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Another follow-up to CV-1.



The guard is wearing a rain hood, and now I know why. He opens the door and it's pouring so hard I can hardly make out the CV trailers across the courtyard.

"Why don't we wait a minute," he says, rubbing his gray beard, "It's pretty bad now."

We stand in the doorway watching the rain, and the guard doesn't stop Buffy from taking my hand.

"By the way," he says, "congratulations."

We thank him, and after a minute or two the rain gets a little lighter.

Despite the rules, the guard doesn't insist on holding my arm all the way to the trailer. "CV-1," he says. "Better run for it!"

We race hand-in-hand through the rain, skidding on the gravel, and scramble into the first trailer without getting too terribly soaked. A few moments later we hear the lock click shut outside. The rain thunders on the thin roof. It's a nice sound. Been a long time since I heard rain like that.


I kick off my shoes and jump on the bed as Buffy unbuckles hers. Our eyes meet and neither of us can speak for some time. I bet she can hear my heart pounding even over the rain. "Come here, my love!" I whisper in my sexiest voice.

She approaches, but sits in the nearest chair instead of joining me.

"Actually, I thought it would be nice just to chat."

You are so full of shit, B! Fine, I can call that bluff... "That does sound nice. So... how's work?"

"Boring. Pays the bills."

Inane small talk. I lounge back on the bed, allowing the dress, slit far too high, to fall open around my waist. I tell her how I've managed to get in the occasional workout even though I'm working longer hours, saving up for my lawyer. Guess I can stop working every shift now, thanks to my friends.

We fall silent. I am forced to sink into the ultimate small talk. "So, what's the weather been doing in Sunnydale? I don't–" She's on me without warning, sucking my tongue out of my mouth. The sudden rush of desire I feel actually surprises me. After two months apart and then a day of barely-controlled public displays of affection, I didn't think I could want her more!

"You're too easy, B!"

"Faith, you've been driving... me... crazy... all day, with the red bikini!"

"That's the idea. Why don't you get rid of it if it bugs you so much. Or at least... you can try."

We scuffle, and there's a lot of pent-up tension in it. We're grunting and laughing and slamming each other all over the walls and floor. I'm afraid there may be a little damage to the trailer this time. Her dress is tight enough that she can pull it up to her waist and move freely. Mine hangs and gets in the way, almost ripping once or twice. But still I fight her off.

She gets my underwear halfway to my knees a couple of times but I pull it back up just as quickly. Finally, though, I decide to let her win. After all, how can I lose? So I let myself get caught off-balance and wind up on the floor. I start fighting with everything I've got again, but my mistake was a serious one. It's not long before she's sitting on my chest facing away from me, her dress bunched up around her hips as she pins my arms to my sides. Her eyes twinkle as she looks over her shoulder at me, the remnants of my red bikini hanging from her teeth.

She leans forward to kiss my legs, and now the fighting is over. We're making love, so slowly and gently, sometimes we aren't even moving. At some point I lift her into my arms and carry her to the bed. She kisses every part of me, just as she promised. I've dreamed of her mouth on me a hundred times, but the reality if far more intimate and wonderful than I could have imagined. She plays with the tips of my breasts at the same time, and my orgasm sure seems to last the full day she promised!

My dress is long gone, and hers has fallen down around her waist. I know she had a bra but I don't recall what happened to it. I help her the rest of the way out of her clothing, and spend a long, long time trying to make her feel as good as she just made me feel. I use my mouth on her and her taste is wonderful. But when her climax approaches I moisten my fingers with saliva and switch to using my hand. You see, when it happens I want to be kissing her mouth, her eyes... watching every twitch and grimace of her beautiful face. "I love you, Buffy."

Her body contracts on my fingers. "I... love... love you... Faith! ...Faith! ...Faith!"



We cuddle tightly for a long time. I want every moment with her to stretch into a day, a month... until I wake up free. Free to be with my dear, sweet Buffy. My dear sweet wife. Free to slay by her side at last!

