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Who is Julia?

Hi. I'm Julia. I am a 22 year old, pre-hormones and pre-op transsexual, who lives in Norristown, PA, a suburb of Philadelphia. I produce everything on Tranny Rock.

I have been diagnosed by the best psychiatrist in the whole entire world (Just my opinion) with Gender Identity Disorder. If you don't know what that means, it means that I feel like I am a female stuck in a male body. I have felt this way for a while, but couldn't put the right words to it until about two years ago. I am going through counseling at this point with no time frame set to start any type of hormones or have any type of "corrective" surgery done. I am trying to be as patient as I can, but it's tough. Living a lie for 22 years is not something that is easy to do, especially when it is so hard to tell the truth.

I go to my local community college, Montgomery County (PA) Community College, MCCC, to get my Associates Degree in Communications. The official title of the program I am part of is "Communications for Transfer," thus assuming that I am transferring to another college after finishing my 60 credits. I am planning to transfer to Temple University once I'm done my credits at MCCC. For a community college, MCCC has a very good communications program. I won't bore you with technical details, but let me suffice by saying that they have a good amount of state-of-the-art equipment, some even better than what I've seen at four-year universities. I have been going to MCCC since spring 1998, taking classes at varying rates due to part-time or full-time employment. I have suspended my education for the time being to work and earn money.


I work at the local Boston Market. If you don't know what that is, it's best described as a high-class fast-food restaurant. It used to be called Boston Chicken and has since diversified to include meatloaf, turkey and ham. We get all kinds of people there. A majority of our customers are really old with walkers, canes, oxygen tanks, etc. We also get a good African-American crowd and a good Asian-American crowd. But, with all that said, the biggest demographic we target is middle-class families. The little kids from those families are the cutest. It might be a bit annoying, but when they have no problem asking their parents, in the loudest kid voice possible, "Mommy, is dat a boy or a girl?" you just have to laugh a bit. I mean, I don't completely pass, yet, but working as a woman is very fulfilling. I feel like I now know that I am who I am. I am just completely certain now.

I'm an avid sports fan. My favorite teams are the Philadelphia Phillies baseball team and the Philadelphia Liberty Belles of the National Women's Football League, the NWFL. I became a fan of the Liberty Belles through a security guard, who is such the closet lesbian(Short haircut, short but muscular, has alot of lesbian friends, did not have any problems with me coming out to her, and played on a women's full contact football team. HELLO?!), at a former job. She was a member of the Liberty Belles, but quit after the first game because of the commitment needed compared to the lack of salary. But, I was hooked. I went to a good amount of their home games and took a road trip down to Pensacola, FL to see them play in the first ever NWFL championship game. I am also an very big college basketball fan. March madness is my favorite time of the year. I barricade myself into my apartment for the first four days of the tournament watching from Noon to Midnight. I try my hand at's bracket picking challenge, but usually throw my bracket out by the end of the first day. I don't play sports, though. I am physically inept. I can't run for shit, and I "throw like a girl," as my brother so put it. How true he was without knowing it.

I'm the youngest of three kids. I have a brother, 31, and a sister, 27. My mom and dad have been married for either 36 or 37 years, don't remember. We are all Jewish and practice at varying levels. I'm not really all that observant, so I won't make it a big deal.

My brother was just married. He is very religious. He was in a very serious accident in which he was run over by two cars and suffered severe brain damage. He has recovered, but never gave himself credit. He gave G-d credit and has been very observant of the Jewish religion ever since, even so much as to make us uncomfortable, a point which he still does not get. He is a fellow computer geek, and is actually the person from whom I inherited my computer geekiness. His wife is not the nicest person in the world, but all that matters is that my brother is happy. She can get him to shut up, so I guess that's a positive thing. Oh well...we all just have to deal with her.

My sister has been living with her "fiancee-to-be"(if he ever gets off his ass and buys the ring) boyfriend for the past Year and a half. My sister is very strong willed and very opinionated. She can be a bitch every once in a while, but that's only on my mom's lead. (I'll get to my bitch, I mean mom, later.) She is definitely the most athletic one in the family. She played basketball and softball in high school. (Was a catcher and had the obligatory career ending knee surgery in high school.) She was always better at fixing mechanical things than either my brother or I was. She likes the Indigo Girls and has been to Lilith Fair. you think she could be...dare I say it...lesbian? NAH!!! But, I've had my doubts over the past year since one of my lesbian friends brought those signs to my attention. Her boyfriend is very goofy and proves that some girls look for their father when looking for a husband. Him and I have become very friendly, even bonded, over the past year or so. We are both computer geeks, him more so than I, and we always have something to talk about. He is just fun to be with.

