow. Then her mood darkened and she picked up the phone again. "I'd better tell Mrs. Bitch where I'll be."



As the two packed up to move, Faith found herself noticing new things about Buffy. The little reflective smile that meant she was reminded of something pleasant. The way the muscles of her upper legs moved when she climbed onto a stool to reach a high cabinet. The way her breasts pushed forward when she reached back to tie her hair into a ponytail. Faith sighed. It may not be love, Buffy was right, but she wanted Buffy badly. Making jokes–that Buffy was spending an unusual amount of time packing Faith's underwear, or that Faith could really use a good chest massage–offered very little relief. Faith found herself masturbating on the toilet to relieve the tension. This, too, offered little relief.

That's when Faith first decided to embark on a difficult project. She would seduce Buffy.

Faith had long ago perfected the art of seduction. Dozens of men and women had been lured into her bed, only to be kicked right back out again, rejected by Faith before she could become close enough to be rejected by them. There had even been a period in her life, in L.A., when Faith had prided herself on seducing straight women. She had an excellent success rate, although sometimes she used her strength to force first-timers farther than they were ready to go. But that kind of abuse was in Faith's past, and attempting to use force on Buffy would be foolish indeed. Nonetheless, Faith would have her fellow Slayer, no matter what it took! She relished the challenge almost as much as the desired outcome.

No time like the present... Faith changed into a low-cut tank top and a short skirt, letting it flip high while modeling it for Buffy, asking whether it made her hips look strange. Buffy made an honest effort to see what Faith was asking, and peered at Faith's thighs and buttocks, looking at how the fabric hung off of the dark Slayer's perfect curves. Then she caught on. "Actually, Faith, it makes your ass look massive." She went back to loading weapons into paper sacks.



Patrol was short that night: Willow and Tara and Dawn had a "welcome back" party planned for eleven o'clock. Chinese and Mexican carry-out, Dawn's famous ground pepper milkshakes, dancing, and much laughter made the Slayers feel very happy to be back with their friends. When Faith danced with Willow, the witch barely felt cold at all. Her recovery was slow but going well. Faith even danced with Xander and Tara.

Both Slayers thought they could detect apprehension in Willow and Tara. But the witches denied it, determined to show their friends a good time and not let the Oracle ruin it.

"Thanks guys," said Faith as the party wrapped up, but her smile was directed at Willow.

Afterwards, Buffy was wakened from a sound sleep to a tapping on her doorframe. Faith stood in the doorway, clutching her pillow. She wore a long but sheer nightie, her body silhouetted in the light from the hall.

"Hey, Buffy," she said softly, "I can't sleep on the couch. Can I... come in here?"

Buffy was silent for a time, waking up slowly from deep sleep. "Of course, Faith. Any time."

Faith practically skipped over to the bed and jumped in. The bedding was warm from Buffy, and it felt great even though the magical cold was long since gone from Faith's body.

Buffy patted Faith on the head and then carried her pillow to the door. "Sleep tight!" she whispered, and closed the door behind her. Climbing under the blanket on the couch, she too found the human warmth that lingered there to be quite pleasant.

In the darkness of Buffy's bedroom, Faith lay alone, wide awake, crying softly and not knowing why. Buffy's blouse had been hanging on the bedpost, and Faith held it to her chest, balled up like a shapeless teddy bear.

She slept on the couch without complaint from then on.



It was not long before Faith was at the peak of her powers once again, as well as being freshly trained in numerous forms of fighting. She enjoyed teaching Dawn a few of the new tricks she had learned from Mrs. Betts, and Dawn came home one evening giggling with delight at having achieved her first backflip. A bookshelf in the living room paid the price when she tried to show off by performing her second.

Faith continued teasing Buffy about having a physical relationship, and Buffy could tell there was some sincere desire behind the jokes. She tried to be honest and not leave Faith's feelings vulnerable to rejection. "Faith, I know most of my friends think I'm nuts, but the thought of doing... anything... with another woman, really is repellent to me. It's just not everyone's thing."

"You've never noticed another woman being attractive?" asked Faith, even now striking a sensual pose against Buffy's car. The Slayer was picking her up after work, and had her window rolled down a little to talk while Faith threw some things in the trunk.

"Sure I have. I can tell when a woman is attractive. You are gorgeous and you know it. But I am not myself attracted to women. So... the walking around in your underwear, and the forgetting to wear a bra, and the rubbing up against me, and... all the other games... they're cute, they're amusing... but I hope you don't think they are actually sexy."

"Of course not, B! Not that I see you dating men at all either, but you're probably just busy, what with patrolling and going out with me all the time." She gave a slow, lewd wink, and pressed her chest into the glass in front of Buffy's face. She had worn a bra today... but somehow it had vanished shortly before Buffy arrived.

"Get in the car! You're hopeless, you know that?"



The Scoobies spent their time investigating two problems: where was Elise's underground base? And where were her followers? It seemed that Elise didn't keep them all in one place, so Buffy and Faith tracked down and slew numerous small cells as they came to light. They were often assisted by others, usually Willow and Tara, but someone stayed with Dawn at all times. Dawn thought she could already slay anything that came at her, but confidence alone would be little defense against an army of demons and vampires. The next attempt on the Key was long overdue.

Faith and Buffy tore through Elise's followers ruthlessly, finding the heady rush of slaying even more satisfying because it was shared. Mrs. Betts seemed satisfied with their progress, and with Faith's participation. Then one evening, by pure luck, they struck gold. The group they had been tracking was meeting, as expected, in a remote corner of one of the newer cemeteries. But what neither Slayer had expected was that Elise herself would be leading the meeting!