I kiss the slight, dreamy smile that she saves up just for me. "Hungry, darling?" Her eyebrows lift. "For food, B!" A little disappointment in her eyes?

I wriggle back into my dress and grab the pre-heated foam-packed meals from the cupboard. I know tonight's menu: the infamous mostly-boneless-fish-fry. Ugh. But someone back in the kitchen has a heart: they've substituted lasagna–widely known as the finest food this place can manage to cough up.

"Doesn't look so bad," says Buffy, "I'm so hungry I'm not sure I haven't just been out slaying!"

"If you were slaying, you'd be horny too. Deny it all you like, B." Buffy still doesn't like to admit how she feels after the hunt. But it's in our blood. I know she comes back from patrol with same cravings I always do. Well... always did.

"Well then... that settles it... I must have been slaying." She walks over, still nude, and kisses me, wrapping her legs around my hips. I take her weight easily with my hands on her bottom.

"We... don't... have to eat," I breathe, wide-eyed.

She kisses me again and then jumps down. "Yes we do. It's getting cold. But... is there jello?"

"Have you learned nothing about the California penal system? There's always jello. Why?"

"It's our wedding night, darling. It's hard to make a prison meal into a romantic dinner, but... jello might help! Do you remember paragraph nine of your forty-first letter?"

"No, I.... Oh." I don't count my letters to her, but I do remember mentioning jello once long ago. A whole meal in fact. "Well, Buffy... you know how I get in my letters! Really, I don't even think that would work!"

"Probably not, but..." she breaks one of the two plastic sporks in half. "Oh! Look what I've done! One of us will have to do without." She takes both trays of lasagna to the bed, lies down, and scoops up a small bite. She deposits it on her perfect, bare stomach. "You can eat out of the tray like a dog, Faith... or we can try what you wrote."

Feeling silly, I reach for the bite of food. She catches my wrist. "Your letter, Faith. Paragraph nine. Don't try to tell me you forgot." I shrug and lean down, feeling sillier still, and take the food into my mouth without using my hands. A little sauce left behind. Lick it off of her.

I glance up, our eyes meet, and I'm not feeling silly anymore. I may be the bold one when it comes to dreaming up vile new ways to be intimate... but it's generally her who makes us actually try them!

Now my turn. I place a bite of food between my breasts and it's soon gone. We alternate, eating off of one another's chests, stomach... even her sweet little butt! I thought it would be messy, but with careful licking we keep each other quite clean. I rise reluctantly to throw the trays in the trash bag by the door.

When I get back, I see some of my green jello is missing. "You started dessert without me."

"I did no such thing. In fact, you get to have dessert first."

I look around. No sign of the missing jello. Surely she didn't....! "I give up, B, where's the jello?"

She smiles and shakes her head. "Explore a little. You'll find it." Seeing my shocked expression, she rolls her eyes. "You wrote it, not me!"



"Do you think I got it all?" Buffy looks up at me after finishing her own dessert. I'm still gasping after yet another orgasm and decline to answer. Wow. If she starts taking those letters literally... well... again, wow.

She climbs up over me and brings her face to mine. The gleam in her eyes tells me what's next. Sex it not the only fun we can have together!

A kick–gentle by Slayer standards–sends her reeling to the floor. Best to strike first, I figure. She leaps to her feet and the fight is on.

As usual, we laugh and squeal at first, but as the workout intensifies we can't spare the breath. Sweat is pouring off our naked bodies as we punch, trip, and pin one another. What I wouldn't give for just ten minutes with her in a bigger room, to really do this right!

"Guess I haven't gone soft, B!" Even with my reduced workout sessions, I'm an even match for her.

"Definitely not." She kisses me, just the tiniest peck on the lips, and brings her knee up hard between my legs. Instead of falling back helplessly as she intended, I grab her shoulders and push her down, landing on my feet.