My mom, as you've probably already read, is a real bitch. She is the stereotypical Jewish mother. She nags all the time, sometimes past the threshold of tolerances. She is very judgmental about everything, even when it has no basis on fact. She dislikes my best friend for absolutely no reason. My mom is coming along in the acceptance process. It has been very slow in progressing, but I think I am making headway. I can talk to her about things, even though I still sense an uneasiness whenever I mention things. At least she has shown some initiative in the past few months. She is the biggest obstacle in my transition.

My dad is a goofball. If my mom was always, as I said when I was 6, "the straight and boring one," my dad was the exact opposite. He always jokes around. His jokes are getting old, and whenever we tell him that he always says, "Well, then I either have to get new jokes or get new people to tell them to." That joke is the oldest one of all. He is an avid Penn State football fan and bleeds blue and white whenever the Nitney Lions lose a game. (He must have lost quite a few pints of blood the past few weeks.)

I have three very good friends. One I have known for about six years. I met her in my 10th grade French class. We went to three proms together, (Yes. I wore a tuxedo. I hate those things! How do guys wear them without being very uncomfortable?) my junior and senior proms and her senior prom. She now lives with her boyfriend who doesn't like me at all. The feeling is mutual, so it's all good. She was the first person I ever came out to about even crossdressing stuff, and was the first person I came out to about the whole transsexual thing. She doesn't totally understand it, but accepts it. She still refuses to call me Julia sometimes, but I can't help it. In some situations, it matters, but in others, I could really care less if she called me "Gonzo" or "Feedergrelb". We both are each other's shoulder to cry on when needed. She is a little more reluctant to use mine than I am to use hers. As I mentioned, my mom does not like her. The reason she uses is that, "since everything significant that has happened socially and mentally in his (cringe)life happened since he (cringe) met her that everything was all her fault." "She turned my son (cringe) into a girl." ROFLMAO!!! All she did was let give me someone to open up to. She was the first person who I felt comfortable with telling my deepest, darkest secrets to. She allowed me to explore my feelings and grow as a human being. Now if that's a bad thing, may G-d strike me down now. I love the girl with all my heart. I do not know where I would be without her.

Another very good friend I have known for about a year. She has become so entangled in my life during the past year that it would be hard to get her out. I met her at the Attic Youth Center in Center City Philadelphia. Now, neither of us go their much anymore, but we are still good friends. We met through long talks about AV nerd stuff. (Geez. A computer geek and an AV nerd in the same package. Doesn't get any better, huh?) I became closer to her when she had to live with me for a month when she ran away from home because of a problem with her parents. She is now living in Springfield(Delco.), PA, which is about 25 to 30 minutes away, with her grandparents. I still get to see her almost every weekend. Either my best friend and/or I take the trip down there to either spend time with her in her area, or take her to spend time up here. She is lesbian, so I have been gradually introduced into that lifestyle. I now like the Indigo Girls because of her. (Scary, isn't it?) She is the one helping me with this website. Nice job, isn't it? (The color was definately my idea. If she picked the color, it would probably be plaid or something.)

My other close friend is off-the-wall. She is just so much fun to be with. She is my best frien's cousin We have become very close during the past 4 years I've known her. She's originally from New York City, as her whole family is, and has been moving from there to here and back and then back to here for the past few years, and has finally decided to stay here. I am so excited! Her, by best friend and I spend alot of time at Denny's, not as much as we used to, but we still go every once in a while. We spend all night, and sometimes part of the day (5:00 AM, when all the morning breakfast people start walking in.) talking, playing cards, and genarally relaxing and getting away from the real world for a while. She is very accepting of me, and we have "gone out on the town" a few times in Philly. The only thing I really don't understand about her is her undying love for Harry Potter and everything that goes with it. I guess it goes along with her love of fairies and glitter. I love her so much. I hope she never moves back to NYC.

Well, that's all you ever wanted to know about me...and more. If you have any questions for me, click on the email link on the left.


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