A demon sentry raised the alarm before the Slayers could sneak up on the assembly, but they had planned in advance what to do if they ever found Elise, and Buffy pursued only her, ignoring all other attackers. Faith dispatched many of the others as they fled, then turned to see Buffy plant a fatal stake in Elise. Buffy helped mop up more of the other monsters, and as she kicked a demon into the path of Faith's axe, Faith was startled to see Elise slipping behind a mausoleum in the distance. Damn her!

Faith shouted to Buffy. "Elise had a decoy! Someone who looked a little like her! This way!" The Slayers ran to where the real Elise had last been seen, but there was a wide area where she might have gone. Faith and Buffy split up to search more ground.



It was Faith who finally located Elise. The vampire was scrambling over an eight-foot stone wall, and Faith leapt to grab her ankle and pull her back down. Elise fell to the ground with a grunt and leapt to her feet. Faith grabbed her by the throat and slammed her to the wall, holding her there with her feet dangling above the ground. Faith's hand under her chin was painful but not immediately dangerous for a vampire. Elise kicked Faith in the stomach and clawed at her fingers, receiving a painful squeeze in return. Elise stopped struggling and glared at Faith.

Faith looked her former ally, struck again by her beauty and diminutive stature. She was just under five feet tall, and although she would never speak of her past, she must have been several years younger than Faith when she died. Her long, straight black hair and pale, perfect skin seemed appropriate for a vampire, but her round, innocent face and large brown eyes did not. And her short black dress, cinched at the waist with a black rope and ornate silver buckle, did not seem to be the uniform of a dictator.

It occurred to Faith that Elise used her unimposing appearance as an advantage: the incongruity of such ruthless power in such tiny hands was, it its own way, as intimidating as powerful muscles and a menacing countenance. It made Elise seem almost mystical in her leadership, and suggested that she had powers unseen to the eye. It wasn't true of course: her only powers were ambition and an iron will. Obviously, though, that was plenty.

Faith took a stake from her belt with her free hand and contemplated how much information she might be able to get from Elise before slaying her. None, she decided, and held the sharp stake to the creature's heart, while the rage and hatred in Elise's eyes bored into her.

Faith found herself hesitating to carry out the act. Her lust for slaying was undiminished, and the comfortable deadliness of the stake in her hand felt perfect. But her slayer instincts now held a dark new dimension she had seldom felt before and never understood. She needed something more than slaying from this vampire. Faith stood frozen, almost dizzy with the need for... what?

Faith was surprised to notice that the point of her stake had wandered to press directly beneath Elise's left nipple, which stood out clearly through her thin dress. A darkness welled up from deep inside the Slayer. She circled the nipple slowly with the wooden point, watching it enlarge. Pressing a little harder, she created a small tear, and Elise's nipple was exposed. Still holding Elise off the ground, Faith leaned forward to lick the vampire's nipple, a deep pink against the nearly white skin of her tiny breast. Faith's breath was shaky, her actions controlled by a frightening part of herself that was not entirely unwelcome. A part of herself that had never come to the surface so strongly.

Elise looked down in horror, her mouth twisted in disgust. She had lived in a time and culture that would have condemned a woman to death for loving another woman. Now, she was being forcibly touched in the most intimate and offensive ways, the pain at her throat warring with unwilling pleasure beneath Faith's tongue. Faith began sliding the point of the stake over Elise's young body, hard enough to hurt a little but seldom actually ripping the vampire's clothes. The stake slipped under the short dress and found Elise's sex, and Faith scratched the tip up and down the surface of the vampire's panties. Then she dropped the stake to feel that place with her hand. It angered her slightly that her fingertips could detect no sign of arousal, and she bit Elise's nipple, not quite hard enough to break the skin. She explored more, running her free hand over Elise's form, both inside her clothing and out.

Elise's short stature made it easy for Faith to lift the vampire's dress and lower her head between the Elise's legs. Elise began to writhe and hiss. The Slayer's teeth tore the crotch of her panties apart and she began to feed. The only moisture at first was her own saliva, but soon, in an ironic reversal, the Slayer was tasting the liquids of the vampire's body.

Elise was used to stalking and ending human lives, not to becoming prey herself. She screamed and her demon face appeared. This sight did not alarm Faith nor bring her to her senses, but only magnified her strange dark lust.

Suddenly Elise fell silent and stopped struggling. An evil glint appeared in her eye. She could see this situation as hopeless... or she could turn it to her advantage. She began making the sounds that the Slayer wanted to hear, rolling her hips as though overcome with passion. It worked, and Faith soon stopped her hateful licking and sucking, strangely thrilled to believe she had brought a vampire to orgasm. Faith had committed rape in the past, and those memories made her feel terrible. But this felt.... not good exactly, but somewhere beyond good and evil. Faith needed this contact.

Faith needed her own release as well, and her arm was tiring from holding Elise to the wall. She was already incredibly aroused, and she lifted Elise's bare knee against the crotch of her slacks, pressing it into herself roughly. Elise, meanwhile, was already plotting how to use this strange development to gain power over Faith. She ignored the painful abrasion as Faith humped her leg, climaxing silently with the strangest expression on her face. It was an orgasm that felt not unlike the thrilling moment of a clean slaying.

The tiny vampire seized the moment of weakness she had been waiting for.



Elise slipped quickly away through the trees. Neither she nor Faith knew that two pairs of eyes in the shadows had witnessed their unusual encounter. Buffy considered chasing Elise, but the vampire was already out of sight in the darkness. Mrs. Betts, hidden from both Slayers, nodded to herself grimly.


Continue to Episode 20 – Seduction.

Willow looked thoughtfully at Faith, not sure how to bring up the thing she really wanted to discuss. Faith had a sundae with chocolate syrup–one of many foods that would forever remind her of the day she had licked all her meals off of Faith's naked flesh.


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