"Nice try, B!" But she's got a vice grip on my ankle, and if I'm not careful... slam! On the floor, and she's all over me. But I'm too quick. I twist an arm behind her back, immobilizing her face down, and roll my weight onto her. Quite by accident her hand ends up near my genitals.

"Buffy! That's... that's cheating!" What she's doing to me is hardly a valid fighting technique! It's interfering with my control quite effectively, though. OK... focus... treat it like pain... shut it away in the back of my mind and fight. I shift to get away from her hand, and it's all she needs to get one leg under her and shove me off her back. Suddenly she's on top of me, face to face, and I'm struggling to get my wrists free of her Slayer grip. Her knee comes up between my legs again. Only... gently this time.

Two can play at that. I lift my own knee, and press tenderly into her soft heat. I suppose the fighting is over.

Our eyes meet and I know two things. We love each other so powerfully that words could never scratch the surface of our souls' union. And the fighting is not over.

You don't last long as a Slayer if you can't manage pain. So I manage my pleasure the same way. Bury it, and concentrate on hers instead. Her eyes flutter closed, just for an instant, and I know I have her. I launch her back into the air and regain my feet just as she does. A kick in the hip to spin her around and then slam her into the wall. Bad idea. She braces off the wall and kicks back with both legs. I absorb the blow to my stomach, staggering back. As she dives for me, I dive lower, and grabbing her tightly around the waist I force my head between her thighs. She tries to pry my arms free, and soon she'll succeed... so I make the most of the time, using my lips and tongue to break through her control. But she throws us both off balance and topples us onto the trailer floor. A chair spins around and around on its pivot. Now she forces a hand between my legs and tries to do to me what I'm still doing to her with my mouth. I wince but maintain my focus. She stops struggling briefly, then comes to her senses again and tries to fight me off. But it's too late. She let her guard down, let herself feel what I'm doing. She climaxes loudly, a tremor passing through every muscle. And before long, the pleasure I buried but could not stop becomes too much. Her fingers bring me slow, sweet release.

We don't speak, but simply lie limply in each other's arms. I know now that we've found the ultimate contest of Slayer strength. The ultimate way to test and hone our skills. The ultimate way to share our love. I used to think the only thing better than a playful fight with my Buffy was making love to her. But best of all is to have both at once!



We slept like logs... for about two hours... but now it's time to leave. No time for breakfast–gotta get dressed. The guards will come for us in twenty minutes. Please let me get minimum security! Every time I must wait two months to be with my Buffy, it hurts worse than the last time. Minimum security might just cut that time in half!

But I realize I've got a more urgent problem to deal with. "Oh, no!"


"Look at me, B!"

"Oh, I am."

The dress slit to the waist showed off my bikini nicely for my new bride. But now that Buffy's teeth have turned that bikini into an unwearable rag... it shows off that I have no underwear!

Her hand slips through the slit.

"Buffy I... ohh... Buffy... I'm serious, we don't have much time... I... I need..." I'm trying to push her hand away, but somehow it's a half-hearted attempt. Another fight? I can't... no time for that.

"What do you need, Faith?"

Her eyes have captured mine, and I can't think. "I... I need... I need your panties, Buffy!" Her dress is long enough to make it home without.

"Do you?" She kisses my throat as her fingers work slowly into me. "They're a little damp I'm afraid."

"I don't care... I... need them..."

"Well then," she whispers into my ear, "why don't you just try and get them?"



Five days after the wedding. Buffy's been out of touch, catching up on the slaying, but she's here for a visit at last. "How's your sister?" I ask.

"Not great, but she'll live. She never really understood how much we love each other until the wedding. Now I have to be extra careful not to get all sappy and go on and on about you so much. She used to give the finger-down-the-throat sign and make gagging sounds... but now she just gets kinda quiet and sad. She is of the opinion that if you get married in prison, they should let you out."

"Did you tell her I deserve to be here?"

"I told her you think you do. She doesn't buy it. We had a little cry together, actually."

"Oh. She's a great kid, Buffy. I got a really nice note from her."

"She said you wrote back. And I notice you talk a while when she answers the phone. I'm glad you two little kids are getting to know each other... finally!"

"Yeah. Sorry about... well, you know... I wasn't real nice to her."

"Well that's all the past now. You were just scared of her. Don't ask me why... but you were."

"What can I say? I guess she's not as menacing as she looks." I smile sheepishly. "Say... maybe I should give her a call today... while you're on the way back home, so she knows I called just for her. Tell her things are OK. Get the dirt on you that you don't tell me!"

"That would be really sweet. All except the last part," she says, with narrowed eyes.

"You know, B, Dawn says that her and me used to pick on you. Before I turned on everybody."

"You two were mean, mean, mean! You always took her side, just like Mom! No wonder she used to think you were so great."

"Easy there, honey! Sounds like fun. Wish I remembered all that!"

"You two used to call me 'Puffy'... what was that all about?"

"You're asking the girl who wasn't there. But I'll give you a thorough examination for puffiness in a couple of months."

"Well I hope you and Dawn can find something else in common this time! Like Willow and Tara... What you did for them counts for a lot in Dawn's book."

"How are those two witches? I've gotten letters from both of them, too... they sound pretty happy!"

"Well, Willow's been sleeping over at Tara's almost every night. I bet she moves out soon. I'll be sorry to see her go, but it's worth it to have them together finally. Whatever you said to Tara, it worked. They could stay with me... but they're afraid it might make me feel bad to hear them... being together... all the time. And I guess they're right." Her face darkens. "Faith... I'm almost afraid to ask... have you talked to your lawyer, about..."

"Getting transferred to minimum security? Yeah. She's started working on it, going over my records and all the details. I'm not gonna get my hopes up, but she thinks there's a good chance. You'd be driving an extra hour, you know."

"But we could get conjugal visits every month?"

"Yeah, probably. And we could visit at a table without glass any time!" I cannot imagine just being able to clasp my Buffy's hand every week. That would almost mean more to me than the CVs!

"Oh, Faith! How can we not get our hopes up?"

"Do what I do. Just don't think about it. We might know in a few weeks, one way or the other."

"And... your sentence...?"

I shake my head sadly. "It's just a transfer. Nothing to do with my sentence. Eight to fifteen years, that's not gonna change." Her eyes fill with tears. I know it's hard not to hope for a miracle. "Still, it would look good in my parole file. Might help me get closer to eight. I've already served over two and a half... almost a third of the way there if I'm lucky!"

I tried to make that cheerful but neither of us feels that way. We take one of our silent moments, telling each other without words how much we love each other.

Buffy sighs a little and forces a smile. "I've got something to show you." She takes out a folded piece of paper. Actually, it looks like a greeting card, only made with a photocopier. Drawing of a rose on the front. "I'm sending this out to all my relatives. Isn't this a nice photo? I had a bunch of prints made." Folded inside the card is a snapshot of Buffy and I in front of the cake. I see she's chosen one that doesn't reveal my underwear.

She passes the card to a guard to give me to keep, and I take a better look at it. She's written a sweet little note of explanation on the inside. And it is a nice photo. I toy with it thoughtfully.

Buffy takes the phone again. "Dawn was a little upset that I didn't mention her at all. She knows all these people. But it's like with you... they don't know her. It's kinda sad, she doesn't have any family, except for you and me."

"I know what it's like not to have family." I hang up the phone for a second and pick up the pen that's tethered to the desk. I know I'm going to regret this, but... with a sigh I write two words on the back of the photo. Then I sign my name. As usual, that makes me smile. I just love my new signature!

I send the photo back to Buffy but I keep the card. I grab the phone again. "Buffy, would you send that to my Mom? You can give me another copy to keep."

"Of course, Faith." She reads my scribble:

My wedding.
Faith Summers

I sigh. "Not as long as your note, but she won't care anyway. And frankly I don't care if she does. I guess I just want her to know in case... one day... one of us does care. And she'll have my return address so she'll know I've gone to prison. If she wants to write back, she can. It seems so final just to disappear. Never see her again. So... now she'll know where I'm at." I shrug and give Buffy the address. Who knows if she's even there still.

Buffy looks at the photo and smiles a little. But her smile fades, and I think I know why. Does she cry herself to sleep like I do?

Actually I'm crying right now. Just a little at first. Then a lot.

"What's the matter? No... Faith...! Shhhh..." I move my hand opposite hers, but the glass keeps us apart. "Faith," she whispers into the phone, "what is it? Tell me..."

I take a shaky breath. "It's just... our wedding was the best day ever. I never thought anyone could be as happy as that. And now it's over, and we're apart again, and... that's it. That's the best that life can be, and now it's gone. I still love you... I still want to be your wife... but I almost wish that day hadn't happened. It was too good."

Buffy looks miserable now. "Don't say that, Faith! I know what you mean. I've felt the same way. But it's not true, you know. It was an awesome day, and I'll always be thankful we had it... but it was not the best day ever."

"It wasn't?"

"No. There's another day coming that's a million times better. It's not coming soon, and the wait is going to hurt... but it will happen. The day you come home."

I mouth the word almost silently. It feels foreign on my tongue. "Home..."

"Yes, Faith. Home."

I read Buffy's card again, and shed silent tears.

Hi, everyone!

Sorry I haven't kept in touch very well. I've been very busy and money's tight because of Mom's medical bills, but I have some really great news! This is a picture of my wedding. It was small, just a few friends, but it was very nice. I am so happy. My wife's name is Faith. She is from Boston but she moved to Sunnydale a few years ago and we worked at the same job for a while. Mom liked her a lot. I hope you can come visit soon and meet her. We love each other very much. Now she is in prison, but she shouldn't be there. I visit her whenever I can and some day we will be together.



Continued with "CV-10"



Notes: Buffy and Faith can't have a civil marriage with the full protection of state and federal laws. A small but vocal minority in the U.S. feel that our two girls can't fall in love and make a lifetime commitment, and they fight to keep the law on their side. But the majority feels differently, and change is inevitable, however slowly it may be coming. Knowing the issues will help you know what to fight for and who to vote for. What is "religious marriage" vs. "civil marriage" vs. "civil union" vs. "domestic partnership?" What about "separate but equal" laws for homosexual couples? (Nice start, Vermont... but we all know where "separate but equal" got us last time!) MECA has lots of info on homosexual marriage, not only in California but in other areas as well.


I would be grateful if you would give me your comments and rate my stories in my Guestbook, or email me. Reader responses will determine whether I publish more stories, and will help improve them! Thanks for reading! (If you'd like to be notified when I post new stories, let me know.

FAQ: The details of the conjugal visit thing are completely imaginary, not from experience, and may be quite inaccurate. I have never actually had a conjugal visit with a Vampire Slayer. I would, however, certainly consider it. Incarcerated Slayers may inquire here.

If you enjoyed this story, try Witch's Faith. Feeling rejected by Tara and Buffy, Willow finds herself helping Faith get out of prison–and falling in love. When the dark Slayer's plots turn deadly, Willow must betray someone she loves. But who will she choose?

Faith walked out to Willow's car in a daze. She didn't truly believe this was happening until the prison gate closed behind them and they were on the open road. The afternoon sun turned to rain and it was the sweetest sound Faith had ever heard. She wished Willow would drive faster. A hundred miles an hour... two hundred! She was ready to slay–vampire after vampire turning to dust before her. And then she wanted sex... real sex, not a stranger's head between her legs in the bathroom, forcing orgasm quickly because privacy might end at any moment. Faith glanced curiously at Willow, wondering if the girl had ever had thoughts of homosexuality.

In the back seat, Faith found a bundle of lovely, wood stakes. The real thing! The Slayer took a stake in her hands. She caressed it, felt its perfect weight. Its solidity made the future suddenly solid as well. "Hey, Red... thanks."

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